My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 419: Nagato's anger

Now, Pig Bajie saw Sun Wukong and was obviously already excited, but he had been lobbying Sun Wukong there, and Sun Wukong finally agreed to him now.

Then Sun Wukong was going to the backyard, but Sun Wukong had just walked a few steps, and Zhu Bajie stopped it.

"What the **** are you doing? Don't you ask me to pick ginseng fruit? What's stopping me now?"

At the moment, Zhu Bajie said to Sun Wukong with a smile: "Brother, I just remembered something. I think they seemed to have something called a gold striker to pick it off, so I'm afraid when you go You have to take that thing too. "

They are now in the room adjacent to the rooms of the two little boys. At this moment, the pig Bajie pointed at him, and Sun Wukong went directly into the room and took the gold striker to the backyard.

At this moment, Pig Bajie is smiling here. If this Monkey King really succeeded, he could eat something good. At this moment, he is not in any mood to do anything. Sitting there, smiling, it seems that he has already eaten ginseng fruit. general.

Nagato sat in this yard and was with the little black cat at the moment, but he is still meditating there at the moment. After all, it is about to break through now. It is a critical period, and his consciousness is also more confusing. He just needs to maintain it with real energy, but at this moment, he suddenly felt his heart tighten and he felt that something big happened.

Nangmen pinched his fingers and felt that something was bad. At this moment, he stood up quickly and went to the backyard of this Taoist temple.

Sun Wukong looked back and forth at this moment. He looked at the backyard where there were many fruit trees. He didn't know which one was the ginseng fruit tree. He looked back and forth and struck back and forth with the golden hammer, but it was useless. Sun Wukong shook his head and slowly went deeper.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a very tall tree, very thick, and there was still a golden light on the tree. Even Sun Wukong couldn't move his eyes at the moment, he saw the fruit on the tree as if it were a child , And then smiled, it seems that this is ginseng fruit.

Sun Wukong immediately flew up the tree, and he directly took the golden hammer to knock down one. Then suddenly, he was hit on the ground.

"what are you doing?"

Nagato was annoyed at the moment, but Sun Wukong was still relatively immature. He is now doing this kind of thing. If he didn't find it in time, if he did something wrong, I'm afraid it won't make up for it.

Sun Wukong found that they had found it at the moment, and they all smiled at the long door: "Is n’t this listening to Ba Jie saying that there is ginseng fruit in the courtyard? I have n’t tried to find one and try it."

Nagato was very helpless at the moment, but he explained to him the true use of this ginseng fruit and this ginseng fruit once in a hundred years. It is a very rare thing, especially if it wants to grow, it can grow without any other consent. Picking.

Afterwards, he warned Sun Wukong that if he dared to act rashly, he would be rude to him. Sun Wukong would not dare to do anything he wanted, but at this moment, he left leisurely.

Nagato felt that it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time. If he stayed here again, if Sun Wukong had done something wrong, it would probably delay a lot of time, and it would be difficult to explain to others.

Pig Bajie looked at Nagato and never came back, and now he was not hungry, he started to cook again, and soon the meal was ready, Sun Wukong had not returned, and when he just wanted to call everyone, Sun Wukong would came back.

He thought that Sun Wukong would return happily with ginseng fruit, but he looked at Sun Wukong's expressionless face, and he very flatteredly asked Sun Wukong: "How is it? Did the master get the ginseng fruit?"

Sun Wukong smiled at Zhu Bajie, and in the next second he directly summoned his gold hoop and hit him.

"Ah ... it hurts ... Brother, what are you doing? Why did you hit me with a gold hoop?"

Sun Wukong was already angry, if it was not because the pig Bajie himself could go to the backyard, but he was also blamed by the long door.

Afterwards, he was angry again and took his gold hoop to fight back and forth. He was scared and ran back and forth.

"You nerd, if it wasn't for what you said about ginseng fruit, how could I go to Houshan? I know if I met a long door, and the long door reprimanded me, even if I hit you today, I don't even Will be relieved. "

Pig Bajie ran back and forth and couldn't even run this Sun Wukong. At this moment, he was kneeling directly to beg for mercy. Fortunately, when the long door and Sha Wujing came, they actually wanted to ask when it would be possible to open the meal. It's making fun here.

Nagato was very angry at the moment, and as soon as he was angry, there seemed to be a force around him who wanted to burst out, and could also involve the people around him. Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie had experienced it naturally, but only Sha Wujing had not experienced it. This time even Sha Wu Jing was also very surprised.

"Isn't the two of you endless? It's still slapstick here now, where do you think it is?"

Pig Bajie and Sun Wukong quickly separated at this moment, and at this time, Zhu Bajie paid another salute to the Nagato, and quickly apologized. At this moment they looked at the meal and they said to the two of them: "We eat today After dinner, he left overnight. "

Pig Bajie was very dissatisfied after hearing this. This is where he said: "Why don't we stay here for a night, how exhausted are we to leave overnight? Besides, we can't see anything at night."

Nagato just snorted at the moment, so scared that Zhu Bajie no longer dared to speak anymore. Instead, Sha Wujing played round and said that everyone would hurry up and eat.

This is where they eat there, and each has their own thoughts. Sun Wukong is very angry. If it is not because of Ba Bajie, he will not do those stupid things, and Zhu Bajie has dissatisfaction in his heart. Why should he travel all night? The Tang monk didn't take it for granted. At the moment, he was smiling and eating there.

Naturally, Nagato told Tang Seng that they had to walk all night. After hearing this, Tang Seng also "exposed" and "difficult", after all, he had never suffered these hardships, and now he has reached this Taoist temple, why not so much Stay overnight?

But he could only think about it in his heart. How dare he ask all these words out, and at this moment he could only eat there silently, what the long door said.

Soon they finished eating, and they planned to leave. The two little fairy boys saw that they were going to leave, and they started to stop there ...

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