My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 411: Work together

In fact, all of their actions Guanyin Bodhisattva are in their eyes. Guanyin Bodhisattva is very anxious at the moment. He is afraid that Nagato and others will be angry and kill this monster directly.

In fact, he also plans to let this monster follow them and continue to help them. Although there are Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie now, their "sex" character is different for everyone. After having the monk Sha, they can still synthesize Their "sex" style.

But now he has been following them, it is not convenient to come forward. After thinking for a long time, Guanyin Bodhisattva decided to use the method of sound transmission. At this moment, he was silently speaking there, but his speech has passed through mana, so it can naturally be transmitted into the ears of the long door.

At the moment, Nagato arranged angrily to let them both go down to attract the monster, and the monster must be caught, and then suddenly there was a voice in his ear.

"Just grab him, don't hurt his" life ", he can go to the West with you and can help you."

After listening to it, Nagato smiled. It turned out that when Guanyin Bodhisattva was also worried, he naturally knew that Guanyin Bodhisattva passed it to him.

But Nagato was totally unreasonable at this moment, he just wanted Guanyin Bodhisattva to worry.

At this time, Sun Wukong saw that Nagato was still smiling there. He and Zhu Bajie were even more strange, but Nagato had already said so, and they were helpless.

"Eight Precepts, let's go on both of us."

Pig Bajie thought that Sun Wukong would instigate himself very hard, but he didn't expect that he would be so gentle this time. At this moment, even Pig Bajie froze for a second.

He was in a trance for a moment. Is this still his brother?

"Um ... well, let's go down, but your water **** is always inferior to me, and I will be asked to seduce after a while, and then you are standing behind me."

Sun Wukong nodded his head, but all of them let Longmen see in his eyes. They felt very relieved in their eyes at the moment. There was a feeling that their own children had grown up.

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie are not delaying either. He went directly into Hanoi. Although Sun Wukong's "sex" is not as good as Pig Bajie, he can stay in the water for a while.

Nagato was waiting for the news of their successful return with Xuan Zang on the shore. At this time, Nagato also noticed Xuan Zang. Xuan Zang still looked timid and scared, but now his little black cat seems to be Has become his, I am afraid that Xuanzang thought the little black cat is also very weak, the two of them can warm each other.

Seeing such Xuanzang, Nagato couldn't help but smile.

Xuan Zang saw Nagato always smiling at himself, but he didn't even take Nagato at all now, because Nagato's angry appearance was super scary.

On the other hand, Guanyin Bodhisattva, who had been watching in the distance, was very anxious at the moment. Just now he had clearly spread the sound, telling Nagato to tell Nagato not to kill the monster. But now that the long gate doesn't take care of itself. At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva is pacing back and forth there, but Guanyin Bodhisattva has never been so down, but whenever he meets the long gate, he always feels very helpless, even now Some worries ...

Because this time it was a thing that the Buddhas in the West let him do, and this is the first thing he joined them to do. He naturally wanted to do it well, but this thing developed slowly, Guanyin Bodhisattva always I feel very powerless. And this matter has always become something beyond his control.

Guanyin Bodhisattva still paced back and forth there. Helplessly shook his head and sighed.

On the other side, Pig Bajie and Sun Wukong have gone down. The moment the two had just come down, they had already made a plan. After all, Sun Wukong was angry just now, but he thought that this was not a way, so he thought about it for a while and then had a plan. Now he is reconciled with Zhu Bajie. It was planned to try with Zhu Bajie.

Pig Bajie went retrograde to this monster directly in the water, and Sun Wukong was hiding behind a reef in the water.

When Pig Bajie arrived, he erected his sledge directly, shouting there with his hips.

"Goblin, you grandpa pig I'm here again, see you grandpa pig I'm not tidying up this time."

Zhu Bajie completely lacked the expression of fear before, as if he had forgotten that the monster had captured him once.

Sun Wukong was hiding behind the reef to watch the excitement. After all, the two had already negotiated. After Zhu Bajie led the monster out, he and Zhu Bajie worked together to catch the monster directly.

Pig Bajie shouted once and it didn't work. He shouted for the second time. Suddenly the red "Mao" monster rushed directly to Pig Bajie with his weapon, and this time its weapon was aimed at Pig Bajie. Neck, if the pig Bajie can not walk away, and will scream.

Pig Bajie saw that the monster was coming, and was very scared at the moment. He didn't expect the monster to be like this, like a desperate man.

At this time, Sun Wukong appeared in time and stopped in front of Zhu Bajie. Holding the gold cudgel, the monster's weapon was destroyed.

If the monster looks bad, he intends to leave. After all, he is familiar with the "sex" of water, and no one should be able to catch it, but Zhu Bajie has already blocked him.

Pig Bajie and Sun Wukong fought back and forth, and the monster shook his head helplessly, and then was brought to the shore by Pig Bajie and Sun Wukong.

"Long door, long door, you'll see if we succeed."

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie both had joy on their faces, but did not expect this matter to be so simple!

If Nagato enjoys this moment of tranquility, at this moment he is practicing his cultivation practice, where to meditate with breathless breath, he suddenly hears the sounds of both Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie. By the time the two had captured the monster, they were slowly walking towards themselves.

Nagato smiled and stood up straight away, and there was a feeling of relief at the moment. If the monster had been caught so early. The two of them are still unstable in their "sex", and they need to slowly hone the two of them.

Xuan Zang had always been cuddling tightly with the two little black cats. At the moment, he saw these two guys really caught the monster. He slowly vowed in his heart. Do n’t mess with these two people, or you will have your own good fruit to eat in the future, and you will have to depend on them in the future, or he will be unsure about what happens ...

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