My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 178: Clean the battlefield

Then the mans and the seniors among all the demon clan were already dead.

And the children of the two Lich groups are also fighting, but only some remnants of the remnant soldiers are defeated.

Both sides are seriously damaged.

There is no longer a demon who can become a climate. Except for this Kunpeng who had escaped early, everyone else is an unknown little monster.

They saw that Emperor Jun and Tai Yi, as well as the ten demon sages, all died after their deaths, and they did not want to fight anymore. They all abandoned their weapons, and then their respective escapes went.

However, Ju Mang and Li Shou were seriously injured, and were also injured by the Tu Wujian. It was not long before Honghuang.

Ju Mang also has some Wu people who will survive only. Among them are the strongest under the ancestors and witches, Jiu Feng, who is the strong twin brother and sister.

The mana is not lost to the ancestors and witches, and Xuan Ming ’s careful teaching, so that the Jiufeng ’s practice is particularly fast.

Ju Mang and Yi Shou said to Jiufeng.

"Nine Phoenix, now both the Lich and the Tribe are falling. You take the rest of the tribe, go into seclusion, and don't participate in the affairs of the flood. This thing is too much, I can't tell you!"

Then Jiufeng said.

"Okay, I will keep in mind, please come with me and let us go!"

Ju Mang said.

"We can't go. We've got Di Jun's magic arts. This blood is flowing, there is no way. You go!"

Then there were a group of diehards of this demon clan, who rushed over.

Then Jumang and Shishou pushed Jiufeng and others away, but they were fighting with this group of people again.

Not much time left, Ju Mang and Yi Shou finally couldn't support it, and then fell down.

Jiufeng can only be the tears of a ninja, and then obediently returned to the vicinity of Mount Zhou.

Nine winds are counted, and there is no one in this witch. This population is too obvious. And the strongest among the witch people were also slaughtered.

Then Jiufeng took the rest, and retreated to the nearby Nether Mansion.

After all, this is the place where the ancestors and ancestors belonged, so if the Wu people have no heart for hegemony, they will not be destroyed.

The demon clan also suffered this huge blow.

Thousands of people in this demon race. After the battle of the Lich, this was quickly reduced. The hundreds of billions of horses started by the demon clan are among them, which is already less than one ten thousandth.

Both Lich groups have been hit hard.

The demon clan retreated to Luzhou, Beiju.

The demon heaven is also a mess.

It was in this war, just now that there was no such time, Nagato returned to the scene of the Lich War again.

Did n’t Nagato come back this time to save people, but to find the lost magic weapon above it?

For example, this Hetu Luoshu, Tu Wujian, this kind of magic weapon that will play an important role in the future.

And as long as there are some magic weapons, it will be much easier in the future.

After some searching, Nagato finally found what he was looking for.

These are some good things.

For example, if this witch-killing sword is originally made from the ancient star iron.

If you remove the grievances of this human race, then add the blessing of justice, that is a sword of justice,

And then it is the magic weapon that can become the emperor of the imperial court. In the future, even if the status of the three emperors, even the ancestors of Hongjun, were very envious, they would not dare to change their minds.

This is all afterwords, all we have to do now is to find a lot of useful spiritual treasures in the future.

Next to Emperor Jun, Nagato found the Witch Sword, and then found the Hetu Luoshu not far from the position of the Hunyuan Heluo Formation.

Nagato's task this time was already completed, which made Nagato very happy.

After all, if this is taken directly, there is nothing that Nagato can get.

But if you take something from someone else, even if you get it, this reputation is not good.

What you want to get in the battlefield is that it is completely different.

Because the original owner of this thing is already dead.

This Lingbao is no longer the owner, if someone picks it up, then who is the new owner of this thing.

Nagato returned with a full harvest.

The Long Gate came in stealth. At this time, the Long Gate also saw the old man in Kunlun Mountain.

What they did not expect was that this was already taken away by Nagato early.

But primitive and Lao Tzu, nothing was obtained.

Tongtian obtained the Chaos Clock.

The energy contained in the chaotic clock is also very huge.

Can be described as innate treasure.

That is the magic weapon of the saint level. Its power is very great.

This is the envy of the original and Lao Tzu.

Because the primitive despise the demon, but Tongtian does not.

Therefore, Tongtian received a lot of disciples.

This original look is a little angry. The original said.

"Brother Tongtian, we are the authenticity of the Pangu line. When we accept the apprentice, we still have to look at the heels and conduct."

The consciousness among them has been understood for a long time.

But Tongtian didn't care, and Tongtian said.

"Brother, don't worry, the world was originally created by the Pangu Great God, so all things in the wild world are the heirs of the Pangu Great God. Naturally, there should be teaching. There should be no theory of their good and evil."

This made the original very angry, and then he could only walk away in sorrow.

Lao Tzu had no gains, but also left.

Tongtian took the doormen among the demon races he had collected, and left. Back in the Biyou Palace, a good professor practiced.

The apprentices in Tongtian at this time already have this many treasurers, as well as the Golden Spirit Mother, the Turtle Spirit Mother, the Unusual Mother, and four personal disciples. Then there were seven servants who were immortals, who were the inner disciples of Tongtian.

These seven servant immortals are basically apprentices under the battle of the Lich.

These apprentices are all apprentices who are very fond of the sky, because they are very respectful and pious, and their self-cultivation is also progressing relatively fast. These seven immortals all followed Tongtian's side.

Tongtian did not treat them as outsiders. They did not dismiss them because of their bad heels.

Nagato returned to Huaguo Mountain and lived temporarily.

When Changmen reached Huaguo Mountain, he waved his hand and opened Huaguo Mountain and Shuilian Cave. Then, after arranging it, I concentrated on practicing it.

Because at this time, the ancestral vein of the eastern mainland has a lot of aura, and then the long gate also needs to teach Fu Xi well. After all, the emperor of these three emperors still needs good guidance before they can get the way. ..


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