My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 431: Baoxiang

At this time, when he heard the call of Zhu Bajie, the monk Sha turned his head directly. When he looked at it, wasn't the Tang monk just behind the stone?

Tang Seng was very pleased to see them, but he also complained that the two were really incompetent, if the former grand monkey might have rescued himself already.

Pig Bajie was relatively happy at first, but he was very angry when he heard this from Tang Seng, and he didn't even want to ignore him at this moment.

Instead, the sand monk came to the Tang monk.

"Master, I was wrong. I was so careless that I let you be taken away by the monster."

Tang Seng did not want to say anything at this moment. After all, he strayed into the monster hole and encountered so many monsters. Who else can blame? Blame can only blame himself for throwing himself in the net, but this is too shameful to say, so Tang Seng said nothing at the moment.

But he suddenly remembered that there was still something in his hand, and he said to Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk: "Although it is too late, let's hurry up overnight, after all, the monster's place here is also quite close."

Sha Monk, Zhu Bajie and Tang Seng continued to march at the moment. Fortunately, Tang Seng had a white dragon horse, so it was not particularly difficult for him to move forward. Although Zhu Bajie was in a bad mood, he did not want to say much.

Huaguo Mountain ...

Sun Monkey and Changmen really returned to Huaguo Mountain, but now they have been in Huaguo Mountain for a long time, and Sun Monkey enjoys it very much.

From the day he returned, the little monkeys crowded around him. He saw the little monkeys, one by one, and he was very happy.

Naturally, he has enjoyed eating, drinking, and playing these days. Since he has experienced the matter of coming to Buddha, he now feels as comfortable and as good as he is now. He does not expect those that are not.

Nagato also enjoyed it here these days. The little black cat even thought that Huaguo Mountain was really good. There were beautiful scenery and many delicious foods. The little black cat would go out and turn around. .

Now, Sun Wukong and Nagato are sitting on a round table, and the two are chatting while eating peach.

"How about Nagato? My Huaguo Mountain is really very good. How much do we enjoy here these days, it is much better than following the smelly monk."

Nagato smiled at the moment, and did not want to say anything.

But Sun Wukong was talking there with Nagato all the time. He said that many of the pig Bajie and Tang Seng were not, and how much he enjoyed here.

Long Gate finally couldn't bear it, but at the moment he said to Sun Wukong:

"Do you really think so? But if you really think so, you wouldn't say that to me."

Sun Wukong was dumbfounded by the long door. He really felt very comfortable and very good when he first came back, but when he stayed in Huaguo Mountain, he felt a little overwhelmed. I do not know why I feel that there is no goal to enjoy here every day, and I always feel that my heart is empty.

When Nagato saw him silent at the moment, he smiled at Sun Monkey. But Nagato said nothing, and Sun Monkey was there to deceive himself ...

Because the Tang monks and several of them rushed through the night, they finally came down to the mountain. After going down the mountain, they met a country, and there was a treasure elephant written on the door of the country. The Tang monk was very happy when he saw it.

This is probably the country that the woman said. At this moment, the Tang monk, pig Bajie, and sand monk entered the treasure elephant country ...

After an hour ...

The Queen of Baoxiang Kingdom was sitting opposite the Tang Seng and others at the moment. The two had been looking at the tokens brought by the Tang Seng. At this moment, the Queen of Bao Xiangguo shed tears.

"This is my little girl's personal belongings. I didn't expect that my daughter was really caught by a monster. At first, she just said that she was" lost "and we couldn't find me at all. daughter."

And the king sighed at the moment.

"Okay, okay, the queen can say more about it now, but fortunately, the elders already know, where is our daughter? I do n’t know the ministers, who of you can help us save my daughter?"

When those ministers heard this, Princess Baihua was taken away by the goblin. Who dare to act lightly? At this moment no one dared to speak underneath, and then suddenly stepped forward a minister.

The Queen was very happy to see the minister coming out, and those ministers admired his courage at the moment.

The minister said at the moment: "Queen, I think this thing is different. We are ordinary humans after all, and this monk is different. He came to learn from it. He dared to be alone and knew the princess. One thing shows that he has the magic power, so it is better to let him rescue the princess. "

After hearing this, the Queen nodded and nodded there. They all felt that this person was right. At this moment, they were looking at the Tang monk, but they were stupid.

Tang Seng came to carry the letter this time because he was also a mortal. When he saw the mortal, he was easily held hostage by the monster, but he did not have any mana, and he did not want to share this trouble.

"King, you are so embarrassed for you. I do not have any mana, and I always have my apprentices. At this moment, Tang Seng pointed to his two unappealing apprentices below."

Pig Bajie and Sha Monk were smiling at the moment with no heart or heart.

As soon as the king saw the two of them, he felt very scared, but after all, he came with the Tang monk, so he didn't do much.

And now if they can save their daughter, what can't he do, he is talking to the two apprentices at the moment.

"Which of the two of you can drop the demon? If you rescue the Princess Baihua, I will definitely reward you."

At this moment, Zhu Bajie was very proud, and he let everyone go out with him, but the king wanted to see what the ability of Ba Bajie came out.

Arriving in this yard, the pig Bajie began to grow bigger and bigger, at the moment his figure grew longer and bigger, and slowly it was like a giant, all people in his eyes were like ants.

When the king saw it, he was very happy. It seems that with the ability of the pig, he must have more than enough daughters.

"Elder, we have seen how powerful you are, so you can quickly change it back to its original form, otherwise, the longer you grow, the more we will not be able to stand in the court!"

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