My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 158: Nagato Dadao Jinluo Da Luo Jinxian

This aura is still exploding, and if it comes, the body of the long door will be stretched out, but the long door has already realized the mystery of this.

And constantly transform the external aura into his own strength.

Some of the Aura in the Hundred Yuan Pearl comes from the Hundred Yuan Pearl itself, and more is still in the wilderness, but the Aura in the Hundred Yuan Pearl is the aura in the chaos of heaven and earth, which can be very good. Help Nagato get Hunyuan Avenue.

At this time, Longmen took out the last purple-black gourd that he got in Kunlun Mountain.

At this time, the purple and black gourds have been slowly trained in the world of the ring, and they are already mature.

Nagato released the chaotic gas from the purple and black gourd. This kind of chaotic gas is very pure, which is equivalent to the purified gourd vine and can be directly accepted by the saint. Then his own strength will also be In this one quickly improved.

Nagato slowly sucked the gas in this purple-black gourd into his body, and then these auras were still a little chaotic, and this series of strange reactions occurred in Nagato's body.

Nagato has undergone a long time of cultivation, and has cultivated the gas in the body well, and classified the spirits and spirits in the body.

This saint also survives on the Qi Qi God. As long as he is practicing the Qi Qi God, he has reached a certain point, and his practice can also be quickly improved.

The cultivation of Nagato in the Hundred Yuan Pearl can avoid the heavenly path very well, and it can safely cultivate in the Hundred Yuan Pearl.

The cool Nagato is able to understand the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

With a violent surge within the Hunyuan Pearl, Nagato slowly came out in a strong white air. Nagato now finally proved successful and entered the Hunyuan smoothly. Big Luo Jinxian. The current level of Nagato's Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is only fourfold.

This is already the same state as the introduction and the prospective Lao Tzu.

In terms of this state, it is more than the three of them. After all, the benefits of this are only known to you. After all, your own avenue exists beyond the heavenly road, and will not be bound by the heavenly road. There is freedom.

Moreover, this is not fixed. As long as Nagato can delve into one of the rules, it is also possible to achieve the Hundred Elements Avenue.

However, if there is any realm after the Hundred Yuan Luo Jinxian Jiuzhong, Nagato is unclear. Because of the ninth realm of the Hundred Yuan Da Luo Jinxian, no one has ever achieved it, even Dao Zu Hongjun has not achieved it.

This ninth weight is already extremely high. At this point, how much power there is, the Long Gate is unimaginable.

However, after feeling that he could open and destroy one at will, Nagato felt a little fear in his heart. After all, this power was so powerful that it made him a little scared, and so powerful that no one was afraid.

Even if the sage Hongjun came, Nagato was not afraid, but even if he was not, Nagato was unwilling to expose his identity as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although he was invincible, he was afraid Someone has been thinking that if they find a good opportunity, they will start from behind.

This is the most hated by Nagato, but it has to be guarded against. At first, the heads are not afraid of others, but if someone plays tricks from behind, Nagato is still a little scared.

Nagato was very pleased with this smooth testimony, but how to use this powerful force is also something worth thinking about. Although the wilderness continent cannot be compared to a small world, it cannot be destroyed at will, and the wilderness continent The energy contained in it is the strongest. After feeling the imminent catastrophe in the flooded continent, Nagato was a little worried about other creatures in the flood.

So the Nagato quickly came out of the Hundred Yuan Pearl, but on the Lingshan Mountain.

Above Lingshan, the pick-up and quasi- mentioning are still busy, and Jin Chanzi and Maitreya are constantly learning and realizing.

And now that Nagato has reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he will be able to get a glimpse of heaven.

Although this cannot be developed in accordance with the arrangement of heaven and earth, the general trend cannot be reversed.

Nagato did not want to contend with Heavenly Dao, but it can also influence the general trend of Heavenly Dao, that is, it can guide Heaven Dao to a good discovery through good guidance. In this way, Honghuang Continent will not face extinction.

After returning to Heavenly Court, Jinwu Youmin hid on the hibiscus tree and dared not come out, but the ten princes who had known the freshman went out secretly. Only the ten princes came back. ask.

After the tenth prince You Min told all about Tai Yi, she burst into tears.

"Uncle, it's all me that's bad, it's all my playfulness. If it weren't for me, my brothers wouldn't cause trouble in the flood, and now my brothers are all dead because of me."

After Tai Yi heard the news, he was also angry.

"The Wu people are going to rebel, killing my nine princes, this Hou Yi list is simply too big."

Then Youmin said to Taiyi again.

"Uncle, you must help my brothers get revenge, then Hou Yi shot us all with a bow, and the bodies of the nine brothers are still in the flood."

Then Taiyi was very furious.

"The people of the Wu people simply don't keep their promises. It doesn't mean that they won't be held accountable after they have taken the gifts, but they really don't keep their promises.

Then Taiyi was very angry, and he had to go to the Wu clan to settle the accounts. But for some of these things, Taiyi did not tell Dijun. Fortunately, Dijun received a report from his demon, explaining that ten One prince went to the wilderness, leaving only ten princes and younger ones, but the other princes were missing.

But when Youmin returned, she came to the hibiscus tree.

Afterwards, Di Jun was very sad when he learned that his nine children had died tragically.

Although Emperor Jun wanted to retaliate at this time, if the lich was to go to war, it would have caused many unknown creatures, and the demon could not win.

This risk is too great, so even Di Jun is afraid to try it.

Taiyi was carrying Di Jun, quietly planning a plan of revenge. ..


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