My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 235: Nezha returns to Xiqi

Jiang Ziya, after seeing that his flag was not good, he panicked at the moment. Last time, he sacrificed this central garrison, the Xinghuang Banner, before suppressing all the weapons of the four generals. Let his weapon fail, but why this time his flag is not good?

Jiang Ziya suddenly thought of the conversation between him and Nagato that night. Nagato had already told himself long ago that he should not carelessly think that he really had such a thing this time. Jiang Ziya didn't regret it.

Jiang Ziya regained his calmness afterwards. He thought that even if the central garrison was already awkward, he still had the magic wand. After that, Jiang Ziya used the magic wand to fight against the demon four. At the moment, Nangong Shi and Xin Jia help Jiang Ziya.

However, Jiang Ziya has never played against the Demon Four, and last time, he directly sacrificed the Central Shuxing Xinghuang Banner, so he did not know the power of the weapons of the Demon Four. A demon Li Qing, sacrificed his Qingyun sword, and this Qingyun sword was like being controlled by "fuck", and stabbed himself straight.

Although Jiang Ziya hid, he saw that the sword stabbed himself again, and he always aimed at himself. At this moment, Mo Liqing took advantage of the chase and sacrificed his diamond bracelet directly, so he smashed Jiang Ziya. past.

The remaining three generals of the Devil's Family also sacrificed their magic weapons. The second child Mo Lihong directly used his Hunyuan umbrella, so that all the troops brought out of Jiang Ziya were swept away and his Jiang Ziya's army was knocked to the ground in an instant.

The demon four generals ha ha smiled, and Jiang Ziya was also at the moment lacking skills, he could not even deal with the two weapons against Mo Liqing.

At this time, the eldest brother of the four families of the family, Mo Liqing, said to Jiang Ziya: "Without that flag, you are a waste. Look at me. The four of the family will not throw you back and report our last hatred.

Jiang Ziya has been in vain at the moment, and he really regrets not listening to Nagato's words, but it is now too late. Nangong Shi and Xin Jia are also being turned around by Mo Lishou's Hua Fox Marten at the moment, neither of them has the ability to deal with Hua Hu Min.

Mori 4 will watch the army they brought Jiang Ziya out, and they will all fall to the ground. At this moment, their four brothers looked at each other and laughed. He also said to Jiang Ziya: "You Xiqi's people are able to do this. Last time, if you hadn't hit your conspiracy, my four brothers would have knocked you down to the ground last time."

And Jiang Ziya came out this time, especially confident. He always felt that Mojia 4 would not be his opponent, so he didn't even ask Nagato's opinion, let alone Nagato came out with him.

And just in the next second. Jiang Ziya was stabbed to death by Mori Qing's Qingyun Sword. And this is what Jiang Ziya never thought, he could not even imagine that he would die in the hands of the demon four generals.

The Devil Four will watch them kill Jiang Ziya, and they are even more mad. They provoked the soldiers inside the city gate: "Now that your prime minister has been killed, I do not invite your lord to hurry up and come down. He is dead. "

The guards at the gate saw Jiang Ziya had been killed, and he quickly returned to report to Ji Chang: "Yuan Bao Hou Ye, Prime Minister has been killed by the four demons. The two generals Nangong Shi and Xin Jia have also been killed That flower fox marten is entangled, "

Ji Chang was stunned when he heard the guards coming to the newspaper. He said to the guards, "What is the situation with you quickly? Why was the prime minister so easily killed by them? Last time, the prime minister did not kill them all." Was it defeated? "

I saw that the gatekeeper stood kneeling on the ground and shuddered to Ji Chang: "Report Hou Ye, I do n’t know why the weapon offered by the prime minister does n’t work at all, so it will be easily used by the four generals defeat."

Ji Chang heard the guard say this at the moment, he was already panic, and now Nezha is no longer in Xiqi. The only main prime minister is still killed by the four demons. He really feels that God is going to die Xiqi.

Ji Chang completely panicked at the moment, he didn't know what to do. In this large camp in the army, the only calm person is the Nagato.

Nagato had already anticipated all of this, and all of today is within his expectations, and the progress of all this will also promote his plan, so Nagato is not panicking at this moment.

Ji Chang was flustered, and he didn't know what to do, but he was very flustered when he saw the following. Only one person was very calm at this time, and this person was the Nagato.

Ji Chang looked at Nagato and asked, "Look at you next to the Prime Minister every day. I wonder if you have any clever plans at this moment? Or would Xiqi really be finished like this."

Seeing Ji Chang at the moment, Nagato asked himself, and he said to Ji Chang again: "Hou Ye really looked up to me, and I was just beside the prime minister. As for anything else, I didn't know anything."

The guards outside the door were used to report to Ji Changxun: "Hou Ye, Mo Family 4 is particularly rampant outside the city gate at this moment, and they are shouting there to let you go out and suffer."

Ji Chang heard the goalkeeper coming to the newspaper, he was even more anxious at the moment, he shouted, and said to everyone: "Is it going to play with me like Xiqi?"

Nagato was naturally not worried, he only knew that after this time. Jiang Ziya will only believe what she says in the future, and it will become easier to "control" Jiang Ziya.

And when Ji Chang was particularly worried, Nezha stepped on the Hot Wheels and reached the military camp. Nezha said to Ji Chang: "Hou Ye, my master, Tai Yi, let me come to help Xi Qi."

When Ji Chang saw that Nezha was coming, he seemed to have caught the life-saving straw. He hurriedly walked off his chair and said to Nezha in front of Nezha: "Nezha, you do n’t have to be rude, It ’s timely that you came back this time, and now the Demon Four will be clamoring outside the city, and the only people in the army at this moment are you. "

When Nezha heard Ji Chang say this, and was particularly doubtful, he asked Ji Chang, "What does Hou Ye mean by saying this? And I haven't seen the prime minister since I came in. Why is the prime minister not in such a critical time?" In the camp. "

Ji Chang heard Nezha ask this question and said to Nezha: "Just now the Prime Minister led his soldiers to meet the four generals of the Devil's House, but he didn't want the Prime Minister to be killed by the Four Demon House.

Nezha was particularly surprised to hear Ji Chang say this. He didn't expect that Jiang Ziya was just like that, and was killed by the Demon Four. Nezha became very shocked at the moment. ..

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