My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 391: Cassock storm

After Nagato came over and saw all this, Xuan Zang thought he would say something, but Nagato didn't say much, he just said to Xuan Zang:

"Let's put this magnificent cassock away, or if anyone sees it then, I'm afraid they want to hurry him over."

Sun Wukong and Xuan Zang were very surprised when they heard that they thought Nagato would ask East and West, but when Nagato returned, he not only asked nothing, but also asked them to put away the cassock.

But he wanted to talk to them about this matter, and he said to the long door: "How did you go for such a long time? And we are out to find you now, but how do you know that we are here? We It ’s not in that farmer. "

Nagato smiled and said nothing.

When Sun Wukong saw the appearance of Nagato, he didn't have the desire to continue to ask. At this time, Nagato said to them again: "Okay, since we have already met, then we will continue to go. But Looking at the two of you, I ’m afraid they are reconciled now, which is pretty good. "

Several people continued to move forward, while Sun Wukong continued to be ahead. Nagato and Xuan Zang were on the same side, and the little black cat was still on the horse.

A few people went all the way, and it was almost dark. At this moment, the long door said to Sun Wukong: "You hurry up and explore the sky to see if there is anything to live in."

After Sun Wukong heard it, he quickly flew up the tree. At this moment, he looked up at the front and saw a Zen monastery, and he quickly came down and told the Nagato them about it.

Upon hearing this, Nagato immediately decided to sleep in that monastery tonight. After all, Xuanzang was also a person who believed in Buddha, and there was no conflict among them.

They walked slowly and really saw this monastery, but now they went in, and now there are several young monks. After they explained the reasons with these young monks, the ancestor of this young monk, who was the monk of this monastery, was Also come out.

Longmen and the abbot knew something about it, and the abbot naturally left them in a monastery.

Just after dinner in the evening, everyone was sitting there chatting. The abbot chatted at the moment, and he said to Xuan Zang:

"I also know that you came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, but did you bring any good babies? If it does, you can take it out and let us meet the world."

Xuan Zang was polite and said to the abbot: "We came all the way around this time and it was impossible to bring anything good, so there was nothing good to show the host."

Nagato was there too, not much to talk about, and he wanted to figure out that there might be a disaster here, so he watched silently.

At this time, Sun Wukong said, "You didn't just get a cassock, and this cassock is very gorgeous, why don't you take it out and show it to everyone?"

The host heard that Sun Wukong said so, at that moment, he laughed there, and asked about the collection of cassocks. His cassocks even made the whole house unhappy.

He just wanted to speak, and the young monk next to him said, "Just like a cassock, if the cassock, the whole house of our abbot's cassock is unhappy."

After Xuan Zang heard it, he smiled and praised the abbot there. At this time, Sun Wukong was even more disapproving. After all, he also saw the Avalokitesvara sent to Xuan Zang by Guanyin himself. Good gift, but now that Xuanzang has got his hand, why is he now?

Sun Wukong has never been a covert person. After all, they do have this thing. Why can't they show it to everyone?

Nagato didn't say a word there, but Xuan Zang looked at Nagato, but he didn't seem to care about it when he looked at Nagato, and now Sun Wukong has said so, and the monks are also very curious At this moment, he will not be able to take it out.

Xuan Zang reluctantly took out his own things. In fact, he had his own considerations. He felt that these people looked very friendly, but they asked themselves like this, I am afraid they are also greedy people, if they really take this thing When I came out, I'm afraid they would always do everything possible to take away this thing.

Xuan Zang always adhered to the principle that one more thing is worse than one less, but he doesn't want to take this thing out, but now Sun Wukong has been talking there, letting those people look forward to it even more, and he can't take it out at this moment.

Xuan Zang slowly opened the baggage, and this cassock was leaking into the field of vision. Several monks had already opened their eyes after seeing it. Even the abbot of that little eye had his eyes shining at the moment. I haven't seen such a beautiful cassock.

"Wow, your cassocks are really beautiful, and with such a little starlight, our room has no light at all, but your cassocks, but your cassocks are still very bright."

Xuan Zang can say more at this moment, he can only smile embarrassedly here, after all, this cassock has seen that these people's eyes have been straightened, and Xuan zag is increasingly worried that his cassock may not be guaranteed in time .

He has two things to worry about. One thing is that if the cassock really let them take it away, wouldn't he have suffered a lot?

Secondly, after all, this sofa was given to him by Guanyin Bodhisattva. If he really lost it, would he be punished by then?

At this moment, the host took the cassock in his hands, and then he touched it carefully. After he touched it, he sighed there. He has never seen such a beautiful cassock in his life.

"I didn't expect that your cassock is really so beautiful, but now I just look at it a few times. It's really not enough to appreciate. I don't know if you can let me take it to my room. I appreciate it and wait until tomorrow morning. I will return it to Zhao. "

Xuan Zang didn't want to, but he hadn't spoken yet. Sun Wukong directly took charge of Xuan Zang. Xuan Zang flew another crow over his head at the moment. He didn't expect that Sun Wukong was so straightforward.

"Take it if you want to see it. I believe my master, he is not such a stingy person, as long as you can bring it back to us tomorrow morning, it will be fine."

Xuan Zang listened to Sun Wukong saying that he can say more, after all, Sun Wukong has broken his own way ...

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