My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 429: Baoxiangguo princess?

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Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk just rubbed their eyes. He saw that the monster should be the head of these little demon. At the moment, the two were still not afraid. Zhu Bajie pointed his sledge directly to the monster.

"You monster is your death today. If it weren't because you arrested our master, we have to find our master for so long, and hand over our master quickly, we can spare your life."

The monster smiled there. He really felt amused by the bravery of these two men.

"On the two of you, why should I be afraid of you, and I can tell you personally without a touch of cover, this Tang monk is in my hands, I want to save him and defeat me first."

Pig Bajie looked so proud of the monster, and was even more angry at the moment. Not much nonsense. At the moment, the two monks and sand fighters directly fought towards the monster. This monk was guilty again and again, unless he could not be captured by the Tang monk.

The two attacked the monster with their own weapons, but the monster was very powerful, and there were a group of soldiers around him, so he was surrounded by pigs at the moment, so it was very difficult for the two people to fight with the pig Bajie and the sand monk. Now they are deadlocked there No less ...

At this time, in the cave, the Tang monk was still **** in the cave. He has now been locked up, because he heard those monsters saying that he will stew it tomorrow, and Tang monk is very helpless at the moment.

He is just a mortal, how can there be such a great honor, these monsters are fighting to grab themselves and want to eat themselves, at this moment he can do nothing but helplessness?

"Nagato, Sun Wukong, you two can come one by one, I apologize to you two for my previous things, is that not enough?"

Tang Seng shouted there vigorously, but no one took care of him at all, and at this time there was really a person who opened the cage at the moment and came in.

This monster is also a woman, almost middle-aged.

"Who are you?"

Tang Seng asked alertly, after all, this person is not a good person in the monster pile.

I saw this woman, and there she smiled, and then she moved closer to Tang Seng.

"You don't care, now I'm here just to save you. The two of us look quite like a match made in heaven. We might as well save you, so let the two of us stay and live together."

The first time Tang Seng heard someone say such disgusting words, he wished to find a place to vomit, so as to calm himself down, he could not help those people eat themselves, and did not want to be with this woman.

Tang Seng waved his hand.

"Farewell, I'm afraid I'll be blessed with your appearance. Besides, I'm always a mortal, and you are a monster, neither of us is born a pair."

When the monster heard Tang Seng say this, she didn't want to explain to him any more. She looked at Tang Seng but she was a little bit unknowable, but it was the way Tang Seng did that to give the grand monkey away.

The woman turned into a monster at the moment, which was just as Tang Seng had expected, but he was still afraid after seeing it.

Tang Seng tremblingly pointed at the monster.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

At this moment, the monster was standing there and wished to pinch his waist and smile directly. He looked at the Tang monk really foolish.

He pointed his finger at his face, and now he smiled very disdainfully.

"Who am I? If you open your eyes and look at it, Mrs. Bone Bone in your family just let your apprentice beat you three times before she was killed. I am under the command of Mrs. Bone Bone in my family, and now I have turned to here."

After hearing this, Tang Seng was very guilty. No matter what he heard from Nagato before, he felt that he was not wrong. After all, Sun Wukong did too much, but now even the monster has already said so. , This is after all wrong.

Tang Seng shook his head and sighed there at the moment. He never thought that he had become like this now, and the monster felt really funny when he saw him like this.

But now in this situation, he just wants to tease the Tang monk. The Tang monk will be cooked and eaten by them tomorrow, and he is not in a hurry at this time. After that, he came out of the prison and left ...

Tang Seng couldn't say anything. He kept thinking about the previous things. He listened to Sun Wukong several times for his own good, but he didn't believe it. He shook his head there. For the first time, he felt that he really deserved it.

And the man had just left, and another woman came to Tang Seng's cage at the moment.

Tang Seng is still thinking about what was happening there. There, he was annoyed why he was so stupid, so he didn't pay attention at all.

The woman went to the Tang Seng and waved her hand in front of the Tang Seng.

"Elder ... Elder ..."

Tang Seng listened to this and was changed to reality. Now he sees a woman, and this woman is different from the monster just now, but after all, it is also in the monster hole, so he still has not relaxed his vigilance.

But now the Tang monk is very guilty, and now he has finally given up hope, so he is just lamenting there now.

"who are you?"

At this moment, this man is really unknown when he sees Tang Seng. Isn't he afraid at all? But now he has to tell him the truth quickly.

"You can rest assured that I did not want to harm you here. In fact, I am also a mortal, in a place not far from here, in a princess of a country, but I was chasing a little rabbit before, but I did not expect After chasing for a long time, the little rabbit suddenly disappeared, a yellow smoke lightened up, and I was caught by the monster.

But I did n’t think that the monster did anything to me, but in the end I became his wife, really fate, I really do n’t want to get to this point now, I just think that after I let you go, you let me The father came to save me. "

After Tang Seng listened to it, after all, this woman was also a mortal, but she should save her, so he nodded solemnly at this moment, promising that if this woman can really go out, she will find her father emperor. Come save her.

At this moment, the woman tied Tang Sengsong, but she was the monster's wife, and the little demon had just gone out. No one dared to stop her. She led Tang Seng to a very secluded path. Tang Seng went along this path.

Just before Tang Seng wanted to say goodbye to him, when she went to find the woman's father, the woman called Tang Seng, and then held the token in both hands, and entrusted it to Tang Seng at this moment ...

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