My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 491: Underground Flame Palace

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Nagato did not control the pig bajie, but first introduced the other people to the woman ...

Everyone heard that this woman turned out to be the one who can help them, but they are also very happy!

Nagato felt that the time had come, and gave Sun Wukong a direct look.

Sun Wukong's machine suddenly understood that the straight hand stretched out the land with a stick.

There was smoke on the ground. The land came out slowly ...

"I don't know what happened when Da Sheng called me out this time?"

Sun Wukong didn't want to ask for some, but went straight to the subject.

"Quickly lead us to the fairy cave."

Now is the time of crisis. If you don't rescue the Tang monk as soon as possible, I'm afraid I don't know what the Tang monk will encounter.

The land itself noticed the woman, and the land immediately saluted the woman.

Nagato finally realized at this time that it seemed that the woman was really powerful, and even the land had to give him a thin noodle.

This woman is still your frost face. Waved his hand.

The land smiled.

"Then please invite some to follow me."

The land led them to walk in this fire trapped mountain ...

The sun is still very dazzling, and the sand is still hot. However, because the banana fan has been used, everyone can accept the current temperature. The mouth of Zhu Bajie has always been sealed by mana, no matter how hard he breaks, he ca n’t break free ...

The breeze slowly brushed the hot sand. Several people continued to walk, slowly lower and lower, but walked into a vortex.

The land led the way ahead and led a few people into the vortex ...

Sun Wukong's long door believed in the land, and then he continued to move forward with the land, and after the land reached the middle of the vortex, he jumped directly down the middle of the vortex.

The land disappeared instantly.


"Just everyone jump in with me."

Nagato and the others were already a little ignorant, but the woman didn't say a word, but jumped directly into the land.

Nagato shook his head and kicked Pig Bajie in with his feet, and then jumped in.

Monkey Monkey gestured to the monk Sha, and the two of them jumped in together ...

It's dark, there should be a breeze blowing the sand, there is always some rustle, and there are some sounds of ghosts crying and howling ...

Huh ......... Boom .........

When the long door went down, it was dark, and nothing could be seen at all, and he reached out unconsciously.

Pig Bajie was kicked down by the long door, and now he can't speak, and can only struggle back and forth there. Suddenly, because Monkey Monkey also jumped down, he sat directly on Zhu Bajie.

Zhu Bajie couldn't make a sound, he was crying without tears. Pig Bajie shook his head helplessly, it seems that no one should provoke long doors in the future. Sun Wukong did n’t know what he was under, and immediately got up ...

At a moment when several people felt very embarrassed, there was a firelight slowly approaching them, and the land father smiled with a torch.

"I went to find the torch just now, haven't you happened?"

A few people naturally did not happen, but the long gate now looked at the light, but did not see the figure of the woman, and was a little flustered at the moment.

The long door looked around, and finally saw the woman behind her. The woman was leaning aside now, without any expression.

The landlord also distributed torches to a few of them, and slowly continued to guide everyone in the front ...

The surrounding area was still dark, and slowly there were several steps forward, and there was billowing magma under the steps. Sun Wukong rolled his eyes and took the dried food from Zhu Bajie and threw it down. Nothing could be seen, and a little flame appeared in the magma.

The father-in-law shook his head.

"This is the magma river in the underground Yan Palace. From here, I can no longer guide you, because you have seen this magma river, it is very fierce. There is no way to pass.

And I have never explored the things inside, so I don't know that everything needs to be explored by yourself. "

After the father-in-law said, he secretly glanced at the long door, and he knew that they said the most. And now he can only bring them here, but he is a little afraid that a few of them will not blame himself but blame himself.

The long door waved.

"Okay, now that you have brought us here, it is already your contribution, so leave."

The father-in-law of the land was very happy after hearing it, and disappeared after a while ...

Nagato stood on the edge of the magma and did not act rashly, but now he did not know what to do.

The magma bubbled slowly, as if someone would just jump out of the fire and swallow the whole person.

After thinking for a long time, Nagato instructed Sun Wukong to pull off the clothes of Zhu Bajie.

Pig Bajie shook his head there to resist, but it was completely useless. Soon Wu Wu pulled out the clothes of Pig Bajie. With a big wave of the long door, the clothes floated directly into the magma sky.

Just moments after the clothes reached the stone steps, the magma that had just bubbled suddenly burst into flames, dissolving the clothes instantly without leaving any residue.

Nagato was helpless, and he suddenly glanced at the woman next to him, yes, he went to the Eastern Mountain just to find her.

The woman moved forward slowly. He looked at the magma beneath it, and smiled coldly there.

The woman suddenly opened her arms to run the chill in her body, and also opened her mouth. Slowly, the chill slowly poured out of her mouth.

Suddenly, Zhu Bajie hugged himself tightly, because now the Nagato headed by their side became very cold, but there was no slight change in the magma.

Suddenly, the two sides of the sky are like this.

The coldness slowly approached the magma, but the magma pool was too large, and the woman could not completely seal the magma with her own coldness, and the woman immediately recovered her coldness.

The woman sighed with relief. At this time, Nagato looked anxiously at the woman.

"How? Is there a way?"

The woman shook her head.

"I have just detected this magma with my own coldness. This magma is very powerful, and he is not a normal magma. This magma has been here for tens of thousands of years, and has already absorbed various essences of heaven and earth.

But now that the goblin has been nurtured with his own magic power day and night, plus the alchemy furnace that the Great Sage knocked down, this magma is already very powerful, even if I am, I can only retreat alone. "

…… ..

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