My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 408: Dingfengzhu

The demon asked the little demon to hurry to his side, and then said proudly to the little demon: "You just look at him. He is just a mortal and can do more."

When the little demon heard the monster saying this, he went back after receiving the order.

And the little demon next to the monster saw the monster so proud. Then they asked their boss: "Boss, why are you so proud? You are not afraid that they will invite Tianbingtianfu in the future, what will we do then?"

When the monster heard this little demon saying this, he laughed there ~

"You don't know how powerful your boss is. After my yellow smoke came out, it had the effect of blinding people, but it also made people feel dizzy. Even the generals of the soldiers could not be cracked at all, so I am naturally not afraid of them. There is only one person now. There is the Bodhisattva Manjusri. There are some fears. I do n’t even think about other people. "

After the little demon heard it, he applauded again and again, feeling that his boss was really very powerful. It seems that this matter was very stable, and now he does not need to worry about those things.

But he said that he did n’t know that these things were all heard by Sun Wukong. At this moment, Sun Wukong slowly flew out of this hole, and then he went back to meet with Nagato. At the moment when Nagato, Zhu Bajie, and Sun Wukong meet, they then Is reporting his situation.

Sun Wukong had just flown back and said nothing after changing back to his original form. He directly laughed at Nagato and Zhu Bajie, and at the moment he even laughed and rolled on the ground.

At the moment, Nagato and Zhu Bajie are all question marks. I don't know what happened to Sun Wukong. Isn't it just that someone laughed at the "hole"?

Pig Bajie is very helpless.

"Brother, can you calm down? What the **** are you doing there? Are you going to read jokes?"

Sun Wukong had just relieved a little bit. He saw the two serious faces of Nagato and Zhu Bajie again. He heard the three consecutive questions from Zhu Bajie again, and now he covered his stomach there again, ha ha laughing ...

Long door looked at his situation, at this moment he directly closed his eyes and began to read the spell, and after he said a few words, Sun Wukong changed from a very happy state to a very painful state.

"Ah, it hurts, it's all right, I said I can't do it yet?"

This was when Nagato finally missed the spell, and Sun Wukong finally returned to normal. He then stood up one by one, and sorted himself out afterwards.

"You don't know. I'm afraid you will laugh at this thing when I told you. After I entered the cave, I saw that Tang Sang's mouth had already been blocked by those people. I'm afraid I guess even The monster is also very afraid of his mouth, and I also heard the monster complaining that he was too good to say, haha ​​... "

And when Nagato heard this, he laughed there too, but only Zhu Bajie still had a question ...

After Nagato laughed for a while, he also recovered.

"Let's talk about it first. Have you found the monster's weakness?"

Sun Wukong nodded his head and said to Nagato and others: "The monster said that he was most afraid of Bodhisattva Manjushri, and Bodhisattva Manjushri should have a fixed wind bead, as long as there is that thing, he is completely We can't help what happened to us. "

Long Gate nodded when he saw it.

"Since that is the case, then you go, you go to the Manjusri Bodhisattva to borrow this Ding Fengzhu, and Ba Jie and I are waiting for you here."

Sun Wukong is very puzzled. After all, this kind of errand job, why do I need to use myself since I got the pig bajie?

Nagato clearly saw his doubts and said to Sun Wukong: "I know what you are thinking there, this matter is also very important, and we must quickly rescue Xuan Zang to continue to move forward. Without you, it ’s safer for you to go about this matter. "

Sun Wukong heard Longmen say this, and naturally he was very happy, so he turned to the Wenshu Bodhisattva directly, and everything was revealed to him, and Wenshu Bodhisattva came with him.

Nagato really didn't know what was going on, why now he has become like this, he not only coaxed Sun Wukong with sweet words every day. In addition, I have to teach Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie to grow up slowly. At this moment, I feel like an old mother.

Nagato sighed there, but now there is nothing wrong. After he meditated there, he urged the energy of his body to see if he could break through.

Pig Bajie felt very funny when he saw Nagato. He did n’t know whether he was sighing there or what he was doing, but he looked at Nagato ’s body to form a thick energy shield, and this energy The cover is very high and deep, Zhu Bajie secretly moved to the side, after all, he didn't want to be injured accidentally.

After reaching the side, Zhu Bajie began to think that Gao Laozhuang was the same as Cuilan. In fact, she really liked her, and she was also very beautiful, but she could n’t look down on her like this. Since then he began to sigh there ...

After two hours, Sun Wukong came back with Manjusri Bodhisattva, but as soon as he came back, he saw the long gate meditating, um, it was normal, but he looked at Zhu Bajie, hey, now the pig Bajie drools ...

However, Nagato sensed that Sun Wukong had returned, but said nothing. He gave him a look at him, and Sun Wukong understood it.

They didn't stay much. Sun Wukong flew directly to the hole, took his gold hoop and hit a lot of gravel, and the monster was very angry when he came out.

He directly blew out his own yellow smoke. He also knew that Sun Wukong could not be cracked at all. Even if he had flamboyant eyes, it was useless to take himself. At this moment, Manjusri Bodhisattva suddenly appeared, and his body still glowed with golden light. At this time, he directly cast a spell and slowly condensed it into a bead of wind. Even the yellow smoke was useless.

And the monster wanted to run, but after being fixed by a magical instrument of Bodhisattva Manjusri, it became the original form, and finally only heard the screaming sound of the monster ...

Manjusri Bodhisattva has helped Sun Wukong and others, and then left directly, and this Sun Wukong and his pig Bajie quickly entered the cave to rescue Xuan Zang.

Xuan Zang was actually in the fairy hole, but the fairy didn't do anything to him, but sealed his mouth, so that he could not speak, Xuan Zang hated those monsters very much, and he said everything was reasonable, and also Want to influence them, but they are too disobedient, Xuan Zang was rescued and still shook his head and sighed. ..

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