My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 494: Silent help ...

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The long door thought, looked at the three corridors, and shook his head. Close your eyes and explore the three corridors with your own consciousness, but the three corridors in front of you feel the same. The long door shook his head helplessly.

They took a fancy to this woman.

"I don't know what you think now?"

The woman shook her head, there was no trace of fluctuations in her clear eyes, and it seemed as if nothing happened had nothing to do with her.

Nagato felt some annoyance at seeing a woman always look like this, but always thought that this was a woman after all, and that she had invited her, so her nameless anger went out again.

Nagato waved his hand, and several of Sun Wukong's people got close to Nagato.

"In this way, Wukong, Bajie, and Monk Sha, each of you chooses a corridor, but you must be careful about anything and call my name immediately. I will definitely reach you as soon as possible. For me. "

Monkey Monkey nodded and reached his hand as soon as he reached for the gold hoop.

Pig Bajie trembles.

"Long door, I think this corridor is a bit weird. Otherwise, let's think about it again."

Sand Monk said helplessly.

"Brother Er, why are you so timid? Haven't you said that Nagato has already said? Let's go and see if there is anything directly calling his name."

Sun Wukong had already gone to the left promenade, but Sand Monk went directly to the right promenade, leaving only the middle promenade ...

Pig Bajie kept moving, and his nine-tooth nail rake stood on the ground all the time.

Nagato immediately smiled and put **** together to gather a force, which was like flying away from Zhu Bajie ...

"Ah ......... Nagato, I'm not ready yet ..."

Zhu Bajie patted his body and stood up directly. Looking at the corridor, it was all black and black. He now hugged his nine-tooth nail rake tightly and slowly stepped forward.

But the situation of the other two people is quite different from that of Pig Bajie. Sun Monkey went into the corridor and looked back and forth. He took off one of his hairs, and fell into a torch with his mouth. He walked slowly step by step, carefully Watching the situation around the promenade ...

The corridor was dark, and there was no end in sight. Sun Wukong didn't find anything strange, and he had to continue to probe step by step ...

Pig Bajie trembles very scared, and now he has no way at all, with his skills, he finally forced out a flame and instantly lit the corridor.


Zhu Bajie immediately screamed, because he saw that the corridor was actually composed of countless prisms, and this prism all reflected himself, and now Zhu Bajie has been lost in this prism ...

After the monk Sha entered the corridor, he also used his mana to create a small flame to ignite the corridor, and from the moment he lit the corridor, there were countless flying swords flying towards the monk ...

Swish swish ... Sand monk dodges back and forth with his weapon. Only then did they finally escape the arrows, and suddenly the corridor returned to calm, and all the arrows shot to the ground disappeared.

Sha Monk scratched his head, as if everything that had just happened was his own dream ...

The long door and the woman were startled, because just now the three had just entered the corridor, and it seemed that the corridor was blocked by something. Even if the long door wanted to enter, they could not enter at all. He knocked **** the stone door of the corridor. However, there is no looseness. The long door uses its own mana to sense it. This stone door is the same thing as the stone door just now, except that there is no groove.

The long door shook his head, but he still gathered the mana of his body and hit the stone door of the promenade hard, but the mana rebounded himself completely. Fortunately, there was the stone door that had just been closed, so it was long. The door hit the stone door and slowly slid down the stone door.

The woman's clear eyes move with the trajectory of the action of Nagato. She looked at the long door that gave her strength back now and shook her head helplessly.

The woman moved to the Nagato in an instant and extended a hand to the Nagato.

The long door waved his hand and stood up slowly.

Nagato just stood up, and then slammed his mouth with his hand. Slowly lower your hand, but there is an old blood in your hand.

The long door shook his head and returned to sobriety, but the three corridors disappeared slowly ...

The three promenades of the immediate flashway of the long gate suddenly, but there was nothing in these three promenades, and suddenly a dazzling white light flashed.

Even the long door couldn't resist the white light. He closed his eyes violently, and the woman quickly turned her head away, and the white light disappeared. The long door and the woman slowly opened their eyes.

In front of them, a wide avenue appeared. The slate of this avenue was exactly the same as the slab just above the magma. The end of the avenue also shone with dazzling white light. It was as if they had walked past, they could actually reach the underground Yan Palace Deep inside.

Nagato hesitated, because the three people had just disappeared without a trace, and he didn't know if he should step on the slate and move on.

But the white light is still very dazzling, and the white light is accompanied by bursts of sound.

"Nagato save me."

"Nagato save my old pig."

"Help! ..."

Long Gate heard this sound, and immediately stepped on the stone slab, no matter what the situation, he must go forward, after all, this is the only road at present, but he thought about all the way along, Is this monster good at illusion?

The woman followed behind the long door. Although the two did not say a word, the woman always followed the long door ...

Pig Bajie just didn't know what it was because it suddenly seemed that the ground of the corridor under him had cracked, but he was dropped directly below. Pig Bajie closed his eyes and shook his head. It seemed that this time he was fierce. More and less!

And he slowly opened his eyes and looked around at everything around him. Pig Bajie couldn't help but fluttered with a laugh.

"Haha, I didn't expect that our mentor and apprentice could be reunited here."

Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly. Now that he has been tied here again, he remembers that he just continued to detect inside the promenade, but it seems that the ground on the promenade suddenly cracked, and he fell into it. And there is a tremendous force that binds itself, but now it is tied here.

The monk Sha thought that he had escaped those arrows, and he would be able to settle down, but he did not expect that another fierce beast emerged from behind him, and this fierce beast was endless with a raging fire!

The monk Sha knew that he would n’t run, and I ’m afraid he could n’t run forward with him, and he ran forward. The promenade door opened directly. After entering, the monk was invisible. The power of directly tied ...

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