My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 213: Su Nu unified north

However, as mentioned above, Fei Zhong and You Hun said in front of King Yu that Su Hu drove Beibohou Chonghouhu out of the north and took over all the things of Chonghouhu directly.

At the same time, there are a large number of troops under Chonghou Tiger, as well as countless treasures and grains of Chongzhou.

Su Hu is fairly honest, and he did not put Chonghou Hu to death.

Chonghou Tiger is the king's number one dog leg.

Many of these things were done by King Chong Houhu. For example, building torture and torture, as well as building Lutai, were all involved with Chonghou Hu. Something like this comes out.

It is precisely for this reason that King Wang is very sad. This Chonghou Tiger has lost its north, which means that the rights of this Chonghou Tiger are greatly reduced.

King Wang was also unhappy because Chonghouhu was now homeless.

Chonghouhu said after seeing King Yu.

"King, beg him to rule for me!"

Chong Houhu thought that if he said that he had failed, he would only use emotion to impress the king. Maybe he could still have a lifeline. Otherwise, he might be killed by the king.

What is the use of waste retention, if they are not useful, then no one will give themselves face.

Although the Chonghou Tiger was almost military, he stayed with the King for so long. This thing is still very clear.

Chong Houhu is also more clear about King Wang's thoughts.

King said.

"Chonghouhu, you have lost the north now, how come you have a face to see me.

Chonghouhu quickly knelt down and said.

"The King, I don't know. There is a team of soldiers under Nasu's guards. The fighting power is very strong. At that time, his brother Chong Heihu used 50,000 people to fight against 3,000 of them. They were all defeated.

My younger brother Chong Heihu was considered a veteran of the Shang Dynasty, but he was defeated by Su Hu. This is really not my excuse. It is because Su Hu used something wrong. "

After King Wang listened, Fang believed.

King Wang said again.

"Quickly announce the Prime Minister's discussion, compare with Asia, come here to discuss matters."

Fei Zhong and You Hun said.

"The king does not have to worry, I have a way to capture Su Hu."

Fei Zhong and You Hun did not want to discuss and regain control of power, so they quickly made suggestions.

King said.

"Hurry up, who is it?"

Then You Hun looked at Fei Zhong, Fei Zhong said.

"Your Majesty, this Sibohou Jichang has been fighting for a month now. We might as well let Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu send troops to attack Suhu from both sides. In this case, Suhu will have no ability but is useless."

After listening to King Wang, he said.

"Ai Qing really is a clever plan. Immediately Xuan Donghou Hou Jiang Huan Chu, and Xibohou north and south, so that we can easily win."

After the king ordered, soon, the order was preached in the ear of Dong Hua Hou Jiang Huan Chu.

Jiang Huanchu said.

"Okay, this Jizhou Hou Suhu turned out to be a contempt for big business, so I should send troops to suppress it."

Among the princes of the two hundred towns in the east, it was originally the prince of the Quartet, the strongest so far.

Therefore, Jiang Huan Chu was able to have such confidence. Without such strength, he dare not say such things.

After receiving the order, Jiang Huanchu also asked his son Jiang Wenhuan to assemble a hundred thousand soldiers and horses and sent them to the north, wanting to form a siege with Su Wang, the king of Wen.

But Jiang Huanchu didn't send too many men and women. The strength of the east is still unaffordable. If you continue to fight against them, maybe the result will be.

Jiang Huanchu's men also have no capable generals. Only his son, Jiang Wenhuan, is an excellent general, known as a general with thousands of victories.

Jiang Wenhuan obeyed his father Jiang Huanchu's orders and stepped along the way, not eager to participate in this battle.

As in the previous battle, it has already been upgraded to the battle between the three princes.

In Chongzhou, since Changmen took Chongzhou, Su Nu also brought troops to Chongzhou.

This Chongzhou is not far from Caozhou. It is also a military center, and has always been the economic center and cultural center of the north. Its importance is no less than that of Caozhou.

Caozhou is easy to defend and difficult to attack, which also allows Su Hu to have the opportunity to come to Chongzhou, which also allows Su Hu to pick up a big bargain.

In Chongzhou, Su Hu reorganized the old Chongzhou officials and replaced them with his own. Many of the troops in Chongzhou also sent a lot of generals to firmly control this place in their own hands.

After controlling this Chongzhou, the two hundred vassals became Su Hu's aftermath, but these two hundred small countries, it is not good to fight, not to fight a lot and not obedient, which makes Su Hu a bit difficult Too.

Nagato said at this moment.

"Hou Ye, Dong Bohou Jiang Huanchu is about to attack us at this time. The East is far away from here, and the road is far away. We can treat them with ease and beat them by surprise, so as to establish our prestige.

Nagato was very clear that if he went to war, it would completely break the pattern of this battlefield.

This hasn't waited until the time of the gods, this world has already begun a war.

If this world is in chaos, it is presumed that it will affect the interests of God's actions.

However, even if this world is playing hard, it has nothing to do with the interception and interpretation.

At this time, an arrangement of Nagato played a role.

Nagato sent a letter to Yun Zhongzi, and the saint sent a letter, all entrusted the information to Heavenly Path, and then transmitted it through Heavenly Path. For example, this original Tianzun sent a message to Jiang Ziya. The flag in front of the military account was blown off by the wind, which was the original Tianzun's message.

In this wild world, the efficiency of delivering messages is not high. Presumably, in the future, the saint may use mobile communication to deliver the message.

The development of this era is not necessarily that, even if the sage is even more powerful, he can not directly manufacture high-tech equipment with his own will.

This is the crystallization of common wisdom among many people.

Of course, this is all afterwords, who exactly is going to be discussed with readers.

The book returns.

Nagato tells Yun neutron that he can start planning to let all kinds of immortals in the elucidation go down the mountain.

The goal of Nagato is to let the interpretation and the interception hurt both defeats, at the same time, the interpretation is destroyed, and then try to flourish Western education.

In the Yuzhu Cave of Zhongnan Mountain.

Yun neutron was concentrating on practice, and at this time he felt a tree at the entrance of this cave, and the endless branches fell down.

Yun Neutron was a little puzzled, so he pinched his fingers. ..


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