My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 169: Worship the panda

After discussing with the Taiyi among the demon clan, Emperor Jun felt that they would attack the human clan. This clan was originally a tiny population in this flood, and now after receiving such treatment, the clan may face extinction.

Fortunately, at this time, with the help of a panda, this panda turned into a young fairy, but in one click, he defeated Ji Meng.

Jimeng is already a master of the quasi-saint realm, and Jimeng is also under the leadership of Emperor Junjun. He is the No. 1 character of Dangdang, and his combat power has a very important influence in this.

And its own strength is very strong. For the average person, basically, there is nothing that can block Jimeng's achievements.

And in the wilderness is also a celebrity.

In the flood that the saint did not appear, Ji Meng's combat power did have quite a powerful combat power.

Even if you encounter ancestors and witches, Ji Meng has a power to fight. As long as there are not a few ancestors, if one-on-one, it is hard to say who wins and who loses.

So for such consequences, Ji Meng cannot accept it.

But under the absolute power, what can Jimeng do?

Can only be sincere, can only admit defeat, can only return.

Under the murder of Jimeng, this human race has too many injured people. It is unimaginable and unacceptable.

When the desperation among the human races is desperate, the emergence of the panda bears saves all the human races. This is equivalent to sending charcoal in the snow, which is equivalent to saying that it is very good. This is a very good thing for the human race, and after the panda bear knocked Ji Meng back.

Everyone in the human race includes the three ancestors of the human race. Suiren's, there are Chao's, Ziyi's. They all showed a sincere smile, very brilliant and charming.

Facing the salute of all humans, Panda bears are not used to it, but look at the long door invisible in the distance.

Nagato waved his hands and then let the pandas not think too much. After all, such a good thing is not everyone is tender enough. As long as it is well realized, the future development potential of pandas is very huge.

This has a saint-like long door to help in the back, as well as more and more powerful luck among this human race, and the future achievements of the panda may be a saint.

And even if it is a saint pet, the panda bear on the saint's mount is already very satisfied. After such a drastic change in status, Nagato was very willing to see it, and the panda was naturally flattered.

The current strength of Nagato is directly able to kill Jimeng.

But if Nagato is shot, then it is bound to make De Hongjun have to shoot.

After all, this kind of terror is even more terrifying than when several saints were born when the powerful force appeared in the flood.

After a long period of development, your strength in the human race has become very powerful.

The human race, because of its own good strength, allows the human race to flourish rapidly. In this case, it will be even more powerful.

After this long period of development, the strength of the human race is constantly developing, and the pandas have also greatly improved their strength because they have enjoyed the luck of the human race. There is no side effect to this increase in strength.

This effect is like the reward of Heavenly Dao, which is a superpower that Heaven's Dao gives some powerful people. And among them are the humans who can deal with the basics well.

And this kind of super energy has pulled the energy of the panda into a very terrifying position.

This ability also allows the panda to be able to kill Ji Men with one punch.

This kind of power is terrifying, and the saints who gave him are modest, because this kind of power, even if it is heaven, cannot kill him at will.

If you move his words, it is tantamount to fighting against heaven, then the consequences will naturally be very terrifying, so everything is very simple.

Then the human race will respect the panda more, and the panda's breath will become more and more vigorous.

This human race's luck will become stronger and stronger with the future development. As long as the Lich War is over, the human race will become more powerful.

The strength of Panda bears will become more powerful with this improvement.

And as the long-door master of the panda, but don't worry that after the panda's strength has grown, he will betray himself.

Now Nagato can understand all the thoughts of panda bears, because this panda bear was bred by himself, and he was nurtured by himself.

As long as it is that time, everything becomes very simple, and as long as it is serious, it will become as simple as thinking about it in less time.

After the panda helped the human race, the human race respected the panda more, and built more statues for the panda. Among them, the statues of the panda were moved to the house and were worshipped by many people.

Just after the moment of the panda, the strength of the panda has become more powerful with its own ability. As long as it is a simple progress, it can completely surpass the saint.

But the distance between the panda and the saint is still very far away.

In terms of strength, Panda's ability is only under the saint. And it is under the quasi-saint, just the strength of Daluo Jinxian.

But the ability of Panda is indeed very powerful. As long as the strength of Daluo Jinxian, Ji Men can be injured with a punch, and then he can only go back in vain.

Nagato smiled with great satisfaction. After all, if Panda has such strength, when there are many Nagato, you do n’t have to do it yourself, but only by yourself.

And the loyalty of this panda is absolutely one hundred, and there will be no betrayal of the owner at all. This long door is very reassuring.

And just after the long goalkeeper prepared all this, the panda also came back to the long door.

Then Panda is ready to go home.

In the back of the long gate, some signs were set up around the human race in the name of the panda, and these things are equivalent to the prohibition.

As long as an outsider enters this area, an alarm will sound.

This is equivalent to installing an alarm.

Nagato has now reached it with deep mana. If it is in later generations, there are various instruments that can be completed, and it ca n’t be done with so many things. ..


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