My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 451: Nine turn rejuvenation

Pig Bajie walked towards the palace ...

With a clatter, the gate of the palace directly opened a dragon king and came out at the moment.

"Xiao Wang sees Marshal Tianpeng."

Pig Bajie was complacent there when he heard it at the moment, and he knew that he was Marshal Teng Peng.

"Who are you? But you actually live in this underground palace, and it is also a dragon king, presumably you have a lot of treasures here."

At this moment, Pig Bajie smiled there too. This thing was too simple. The long door let himself come down to find the baby. I am afraid he came to him.

This Dragon King is very difficult.

"It's true that Marshal Tian Peng said that, I still have baby here, but you still come in and take a look at me."

At this moment, Zhu Bajie followed the Dragon King into the palace, and he saw a man in the palace lying there resolutely, as if he had already swallowed.

"You didn't tell me this dead man was the baby you said."

At this moment, Zhu Bajie felt like he was being fooled and was very angry.

The Dragon King nodded there, and the Pig Bajie went out without saying anything.

At this moment, he slowly went upstream, and then a head appeared ...

Nagato has been waiting for the situation in the well, and he also calculated that Zhu Bajie should be coming back soon, and then he saw that Zhu Bajie "lu" came out and was there, anxiously asked:

"How is it? Did I find what you were looking for?"

At this moment, Pig Bajie is in a wrong mood.

"Nagato, you just lied to my old pig, there is nothing below, but there is a dead person."

At this moment, Nagato anxiously told Zhu Bajie that the dead man was the baby who asked him to hurry him back, but Zhu Bajie still felt that it was clearly a dead person, and all this was obviously what Longmen deceived himself.

Pig Bajie shook his head there and refused. How did he say that he was also Marshal Tianpeng before, how could he carry this dead man on his back?

Pig Bajie wanted to go up, but it was easy to jump down the well, but now it is a bit difficult to get up. The surroundings of the well are very smooth. How do you go up?

"Nagato, hurry down and throw a rope, otherwise I won't be able to get up."

Nagato ignored him at this moment.

"It's up to you if you want to come up. If you put him on the back, I will throw a rope down, but if you don't agree, just soak in the well below."

Pig Bajie is very annoyed now, but now he can say more in this well, he can only go back to the dragon palace with anger, and at this moment he knocks on the door.

The Dragon King saw that he didn't have the enthusiasm just now, but he just gave him a face, but how did he treat himself, at this moment the Dragon King didn't want to say anything more.

"Give him to me, I will back him up."

After the old king nodded, he also told him one thing. After all, this king has been submerged under water for half a year, and his body mainly has his own inner dan, so that his body can be guaranteed. Not to rot.

Pig Bajie nodded and carried the king directly to the wellhead.

"Nagato ... Nagato ... I carried him back."

This king is quite heavy!

Nagato saw that Zhu Bajie really did what he said, and threw a rope directly.

And Zhu Bajie had just touched the rope. At the moment, the rope seemed to be as powerful as himself. When the long door raised his hand, the rope pulled Zhu Bajie and the king up at once. Pig Bajie finally landed, but there was a sigh of relief there.

"Nagato, do you think my old pig is a lie, so that's the way to lie to me." The long gate did n’t say anything, after that, he directly used his own mana to walk the king into the monastery.

Only a voice was left for Zhu Bajie.

"You can rest assured that I promise that your responsibilities will not change, and that he is the real king of the black chicken country. I am afraid that your benefits will be inevitable by then."

Pig Bajie was still very annoyed, but now he is smiling! Fart, Fart, come and chase this long door ...

Pig Bajie, Sand Monk, Sun Wukong and Tang Seng looked at each other there.

They looked at the king there one after another. If the king was already flat, they might sit up staring at them directly.

"He is the king of the black chicken country, who is the current king of the black chicken country?"

"It's not clear yet, it must have been framed."

"Our journey is really very difficult, Amitabha, Amitabha!"


Nagato shook his head, and at this moment he was extending his index and middle fingers. Put your fingers together, and then follow the king's throat all the way up.

The king opened his mouth suddenly, and a Nedan came out and floated in the air ...

Nagato entered his mana in this inner dan, and slowly this inner dan floated directly outside ...

Nagato shook his head.

"He has the inner dragon of the old dragon king in his body, so he can't be rotted all the time, but now the old dragon king's inner dan has been taken out by me.

Everyone shook their heads there after hearing this. Especially pig bajie.

"In this case, let's dig a pit and bury it quickly, otherwise it will be our responsibility."

"Ah, Nagato, what are you doing with my old pig?"

Sun Monkey snickers

"Due, let you talk nonsense"

"Amitabha, I think the eight precepts make sense"

Tang Seng flashed aside after he said, after all, he was afraid of the long door!

Nagato shook his head, and without a word he immediately left in a flash ...

"You take good care of him, I will go back as soon as I go ..."

Everyone sat there. Pig Bajie said nothing. He was tired just after going down. He immediately lay down and took a good rest. Sun Monkey did not take it seriously, and went out directly. Instead, Tang Seng and Sha Monk Watch this king here.

But now the Tang monks are used to getting along with them, so now they are not afraid at all.

Above the sky, Nagato rides the clouds alone ...

Soon Nagato reached the destination he wanted to go.

"Your Excellency, I remember the two of us last seen."

Nagato nodded and waved his hand, all the past between them appeared.

Taishang Laojun nodded there at the moment, but he never thought that this man had such magical powers.

Nagato didn't want to do more nonsense.

"I don't know if Mr. Taishang last time, did you remember to promise me a request, this time I also want to ask you to give me a nine-turn rejuvenation list."

Taishang Laojun was embarrassed when he heard "lu", so he was a bit embarrassed ...

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