My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 438: Marshal Teng Peng changes Chinese dishes!

Tang Seng saw Sun Wukong going up the mountain to seek the pig Bajie, and he no longer worried at this moment, after all, he knew Sun Wukong's ability. At this time, Tang Seng's stomach cried out of time.

Longmen and Sha Monk naturally heard that the two of them remembered it, and since the time when Ba Bajie left, they had not eaten anything, and Longmen had been meditating there and forgot about it.

Nagato smiled at the moment.

"I'm going to find something to eat. Monk Sha, you are here to take good care of your master."

Monk Sha nodded, but he was still a little unconfident about himself, but now it ’s hard to get the door to give this task to himself, so he must complete it properly.

Nagato said that he left after playing an instant, while the little black cat stayed.

Now Tang Seng actually likes little black cats, because he is an ordinary human, he thinks that little black cats are also ordinary kittens, and little black cats are so weak, as if they are among them. The same, so Tang Seng always has a feeling of sympathy, he put the little black cat in his arms, and the little black cat is also obedient.

He was very happy at the moment. After all, Nagato came out with a top two, and I might be able to bring back something delicious when Nagato comes back soon.

And he was just happy he suddenly thought of something.

"Long door, long door, I'm not hungry. Come back quickly ..."

Tang Seng desperately shouted to the sky, but the long gate has long disappeared, he is very helpless at this moment, and then sighed again and again there.

Monk Sha did n’t even know which one was causing him trouble. He was just fine, and he was hungry.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly call Nagato?"

Tang Seng sighed ...

"You forgot that last time Nagato said he was going out to find food, but he hadn't come back for a long time, and Sun Wukong also went to him, and he still didn't find him, maybe he gave it to us again set."

Sha Monk shook his head again and again at this moment, he could not believe this, and Tang Seng looked at Sha Monk so old-fashioned, he did not want to talk to him anymore.

And now he can only hope that Nagato will return soon ...

Sun Wukong had already walked around this mountain, but he still found nothing, so Sun Wukong became more nervous. If Zhu Bajie really fell asleep secretly, then it would be impossible for him to find it, then now There is only one result, that is, he was caught by the monster.

But he had seen it on this mountain, and there was nothing strange about it. At this moment, Sun Wukong shook his head, thinking that he would go down and tell Nagato first, and then find another way.

And because Wu Wukong thought about these things, he walked and was tripped by a tree branch. At this moment, he looked at the cave where he tripped. There was a cave, and there seemed to be a very noisy sound ...

Sun Wukong hurried to get in there, but now if he looks like this, I am afraid it is easy to be found. He became a little mosquito and flew into the hole.

"Hurry up and wash this pig. We will have roasted" milk "pigs tonight."

"Very good, it is good to follow the king. Now that the pork has been eaten, it seems that when the king can eat the meat of the Tang monk, we can also divide it."

"Okay, let's stop, let's prepare quickly. Such a fat pig has never been eaten."


When Monkey Monkey heard it, it would be good. This is that Zhu Bajie was really caught by them, and now they will be eaten by them. Monkey Monkey continued to fly into the cave again, and he saw Zhu Bajie as expected. At this moment, all the little demon were surrounded by Zhu Bajie, and he planned to wash him well, and then he would roast him.

"You monsters, I advise you not to act rashly, and it's absolutely impossible for me to die if my old pig died. Brother, long door, master, brother, now my old pig has reached this point. It ’s better to be ashamed than to commit suicide. "

Sun Monkey looked at Pig Bajie at the moment, but he smiled there. He was not kind. Now that he has ended this way, he has nothing to do with his previous delicious laziness.

Seeing you stinky pigs is really unbelievable.

Although Sun Wukong thought this way, he still flew to the pig bajie, he has now become a little mosquito, so those monsters did not pay attention to them, they were boiling water there, planning to wash the pig bajie well, Then he cooked him.

Sun Wukong flew to the pig Bajie.

"Isn't this Marshal Teng Peng from the sky? Yeah? Now he has been arrested. Was it used as a Chinese dish?"

The pig Bajie was very clever at the time. He knew at this moment that the mosquito was the monkey.

Pig Bajie said very quietly.

"When did you grandson monkey still watch lively, now my old pig is already so miserable, you hurry to find the long door and they will find a way to save me, you can't really see me as their food."

Sun Wukong, like Zhu Bajie, promised to rescue him after a while. After all, he didn't know the situation in this hole. He hurried to Zhu Bajie and flew back.

At this time, Nagato had already returned. He found a lot of fruits, and then put them on the ground. Tang Seng was very happy after seeing it. It turned out that this time Nagato didn't lie to himself, so he picked up the fruits on the ground and started. Eat it.

At that moment, the monk Sha laughed there.

"Master, look at it. The parents are really looking for food for us, but you are still doubting this one, but now that the fruit is here, you are eating the most delicious."

Tang Seng did not take care of him, at this moment he continued to eat there.

At this time, Sun Wu came back breathlessly, and his expression was very nervous: "Nagatochi is not good, Zhu Bajie was caught by those monsters, and now he will soon become someone else's meal, we hurry to save him Right. "

Several people who were eating fruit there heard Sun Monkey say this, everyone was very surprised.

But at this time, Nagato said to them, "What are you still there? Hurry up with me to save the pigs. You can't really let him be eaten by others?"

Only then did they finally react, and at this moment the grand monkey led the long gate and others to the cave ...

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