My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 187: Nongshi Fuxi

Fuxi let Xuanyuan clan divide a piece of land on the territory of Flinren clan, let the people of Xuanyuan clan hunt on it, and then farm on it.

Then Fu Xi also provided seeds and then farming tools according to the previous agreement.

At this time, among the tribes, there were no well-trained cattle, so the labor force is still very low, only relying on manpower, and then on the knife and fire, to have a bite with nature.

In this Stone Age, the ancient humans were still endless, farming and harvesting on this continent.

Then the Xuanyuan tribe settled down here quickly.

This is also very gratifying for Fu Xi.

The Jiuli tribe led by Chiyou started various expeditions on the north bank of the big river.

Trying to occupy the north bank of this big river.

The people of the Jiuli tribe are tall and mighty, so their fighting power is also top-notch.

They have unmatched fighting power, and they have not encountered any strong resistance along the way.

The very tribes around this big river basin were all slaughtered by Chiyou.

Let his tribe only run away.

Among them is the dragon family.

This Shenlong clan has always lived near the river basin.

It is upstream of the Great River Basin.

This river is not an insurmountable obstacle for the Shenlong clan.

As long as they are willing, they can go back and forth twice this day.

But they still have a huge potential threat.

Among the Shennong tribes, there have been some fierce beasts, which are very fierce. At any time, women and children of the Shenlong tribe, as well as many others, will be taken away for food.

This made the Shenlong clan greatly distressed.

Then Fuxi was guided by the panda, and then came to the tribe of the Shenlong clan, who wanted to protect the tribe of the dragon clan from this kind of disaster.

Fuxi then went alone.

Then after arriving at the Shennong tribe, then this is the leader of the Shennong tribe Shenlong.

Then Fu Xi said.

"I am the leader of the Flint tribe on the south bank of the big river, Fu Xi. Today I mainly asked to help you and get rid of this monster. Let you not be attacked by him. You can tell us what you encountered Is to help you clean them up. "

Because behind Fuxi, there are pandas standing on their backs.

And if it doesn't work in the end, there will be a long door.

So I ’m not afraid.

At this time, everyone in the Shenlong family was very happy.

Then everyone was a little happy.

Shennong asked.

"Fuxi, the demon here, our Shennong, and several generations have not solved it. How can you solve it all at once, it won't be bragging."

The Shennong people also had this doubt.

This Fuxi is a human being, and they are also human beings. If they are also human beings, what they cannot do, then Fuxi and they are also difficult to do.

It is because of such things that everyone is very annoyed.

Then Fu Xi said firmly.

"You don't know, we have a special idea, so you say. You don't have to doubt us like this. I said it can be done. It must be done."

Some of Shenlong's people still believe it.

After all, this evil beast killed a lot of Shennong clan. They also sent a lot of people, but most of them were killed and injured. They can only come back after picking a life.

Among the dragons, an older one said it.

"Young man, your kindness, we got it, but the words of this beast are indeed very powerful. Many of us went to die there. You are a foreigner, don't die for us in vain. You still go back Your Flint Tribe. We have to pass and forget. "

Hearing this, all of the Shennong's people are also awakened. The fierceness of this monster is unimaginable, and the people who let go are all talking.

Many of these people are also encircling and suppressing the monsters, and these are the most elite and fierce warriors.

And the people who came back just because a lot of them were in spirit and trance.

Then the man slowly began to panic, and slowly died.

Fu Xi also didn't know what it was facing. Although Fu Xi didn't know, Fu Xi was not afraid.

Fu Xi said.

"Don't worry, you are guaranteed to surrender this beast this time. Does any of you know what this monster looks like and where it often lives!"

Among the Shennongs, there were bold people, so they said.

"Master, you don't know, this monster's body is very huge, 100 meters long, like a huge python. Very powerful and powerful, many of our brothers are eaten by this monster . I just saw this monster from a distance, but because the body is too huge, I do n’t know exactly what this monster looks like. "

Speaking of this matter, there was a trace of tears in this man's eyes.

Fu Xi said.

"Okay, then I will know this boa constrictor."

Because Nagato knew that Fu Xi was going to Shennong, helping Shennong kill a monster.

Nagato was a little worried, and Nagato arrived. After all, Fuxi's current strength can only be an ordinary human master. If you encounter any powerful monster, it is still very difficult.

Nagato didn't come forward directly. This was Fu Xi's merit. Nagato was just behind, to ensure that Fuxi would not be killed by the monster when he challenged this beast.

Under the attention of everyone, Fu Xi marched towards the monster's station.

Everyone in Shennong's family looked at Fu Xi's figure away, and their hearts were full of blood.

It is too much for this fierce beast to kill their compatriots.

This hatred has always been remembered by Shennong.

Shen Nong also looked at Fu Xi's back, and then a flame ignited in his heart.

Although Shennong said.

"This foreigner can all fight for our safety, and why do we have to be oppressed by this evil beast all the time."

Then Shennong also held a weapon and followed Fu Xi.

Then there were a lot of strong men, who also followed Fu Xi.

Everyone went to a place under the description of the people who had been there.

Here is known as the evil dragon mountain.

Nagato looked at it from afar, and found out that there was a different kind of demonishness.

The inner breath has also become very strange. This kind of breath is like a demon race, but it has some righteousness in it, which makes it difficult for Nagato to distinguish. ..


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