My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 384: The long door restricts Sun Wukong with a hand hoop

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Sun Wukong only knew to beg for mercy at this time, just when he immediately fell to the ground, he hurriedly shouted there, "I'll go with you, can't I go with you?"

Nagato heard Sun Wukong shouting like this, at this moment he directly sacrificed his mana and slowly came out a small cloud, which helped him go down slowly.

Sun Wukong slowly came back after he landed, but he did not know what the ability of the so-called long door person in front of him was to be able to invalidate all his mana. Is it all because he just took advantage of Do n’t you pay attention to the little ring that you put on your hand?

He is still working hard at the moment, and see if he can take this small ring for you, but no matter how hard he tries, he ca n’t take this small disc down, and since this ring has reached his own hands, he himself You can't manipulate your own abilities as you please.

At this time, Nagato slowly walked here to Sun Wukong, and then said to him: "Since you have promised me, then go with me."

Sun Wukong was actually dissatisfied by thousands of people, but now he really can't fight the person called Long Gate in front of him, so he can only follow the leader slowly.

At the moment, Nagato took Sun Wukong to a cloud, and at the moment, the two of them rushed back to the place where Xuanzang was.

Xuan Zang stayed here with the little black cat for the past two days, and although the two of them were on this mountain, they could n’t go out here, and there was nothing to eat at all, but fortunately, there were little black cats who went out every day and brought I ate a lot of food, such as wild fruit or something, for Xuanzang.

These days Xuanzang is actually quite strange. He thought that this long door would go out, he would n’t come back and throw himself here, and now he and the little black cat are here to live together, how can they continue? After living, after all, there are so many dangers in this deep mountain and old forest that they are not known. Even if the two of them want to go out and find something to eat, I am afraid they are very dangerous.

But this little black cat turned out to be the same as this man named Nagato, and this mana could easily go out and bring some fruits back, so Xuan Zang was also very relieved at the moment, but it was not a way for him to stay here all the time, This long door does not know when to return.

No one can speak to Xuanzang. At this moment, he can only sit next to the little black cat and said to the little black cat: "After your master brought me here, he threw me again. Here, but I ’m leaving you here again, I do n’t know if he can come back. ”

The little black cat listened to Xuan Zang's complaint every day for the past two days, but she ignored him and just lay there, and meowed twice, and Xuan Zang often saw the little black cat's response, this is There helpless sigh.

At this moment, Nagato returned with Sun Wukong, and Xuan Zang was very excited to see Nagato come back. At this moment, he quickly stood up and walked to Nagato.

"I didn't expect that you really came back. What the **** did you do for so many days? Xuan Zang suddenly saw the monkey beside the long door, and he was so scared at the moment."

So Xuan Zang stepped back a few steps, but Sun Wukong now put on a very scary face, where he scared Xuan Zang, Xuan Zang back a few steps, almost did not fall to the ground.

Instead, it made Nagato laugh there, and he said to Sun Wukong after he was laughing there at the moment, "Well, what are you doing to scare him now?"

Sun Wukong immediately returned to his original shape, but he was a monkey essence. Xuan Zang was still afraid after seeing the monkey essence, but he was trying his best to keep calm at the moment.

And this is what Nagato said to Xuan Zang: "He is called Sun Wukong. Don't look at him like this. In fact, he is very powerful. At that time, he will also help us go to the West together."

When Xuanzang heard it, he said to the long door: "Are you sure you want such a monster to follow us all the time? Will he eat us both halfway?"

Xuan Zang tremblingly pointed at the Sun Wukong, and at the moment said everything he had in mind.

Naturally, Nagato knew the fear in his heart, and then he read a spell again. At this moment, it seemed that there was a barrier, and it was the same to Xuanzhao.

"Now you don't have to be afraid, I set a barrier around you, he can't hurt you at all, and he and me are on the road together with me? So what are you afraid of here now?"

Xuan Zang saw that his whole body seemed to be really glowing with white light, and he was no longer afraid at the moment, but he still had some worries when he thought of going to the West with such a monster.

But after all, as Nagato said, did he go with everyone? So now Xuanzang is trying his best to keep calm.

Now Sun Wukong and Xuan Zang have the same idea. Although he is not afraid of this Xuan Zang, he feels that this long door is indeed incapable of confronting him, but how can he go to the West with him in a downfall, after all, he said this matter Whether it is true or false is not known.

But now he only knows one thing, that is, he was crushed under the mountain by this Buddha. When he went to the west, he certainly would not get any benefits. He planned to promise the long door first now, and then when the time was found. Is to quickly escape back.

While Nagato looked at everyone without any objections, he said to them at the moment: "Since everyone has no objections, then we continue to travel. In the past few days, I went to Sun Wukong for a long time, so we are now Let's continue the journey together. "

After that, they followed the Nagato and continued to move forward, while Nagato and Xuan Zang were riding horses, and the little black cat was naturally on the Nagato.

Sun Wukong had the mana, and he didn't bother to ride horses with them. However, because things in the West were more restricted this time, they couldn't use mana at all, so they could only move forward step by step.

Sun Wukong followed behind, and Nagato and Xuan Zang were riding horses in front. Sun Wukong felt that since he was behind, I am afraid that Nagato could not find himself at all. Sun Wukong walked slower and slower, but slowly The team, at this moment, is preparing to use their mana to fly back into their water curtain hole ...

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