My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 190: United Tribe

Then the union between the tribes is slowly proceeding, relying on Fuxi, as well as the joint efforts of Shennong and Yandi.

This united tribe grew up slowly.

More and more tribes are eager to join.

At this time, the Shennong tribe is good at planting and preparing some herbs that can cure diseases.

Yandi's Xuanyuan tribe is good at reclaiming wasteland, farming, and some simple processing.

This Fuxi tribe is composed of three tribes.

The Suiren are good at using fire and fighting.

Ziyi's is good at making clothes and weaving nets.

There are Chaos, who are good at building and building fortifications.

Each tribe has its own good things. Fuxi is to let people from all tribes stay together, and then share their technology.

But it didn't take long for such a day, Chiyou had already cleaned the tribes on the north bank of the river.

Since then, I have prepared large tools and passed the river.

The Chiyou tribe is good at attacking, and it can make all kinds of combat weapons, as well as siege tools.

In this regard, the tribes of the Central Plains are totally incomparable.

Fuxi, Xuanyuanyan Emperor and Shennong have a decisive position among the united tribes.

The three of them have provided no small help to the development of the tribe, and have a great role in promoting it.

Fu Xi tried his best to promote the progress of the united tribes. Emperor Yan made great progress in agriculture and animal husbandry. Shennong tasted herbs and studied various herbs, which led to the rise of medicine among the ancients.

The Chiyou tribe crossed the river and put the survival of the Central Plains tribe in crisis.

The water will cover the earth and the soldiers will block it.

This person has already hit the door, and this can not be idle.

So Fuxi, Xuanyuan, Shennong, with many children, started the war with the Jiuli tribe.

The Chiyou tribe is strong in combat and the soldiers are in strong build.

Fu Xi and others are not their opponents.

After three battles, the Central Plains tribe was forced by Chi You to a place called Deer.

The Central Plains tribe is already irrevocable and irresistible.

Now the warriors of the Central Plains tribe have only 100,000 people left.

There are 50,000 warriors in the Chiyou tribe.

Among these 50,000 people, they have a high fighting power.

All of them have the ability to be equal, and Fu Xi has no way.

Although the Fu Wu sword in Fu Xi's hands is very powerful, after all, Fu Xi is only a human fairyland.

With this powerful sword, you can't play a huge advantage.

Chi You also suffered a lot because of the confrontation with the Central Plains tribe.

At this time, Chiyou is preparing to use the power of the twelve ancestors and witches, and then use his own power to contact the twelve capitals.

If this group is one person, if the strength is strong enough, it can completely resist one person.

Chi You was given the ability to become a ancestor witch after being transformed into an ancestor witch. He was not refined at the time of the lich war.

And in the battle of the Lich, it was the blood of the ancestors and witches.

This is also the most basic ability for Chiyou to start a large formation.

Because Nagato sees that Fu Xi is weak on one side, he teaches Fu Xi a set of formations, which is called the innate gossip array.

The power of this formation is to use the mysterious symbols in Luo Shu, and then to coordinate with the soldier's position, combining movement and static, while in the formation, the soldier's ability has been greatly improved.

In addition, in the formation method, the large formation can be used to weaken the strength of the other party, so that his ability has been greatly improved.

This formation is very easy to learn, and Fu Xi's previous life was originally good at deducing formation.

Although the memory has not been recovered yet, the ability has not changed.

Soon Fu Xi used this innate gossip array to devastate Chiyou's troops.

In this battle, the Central Plains tribe wiped out half of the Chiyou tribe.

Chi Chi was particularly frustrated.

Chiyou was very annoyed when she saw the loss, but since then Chiyou was not defeated by failure.

After only a little time, Chiyou used the secret techniques of the Wu clan to use the menstrual blood of these twelve ancestors and witches, and then greatly improved his ability.

If the power of this formation is successful, then Chi You does not need to use the formation method. With the help of Chi You ’s own strength, they can easily summon the primitive **** of Pangu.

Its power is naturally unstoppable by ordinary humans.

But just when Chi You worked hard and quietly developed this secret technique.

Fu Xi also concentrated on the Luoshu, and then learned from the Luoshu to this innate gossip map.

At the same time, I found some tricks to calculate the heaven.

Fu Xi tried to figure it out, and discovered what secret formation Chi Ji was developing.

And this formation, shocked Nagato.

But now Chi You, if you want to shoot it yourself, then it is undoubtedly bullying the children. However, Chiyou refined the formation, and the strength of Nagato was far from being able to fight against the Pangu Great God. It was undoubtedly that he was seeking hardship.

But Nagato is still inconvenient to solve by himself.

This is after all Fuxi's merits, and although he is able to seize it.

Affecting Fu Xi's testimony, then he will also be affected. Fu Xi is already like himself now.

Moreover, after that, the three emperors will only be more powerful in the human world.

This monk's cultivation is a process against the sky.

This retrograde is not to say that you violate the rules of heaven and earth, or that you do anything against the will of heaven and earth.

It is a process of returning to nature and returning to nature.

For example, in the later generations, cultivation can only be practiced first, then cultivation of Yuanshen, and then cultivation to the Middle Ages, then cultivation to the ancients, and finally to the end, it is cultivation to the beginning of the flood, and even Xuanhuang.

At the beginning of this flood, the aura was full, and it was almost liquefied.

As soon as the level of the monk came out, it was the realm of heaven.

However, in the future generations, this average person can't break through the realm of being immortal to the realm of immortality.

Because the less aura there is, the harder it is to practice.

But there is something more fragrant than Reiki, that is, between the heavens and the earth, human beings worship, and the straightforward point is the incense.

These three emperors enjoyed the incense offerings of future generations most.

Even in the heavenly court set up by Hong Jun, it is far less than the offerings of the three emperors.

After the three emperors achieved the Holy Throne, they no longer asked about the competition among the three realms.

It is also because the Three Emperors really do n’t need it, and they use it a lot.

As long as human beings are still the masters of the world, this incense offering is no less.

Therefore, Nagato can only silently support the Three Emperors behind his back, and cannot replace them.

In the face of Chiyou's crisis, Fu Xi can only deal with it by himself. ..


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