My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 145: Emperor Jun's reaction

When Fuxi learned the truth, he left the human race. Although Fuxi still wanted to find out among the Wu people, from the current situation, Fu Xi is not very good to understand among the Wu people.

At this time, the Wu people are very disgusted with the demon, so they are such people who hate the demon very much.

Fu Xi thought a lot on the way back to the demon clan. Although this was an accident, the Kuafu collapsed because of his own reasons in the process of chasing Jinwu.

But the reason behind this is indeed that the ten golden whales walked themselves in the flood, and then released their own big golden flame completely, causing a series of fires to appear in many places in the flood, causing large areas of land to become It was barren, because the flame of the golden sun was so strong.

When Fu Xi was on the road, he thought about this series of problems. Even if these ten golden Wuwu really made mistakes, how should they be handled?

It is impossible to let Dijun and Taiyi give the ten golden Wuwu to the Wu people for disposal, but this must arouse the dissatisfaction of the Wu people.

But this matter is indeed very difficult to deal with.

Fu Xi didn't think about it so much, and went directly back to the heavenly court. The following things could only be done with his best efforts.

After Fu Xi arrived at the Heavenly Court, Emperor Jun and Tai Yi hurriedly asked Fu Xi to tell them about the situation on the mainland.

Fu Xi told Emperor Jun and Tai Yi of what they saw on the wasteland.

"Your Majesty, I went to the wilderness to look at the high mountain that Kwafu had transformed into after his death. There was indeed a remnant of the flame of the sun in the mountain, which almost tore apart the body of Kuafu. Following the path of Kuafu chasing ten princes, he walked again and found that there was a stream on the road, and there was a lot of salt in the stream.

The salt should be dripping from Kuafu ’s sweat, and then a stream formed by rain, but I tasted it. There is a lot of salt in it, indicating that the proportion of sweat is very large. Then the forest grasslands and swamps on both sides of the creek became dead in the flames of the sun. There was only a scorched tree trunk left in the forest, only scorched soil left on the grassland, and the swamps were all dried up.

Then I asked the human race beside this stream. They saw the whole process of the chase father chasing ten princes, but from their mouth I got a more critical news. "

At this time, Di Jun was already listening very seriously, and then heard that there were more critical things, Di Jun quickly asked.

"What is it?"

"According to these humans living in Shouyangshan, these ten princes went to the Honghuang Continent every day half a year ago, and each time they were in droves, basically every time they passed through Shouyangshan. But The flight here is indeed very fast, and the damage caused is already a scorched earth. I think the purpose of the ten princes should be in the tribe where the Kuafu father of the Wu clan is located. Then he specially found the Kuafu revenge. They said, because these ten princes were injured by Kuafu.

But for specific reasons, you still have to ask the ten princes. "

Fu Xi did not say too many opinions, but directly stated this matter well and let Di Jun and Tai Yi listen carefully.

Then Di Jun thought for a moment and said.

"Is the news reliable?" Fu Xi knew what Di Jun was worried about, but at this time Fu Xi could only tell Di Jun the real news.

"I checked the scorched land at that time, and it really took a long time to form. It didn't happen in a day or two. And many people in the human race have seen it. Their words should be credible, and this human race was originally They did not participate in the battle between the demon clan and the witch clan, so they would not help the witch clan to cover up the facts. "

Then Emperor Jun was sad after hearing it. I didn't know what to do.

Tai Yi saw Di Jun's worry, and then Di Jun said.

"Brother do not have to worry too much, although this human race has seen it, but we can not believe it all. We still have to listen to what the ten nephews said. After all, the others are outsiders."

Then Di Jun said nothing, but kept meditating.

Fu Xi saw Di Jun's thoughts, but he also understood the meaning of Di Jun's clothes. If he persuaded himself, it would not only be useless, but would backfire and irritate Di Jun.

After all, it was his own son, and even Fu Xi couldn't abandon the ten sons directly to compensate an enemy in the enemy camp.

But if this matter is not dealt with, it will cause the demon clan to drop its handle. If it comes to Daozu Hongjun, something unexpected will happen.

Then Taiyi said.

"Brother, if you are inconvenient to come forward, then let me deal with it! I will handle it properly, and will not leave any handle to the Wu people, and they will find no reason to embarrass us."

Di Jun looked at Fu Xi, and Fu Xi didn't speak at this time, just looked at Di Jun, and still supported Di Jun in his eyes.

Then Di Jun nodded, and then Tai Yi understood how this matter should be handled.

After getting permission, Taiyi is ready to start how to deal with this matter.

Fu Xi is naturally not easy to intervene, and Fu Xi never asked about this matter again.

Then Taiyi beat the ten princes, and then put them all back on the hibiscus tree, ordering them not to go into the flood.

This hibiscus tree is very tall, and ten Jinwu live on it is already very cowardly, and then one too is to inform the Wu people of the result of the punishment, so that all the Wu people know the movement of the demon.

Tai Yi said so.

"In view of the unfortunate death of the Wu clan Dawu Kuafu father in the pursuit of Jinwu the previous day, the demon emperor Jun and the East Emperor Tai Yi deeply deplored. Honghuang made a lot of contributions, and now he suddenly passed away, so that he can not regret it. But the deceased has gone, born to be self-improvement. The demon clan ten princes Jinwu, because they are greedy for the beauty of Honghuang, because of age Light, unable to control the power in its own body, the golden flame of the sun, which caused many plants and creatures in the floods. The ten prince demon clan has been heavily handled according to the criminal law of the demon clan, and These damage monsters are willing to compensate one by one to comfort the heroes of the father and witch. "

After that, Taiyi asked the lower missions among the demon clan to read out the purpose to clarify the attitude of the demon clan to deal with the problem. ..


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