My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 454: Kind Master Save me

Nagato is very upset now. If this matter is ignored, I am afraid that Tang Seng will always read there, and Tang Seng's mouth is also very annoying, so Nagato waved his hand.

"Goku, look at what this is all about. If nothing happens, come back and join us, and we will continue our journey."

Sun Wukong didn't want to take care of these things, but since Nagato had already said so, he could only shake his head and ran directly there.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie sat directly there. Finally, Wu Wukong went to investigate the situation and he could rest. He was also very satisfied.

But Tang Seng was very worried that he dismounted the horse directly, pacing back and forth there at the moment.

Sun Monkey quickly ran back.

"We clearly heard it wrong and there are no children at all."

"Help ... Help ..."

The childish voice came again.

"Brother, what's the situation? Didn't you say you don't have children? But this is clearly the voice of children."

Sun Wukong smiled awkwardly at the moment.

"It may be coming from the front, so let's go quickly."

Tang Sengxin believed it to be true, and he quickly acted after he quickly mounted the horse.

Nagato smiled, and he naturally knew what intrigues and tricks the grand monkey played.

However, Nagato also felt that this matter should not be too busy, so he continued the course without saying a word.

But the voice of this life-saving voice continued to scream there, but they still didn't see anyone, and at this time they walked and walked the Tang Seng to glance aside, and even saw a child hanging from the tree.

"Hurry up and see, isn't that a kid next to this?"

Pig Bajie also saw it now, and nodded there.

"I didn't expect this child to be here."

Is Tang Seng going directly? Hurry and rush over there.

Sun Wukong stopped him.

"What are you going to do? If you go there now, you won't be able to save the child at all, and you will not rely on us in the end."

Tang Seng was very embarrassed after hearing this, but he just nodded, which is indeed true.

Nagato is still above the tiger, and he is still there at the moment, as if everything that happened outside has nothing to do with himself.

Sun Monkey was helpless and could only go forward with a few people from Tang Seng. Monkey Monkey could clearly understand that the child was a monster, and just after he saw it in that place, he intentionally said that he did not see it. It's not too strange to teleport directly to this place.

The children saw that they all spoke directly and said:

"Master, master, save me quickly, I have been hanging here for a day and night."

Looking at the child's pity, Tang Seng signaled that the monk Sha and Zhu Bajie quickly put the child down. Sha Monk nodded there at the moment, the two of them went straight forward, and the two of them just came closer to the child, and they were backed by Sun Wukong. front.

"What are you two doing?"

"Brother Master, we have to ask you what you want to do. This child is already very poorly hung here. Let's put him down quickly."

Sun Wukong shook his head, very helpless.

"Aren't you really a pig's head? This child is clearly a monster. It's not too weird to see how a child suddenly pops up if you don't recruit the village before the village.

Pig Bajie and Sha Monk stopped immediately after hearing this. The two thought about the same thing at the time.

"No, I'm actually in a family in Houshan, and yesterday I secretly carried my parents out to play and was blown here by the wind. Now it has been hung for so long, you hurry to save me Okay, what more can I do as a child? "

After Tang Seng heard this, it was the same reason. After that, he kept persuading there, but he was very impressed when Sun Monkey was unmoved.

Going straight forward, I have to untie the child's rope.

The monk Zhu Bajiesha still had some hesitation, but now they saw that the Tang monk had stepped forward, so the two of them stepped forward to help the monk put the child down.

"Thank you masters."

The child thanked Tang Seng and Sha Monk, and Zhu Bajie with three children in a childish voice. At that moment, the child smiled.

Tang Seng saw the smiling face of the child, and he thought it was really cute, with big watery eyes, and was wearing a red "color" dress.

"Look at this kid is so cute, how could it be the monster in your mouth, look at him so young, let's find someone to hurry and send him back home, otherwise this kid is alone in the mountain forest It is always dangerous. "

Pig Bajie immediately volunteered, and at this moment, he intended to let the child ride on his body.

Sun Monkey shook his head helplessly. He knew that the child was a monster, but now no one believed him at all, and the long door sat on the tiger without saying a word. He knew that they might still be testing them.

Monkey Monkey shook his head.

"Without the eight precepts, you are still exploring the way ahead. I will carry the child directly, and then take him home."

When Tang Seng heard that Sun Monkey had already said so, he was very pleased at the moment. If everyone had always been like this, wouldn't it be very smooth.

Everyone went back slowly, and the Tang monk directly got on the horse. Everyone continued to march, but Sun Monkey walked at the end, and the child was riding on Sun Monkey.

Monkey Monkey is not slow or slow, has been walking there slowly.

The monk Sha was originally last, but now Sun Monkey is walking slower than himself.

"Master, are you tired? If you are tired, the two of us can change one to another, to see that you walk very slowly, but it is not like your usual" **** "style."

Sun Monkey's eyes rolled.

"Nothing, nothing, you go first, don't wait for me, I will take a look around to see where the child's house is. I will catch up with you when the time comes."

After hearing this, Monk Sha believed it was true, so he picked up his luggage and continued to walk forward slowly ...

Sun Monkey slowly followed them with his child behind him, and he glanced aside at a cliff, then smiled and walked over there.

The child was very proud of this grand monkey at the time.

Soon after Monkey Monkey walked to the cliff, he directly grabbed the child's leg and fell him at once. Suddenly the child disappeared ...

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