My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 151: I do not go to **** who goes to hell

He listened and nodded.

"Okay, I can feel your sorrow. If you can really save those who are hurt, then I am willing to learn Dharma and follow you."

It is a sympathy to listen to and listen to the ground.

Then Nagato said.

"Okay, since you are so sympathetic, you don't need to say anything more. It turns out that I meant to let you get along like this, but now that you look at it, you can already get along very well. Every day I received from me and your master on Lingshan Mountain, as well as the edification of Master Uncle, the Dharma has become great. I know that it is kind and secret, and has the ambition to save all lives, so I have The intention is to fulfill yours.

But Ting Ting is the best partner of Dizang. Ting Ting can listen to everything, distinguish between good and evil, and distinguish between good and evil. If the two of you can cooperate well, you will surely achieve high achievements in the underworld. Listening to what you are willing to do with Dizang now, that is the person in my door. If there is anything in the future, you can find me directly like Dizang. "

Then Nagato told Dizang again, what to do if he got to hell, so that Dharma Dharma could be carried forward, and then all sentient beings could be freed from the boundless sea of ​​suffering.

Although the connection and quasi- mentioning are made holy and sanctified, this is also a must. The spread of the Buddha requires a banner. Just like a benchmark, these must exist.

It is just that people who silently pay behind, sacrifice more, such as Houtu, and people like Dizang, who are silently devoting behind, willing to dedicate their lives to the souls in the flood. If this kind of perseverance is not particularly strong, it is impossible to achieve.

Nagato was still worried about Dizang and listening, and then said.

"It takes a very long time to transform thousands of souls in the flood, and it requires super perseverance. Although the two of you have superhuman perseverance and a compassionate heart that is compassionate, but evil in this **** There are still too many evil things, and you may not be able to stand it. If you ca n’t stand it, tell me earlier, I ’m here to save you out. It ’s like entering the underworld, it ’s like getting into **** In the same way, you can feel the wailing of the soul in the flood and the **** in the hell, the kind of pain in the soul, you must always practice, so that you will not be demon into the body. "

After listening to Uncle Nagato, Dizang also expressed his attitude.

"Please rest assured, if you go this way, I will definitely practice well, save all things, let the western teaching carry forward, and save the world. Although **** is terrible, but I do n’t go to hell. The determination to win must go to **** to create a beautiful wilderness world, so that there is not so much deception and so many evil deeds in this world, so I am also satisfied. "

It is also clever to be behind the Dizang. The eyes of the Distinctive have already expressed everything. They will follow the Dizang firmly to help the Dizang to accomplish his great work. At the same time, it is also free for the Dizang. Then Nagato was very happy. After all, it meant something to make a sacrifice, but it really required someone to sacrifice. Although they are all Buddhas, there are millions of incarnations of Buddhas, Dizang is the most difficult and the most important in Buddhism, which has laid the foundation for the future spread of Buddhism.

Nagato heard the entrance to the dungeon with the name of Dizang and his meaning, and then said.

"Gizang, listen to it, I will send you here, and the future will depend more on your own. If there is something you don't understand, you come to ask me. But you are already proficient in Buddhism , And asking your own heart should be the most true answer. "

Dizang also nodded, and then jumped into the underworld with a listen to the truth. This underworld was originally a shelter for many souls in the wilderness. Most of them are people who have committed sins. If the sins in front of them are too heavy, there is no way to be born, so they will be reduced to the present end.

After Dizang and Dingting entered the underworld, they heard many howlings of evil spirits, a group of ghosts crying and howling, and a miserable one, so that Dingdang and Dizang were very sad in their hearts. Dizang read the scriptures of the long door cry, and then it was able to alleviate the pain of those people, and then listened slowly calmed down.

Then, Dizang found a better place to stay.

After the reincarnation period, a lot of palaces have been built in the prefecture. The facilities inside are all available. If you only need the incense outside to worship, there will be no shortage of things inside. It seems that the underworld and the wasteland are another world, but no one can obliterate the inevitable connection.

Long Gate sent Dizang and the meaning to hear in the underworld, which can be regarded as a piece of chess in Lingshan, and there is indeed a lot of temptation to the incense above Lingshan, which can greatly enhance Lingshan. Forces, as well as influence on the flood-prone continent.

Then Nagato is also preparing to practice in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. In that case, it should be considered stable.

Then the elders were on the Lingshan Mountain and slowly cultivated.

Because of the chaotic Qinglian in the body and the thousands of characters in the wild, and the existence of two jade butterflies, the cultivation speed of the Nagato is more than a little bit faster than the ordinary people, and the Nagato is very fast. It is to improve one's own cultivation, and then it has already reached the threshold of Hundred Yuan Luo Jinxian.

Now only one thing is needed, Nagato is able to prove that it is the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although the realm at the beginning is not high, because Nagato's realm will not be bound by heaven, so Nagato will not be so. There are many things, but it can be continuously upgraded. Although the highest level is only the ninth level, if it really reaches the ninth level, this is probably the first person in the flood.

At present, even for the words of Hongjun Taoist, because of talents, the realm of Hongjun Taoist Hundred Yuan Luo Jinxian is already the eighth highest.

After all, Hongjun Dao Zu has collected so much luck in the flood, and it is very remarkable to be able to have the eighth level of realm, and the connection and the Laozi are already the fourth level of realm The triple realm, and the original and universal words, is only the second realm more.

At present, the worst rank among the saints is only Nu Wa, which has only one realm, but the saint is essentially different from other monks. ..

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