My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 219: Su Hu consolidates the North

The three thousand elite soldiers trained by Nagato in Jizhou, Nagato also gave them a nice name, the three thousand flying tiger soldiers.

Although on the battlefield, these three thousand soldiers' armor could not be completely retreated, but fortunately, these soldiers became brave and abnormal under the bonus of the long gate. Very few soldiers would die, but once this soldier It ’s a battle.

Nagato will find new soldiers to add to, but these three thousand flying tiger soldiers have not expanded their numbers.

Nagato knows that this elite unit doesn't need too many people. It came to facilitate command, but to avoid attracting too much attention. After all, Nagato doesn't want to come forward. It would be so silly.

Nagato still wanted to live a few more years. Although Hong Jun couldn't kill himself, he had many ways to avoid it, but he couldn't make it.

The purpose of Nagato is not this.

These three thousand flying tiger soldiers are enough for Nagato.

With the help of Nagato, Su Hu, who was originally Jizhou Hou, has now become Su Hu, a Beibohou.

At the same time, with the help of the Flying Tigers, the north side was basically pacified. Su's influence in the north was gradually expanding step by step.

Now Su Hu's forces are already very powerful.

With the help of the Flying Tigers of Nagato. Su Hu consolidated the north, and the strength of the north was not weak at all, because the Chonghou Tiger had no way to govern. After Su Hu took over, he began a series of governance measures.

Exempt most taxes in the North.

This Chonghou Hu accompanied the King of Kings in Chaoge all the year round, and was not very concerned about the people in the North. Chonghou Tiger wanted to please King King, so he said that he increased the taxes in the North without permission and let the people pay more taxes . To increase your income,

Allowing Chong Hou Hu to be able to provide money for the king to have fun in the Chao Ge, this approach has caused great damage to the North.

However, once Su Hu mastered the North, this tax was abolished, and at the same time, Su Hu also burned these accounts, which also gave all ordinary people a clear answer. The previous things were all written off. Too.

This kind of behavior is of great benefit to everyone, so Su Hu quickly established a foothold in the north.

And Nagato is also preparing to leave the interpretation and go to the forefront of this world of gods, to take a walk, but also wants to gain a little merit in the world of gods.

The purpose of Nagato is very simple, that is, to let people who don't like to enter the Gods List. Those who like it can not enter the Gods List.

Since the God List is set by Hong Jun, we do not violate this general idea, but this is specifically for those people who enter this God List and become Haotian's men. This can be arranged.

And Jiang Ziya is the key person in this **** list,

Once the original Tianzun gave Jiang Ziya the right to enshrine the **** list, the characters in this **** list all had Jiang Ziya, and it was the final say.

Even the original Tianzun has no ability to interfere with Jiang Ziya's right to seal the gods. It is precisely because Jiang Ziya binds to the version of the **** seal granted by Hongjun Daozu.

It was for this reason that Jiang Ziya had a series of problems, such as death.

Then the original Tianzun can quickly save Jiang Ziya.

It is precisely because of the protection of Hongjun and the protection of the bound God version, that is to say, Jiang Ziya can survive many times.

Otherwise, Jiang Ziya, how could be saved again and again.

The purpose of Nagato is to break into the enemy's interior, and then gain Jiang Ziya's trust, and then urge Jiang Ziya to allow Nagamon to complete Nagamon's own defensive action.

This is the real purpose of Nagato, and helping Su Hu is just to make the original Tianzun too late to lay out.

As long as there is the layout of the original Tianzun, then his own strength can be fully achieved. Now is the time of great chaos in the world, if Jiang Ziya can be controlled, then after this, everything will be carried out according to the ideas of the leaders.

There are also cloud neutrons, which can secretly help Nagato.

Nagato was so confident that he started marching towards Xiqi City.

At the same time, these three thousand flying tiger soldiers, without the rune blessing of the long gate, soon became ordinary mortal soldiers.

Su Hu knew that Nagato had left, and Su Hu also liked it very much.

If Nagato has been there, Su Hu is very suspicious of Nagato. After all, this man is even more powerful than himself. How can this make Su Hu not worry all day long.

Nagato was able to destroy Beibohou Chonghouhu with three thousand people, so it is also possible to destroy Suhu himself.

Nagato is very clear about this, but Nagato has always pretended not to know that Nagato is disdain to do such a thing. Such a simple thing, Nagato can do it very simply.

But even if Su Hugong handed it out, Nagato was not interested.

Even the current Lord of Heaven, the Nagato has no interest at all, it is just a puppet. Even in that position, this cannot be achieved by any future progress.

Su Hu's behavior looks very funny in Nagato, but Nagato is not careful about breaking Suhu.

Because I don't have to help Su Nu all the time, and I only help Su Nu for the benefit.

Nagato soon arrived in this Nishi city, and Nagato brought a very useful person for Nishi.

At this time, Jiang Ziya was in the process, but Jiang Ziya was after all incapable of capacity, and the time for this practice was greatly extended.

On this altar, Jiang Ziya was tired and sweating, but in order to be able to withdraw his troops, Jiang Ziya had to do so.

Because now Xiqi, there are no generals who can fight, this is only Taidian, and there are two generals in Xinjia.

Compared with Yin's 100,000-strong army, it is still a bit difficult.

Another important reason is that Jiang Ziya was not invited by Ji Chang.

It was Jiang Ziya's "Mao" who recommended himself.

Jiang Ziya has boasted about Haikou and said that he can break the enemy by himself.

However, Jiang Ziya is still a bit strenuous. This water system supernatural power must be maintained all the time. This consumes great power for supernatural power, and not everyone can understand it.

Although the Antarctic immortal is powerful, it is not good at water supernatural power. At this time, it can only be done by Jiang Ziya alone.

When Nagato arrived in Xiqi, he did not visit Ji Chang directly, nor did he find anyone else.

But directly into this altar. ..

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