My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 254: Four people work together to break ten

Wen Taishi temporarily did not panic. He was holding good news in the camp. He didn't believe in Xiqi. Someone could break through.

While Wen Taishi was watching from the side, he didn't believe that these people could break this tenth formation, but Jiang Ziya and others, as they were talking about yesterday, rushed into the formation from four directions.

At this time, the four men were in four different small formations. Everyone was trapped in the middle of this small formation. Everyone was struggling to break through these four formations. If they broke through these four formations, You can crack these ten unique arrays by going to the central law station.

Jiang Ziya is a wind roaring array at the moment. At this moment the wind roaring array, the wind roaring, Jiang Ziya also struggled to resist the wind roaring array.

It ’s very easy for Nagato to crack this burst, but he did n’t go to the center immediately, because if it were n’t for four people to go to the center together, I ’m afraid that the Hundred Dollar Fight would be bad for himself, so Nagato did n’t go directly at this moment That central law station.

Antarctic fairy Weng formed a protective cover with mana. Although hard at the moment, he still resisted stubbornly. He had to break the small array so that he would go to the central Fatai.

Soon the Antarctic Xian Weng, the first to break this small array, went to the central law station. The Nagato followed, and there were already two people at the central Fa-tai.

Nezha tried the incarnation of the lotus. At this moment he was trapped in the formation and directly called out the hot wheels to step on the hot wheels and flew directly to the central monastery.

At the moment, Zhao Gongming, who was still meditating there, wanted to control these ten unique battles. He felt that these ten extremes, the more difficult it was to control him, he strengthened his skills.

At the moment, Jiang Ziya also gathered to four people, all of which had all the exercises. The Hundred Yuan Gold Fight was thus beaten down. It also released Yang Jian's soul, and was now included in the gourd by the Antarctic fairy.

As soon as this burst broke, the Antarctic Immortal went directly to Zhao Gongming and used his mana to kill Zhao Gongming. And Zhao Gongming never imagined that his ten final battles were eventually solved by Antarctic Xian Weng and others.

Wen Taishi was still waiting, and Zhao Gongming's good news was soon reported. Wen Taishi thought that Zhao Gongming had succeeded, and placed the Xiqi people in the top ten.

But unexpectedly, the guard said to Wen Taishi: "It's not good, then Jiang Ziya and others cracked the ten-strong battlefield and killed Zhao Daochang."

Master Wen heard the guard say this, he didn't expect that the people of Xiqi could break this ten-strike battle. Wen Taishi felt that he had also seen his ability, how could this Xiqi person easily break through, and how could Zhao Gongming be directly killed. This also made Wen Taishi unacceptable.

But Wen Taishi still had a sensible sense, he told the guards: "Strengthening the patrol soldiers, we must prevent this Xiqi person from attacking our barracks."

The guard made a ritual to Wen Taishi and then withdrew from the camp, but at this moment, Wen Taishi was still very panicked. Unexpectedly, only Jiang Ziya and others were able to crack this ten-strong array.

And another person came to report. Wen Taishi was very impatient at the moment, and asked him why he was directly? I saw that the man said directly to Master Wen Tai: "Guo Shi let me tell you, don't worry. He has taken Zhao Gongming's body to Sanxian Island for help now."

When Master Wen heard this, he felt relieved. He believed that Nao Gongbao would definitely bring reinforcements here, and then Shangjun would be evenly matched with Xiqi, and he would not be afraid of Xiqi coming.

Afterwards, Master Wen Tai didn't let that person back down. Master Tai also took a sip of tea to calm herself down. At the moment, Master Tai Wen gritted her teeth and muttered to herself: "Jiang Ziya is either you dead or me dead. I will fight with you to the end."

On the other side, Shen Gongbao has already taken Zhao Gongming's body to Sanxian Island. Shen Gongbao had his own plans, and when Zhao Gongming was killed, his sister would definitely avenge him.

Sure enough, Shen Gongbao was together on Sanxian Island, and Zhao Gongming's three sisters saw that Zhao Gongming was dead and were very sad at the moment. They cried beside their elder brother.

The saddest thing at the moment is the fairy in the sky. She not only has sadness but also remorse. She hates that she did n’t persuade her elder brother well. If she persuades her elder brother, she wo n’t be the one who was Xiqi ’s. Killed.

Fairy Yunxiao was crying very sadly. She also cried and shouted at the body of Zhao Gongming: "Brother, why did you not obey me and insisted on going down the mountain? Look at how you look today, let us What can the three sisters do? "

The other two sisters also cried very sadly, and they said there, "I didn't expect that Xi Qi's people were so bad, and even disregarding the sentiments of the two religions, they just killed the elder brother."

At the moment, when Shen Gongbao saw the timing, he quickly said, "They don't care about the friendship with the door, how can they still take care of the two religions, I told you earlier that Jiang Ziya was extremely dangerous."

But at the moment, Fairy Yunxiao ignored Shen Gongbao's words, she still cried very sadly, and said to Shen Gongbao: "If you invite Big Brother, how could there be disaster, he hasn't listened to your words before helping the merchants. It's such a field. "

And Shen Gongbao is still slicking his tongue at the moment. He said directly to the fairy of Yunxiao: "You are the one who blamed me for the fairy of Yunxiao. Brother Gongming wanted to avenge his fellow teachers, so he followed me down the mountain. Get up and get the Hundred Yuan Gold Fight. "

Fairy Yunxiao heard Shen Gongbao talking about the Hundred Yuan Golden Fight, and she suddenly remembered it. At this moment, she quickly asked Shen Gongbao: "Speaking of the Hundred Yuan Golden Fight, what about me, the Hundred Yuan Golden Fight?"

Shen Gongbao pretended to be a helpless face and said to the fairy in the sky: "That Jiang Ziya was insidious and cunning. He robbed the Hundred Yuan Golden Fight and killed Brother Gongming."

At the moment, the two sisters were very angry. When they heard Shen Gongbao say this, they wished to kill Jiang Ziya immediately. The two of them quickly said to their sister Yunxiao Fairy: "Sister, let's go down the mountain. . "

But Fairy Yunxiao still hesitated at the moment. She always felt that Jiang Ziya was not such a person, and she knew that Fengming Qishan that day, so she did not want to go down the muddy water.

But Fairy Yunxiao thought that her brother could not die in vain, and at the moment, the two sisters tried to persuade her to go down the mountain and avenge her brother. ..

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