My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 233: Shape the lotus root

The four generals of the Demon House were very happy this night, and they were full of morale. Everyone waited to capture Xiqi tomorrow. They just had to celebrate for a good night.

Nezha on the other side is now more physically impatient. It is now the last few hours. As long as you survive the last few hours, you can already achieve great success.

Although Nazha, who reached Dacheng, still can't reach the peak moment of transforming his body slowly, it will also be at least 10 times more powerful than before, transformed by Taiyi.

Nezha thought of this, he kept biting his teeth. He must not live up to the pains of Tai Yizheng, and Taiyi Zhenren has already paid a lot to help him, and he has only these last few hours.

The water in the lotus pond has been boiling hot, slowly becoming more boiling, which is even hotter than when Tai Yizheng gave him a drop of clean water. Nezha felt that his body had reached its limit at the moment.

This lotus pond is extremely spiritual, and it has been absorbing the essence of heaven and earth here in Taiyi. The water in the lotus pond will always remain cool and thorough if no foreign objects are added, but if people soak it, the water in the lotus pond will become hot.

But this lotus is very spiritual. So no matter how hot the water in the lotus pond is, the lotus is not moved, and this lotus has another role in it, that is, the magazine to purify the water in the pond. In addition, the boiling pool water will also be integrated, so it is better for Nezha to sit and meditate on the lotus than in the pool water.

Although Tai Yizheng is not in this lotus pond ,. But he now knew what Nezha was enduring. Tai Yizheng just sighed slightly at the moment: "Master can only help you to get here, and the last few moments are all up to you."

Nezha's body is now covered with fine sweat. At this moment, he could not bear the huge energy this lotus pond brought to himself. Although this lotus pond contains enormous energy, it will also remove impurities from the human body to achieve purification. Nezha emergency luck. Stabilize your breath.

And the passage of time little by little becomes more difficult when there is only one hour left at the end. Nezha felt very difficult at the moment, he really wanted to rush out of the lotus pond so quickly, but he couldn't at all. He must persevere.

One second to one moment of torment, there is continuous energy, which impacts Nezha's body, and the next second, I really feel that I will explode and die, and it slowly absorbs one by one Although the energy brought during the exercise will purify him even sitting, but the impact of this last hour on Nezha is so unbearable for him.

And at the last moment, this concentrated energy slowly poured into Nezha's body, which was 10 times larger than just now. With all the influx in this way, Nezha shouted in the lotus pond and could not bear it. With a cry. Then I saw that Nezha's body smoked thinly from body to head.

However, Nezha felt an unprecedented sense of comfort. At this moment, he only felt that his body was particularly light, and all the energy gathered in this lotus pond seemed to be absorbed by his body.

Taiyi Zhenren walked into the lotus pond at this moment. When he saw such a Nezha, he applauded and said to Nezha: "The teacher really didn't misread you. I didn't expect you to persevere in the end."

Nezha, now he feels very light, and he has been soaked for two days and two nights. At this moment, he stood up and stood on the lotus. He also saw Taiyi real people at the moment and said to Taiyi real people:

"Master has helped me here, I will naturally not let the master down. Just now I really thought I would die violently, but at that last moment, all the energy poured into me, and the release just now, actually It makes me feel very light at the moment. "

Tai Yizheng smiled and said to Nezha: "Not only do you feel very light now, but also all the impurities in your body have been purified by this lotus pond, only this last step, you will be 10 higher than before. Times the skill. "

Nezha was so excited when he heard Taiyi live saying, after he was transformed by Taiyi live, half of the lotus root and half live, he always felt that this was inconvenient, but now after soaking in this pool for two days and two nights, he I just feel light.

Afterwards, the real person of Taiyi waved to Nezha, beckoning Nezha to come over. I saw that Nezha's body was very light and stepped on the two lotus, so he flew in front of Taiyi.

Taiyi Zhenren said to Nezha, I let you soak in this lotus pond for two days and two nights, not only to improve your skill, but also to remove impurities from your body. The most important point is that your soul is now Can fully adapt to the lotus root limbs, and then I will transform your whole body.

Nezha wasn't used to the body that was half lotus root and half human body. I didn't expect that Taiyi Zhenren would reform his whole body this time. Nezha said directly to Taiyi Zhenren: "There will be a master worker."

I saw Tai Yizheng waved his hand and the lotus roots in the lotus pond flew up like this. After several fights, it turned into a person. Tai Yizheng also said to Nezha at the moment:

"This is your new body. This lotus pond contains the essence of heaven and earth, so the lotus in this lotus pond also has a natural spirit" **** ". This will also promote your skill."

After Tai Yizheng finished speaking, he saw Jin Dan summoned again. After seeing Tai Yizheng silently chant a few spells. The whole soul of Nezha covered the lotus root, slowly and slowly sat up, at this moment his body was completely done by lotus root.

He moved his limbs, feeling very light, and also more comfortable than before, Nezha thought it was over. He had just got up and thanked Taiyi.

But I saw Tai Yizheng again chanting a spell. At this moment, a side of clean water was just above his forehead, slowly dropping into his forehead. Nezha felt that his body seemed ethereal in the moment when the still water dripped into his forehead. At the moment, he has a feeling that he has absorbed the essence of heaven and earth.

And Taiyi real man saw that this side of the clean water slowly fell into Nazha's forehead, he was also very gratifying, and he kept looking at Nazha, and he only saw Nazha slowly from his forehead An imprint appeared on the surface and the imprint slowly formed a red dot. It appeared between Nezha's brows.

Tai Yizheng saw that the red dot had formed between Nezha's brows. He is very satisfied with his work this time. ..

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