My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 583: Abnormality of little black cat

The dense fog is becoming more and more shrouded, and now the gas is getting deeper and deeper, the long door is thinking, although he has set up a barrier here, but it is too late, Tang Seng and others have already made a move, only he is still awake.

Nagato thought that he could not let things develop to this point. He always missed Fluttershy, but now he has no worries. At this moment, he is holding his breath.

The current Nagato didn't even disdain him, and rushed directly to Fluttershy, and Fluttershy could not stop Nagato at all, and Nagato knew that for this supreme poison, only killing this initial poison The talent can be finally released, so that everyone can recover, the long door shook his head helplessly, his sword has been "forced" on the throat of the small dish.

"I've given you a chance, but you don't cherish now you go with your brother."

Fluttershy is very disdainful, although now he has been unable to grow. After all, he is a weak woman, so his brother only learned secrets for him. After learning secrets, he can control others with supreme poison and create a kind of Illusion. But in the end, it didn't make it.

Fluttershy shook her head and laughed at the sky.

"It doesn't matter. Without it, I will still have someone else. You will not be successful along the way."

Fluttershy finished speaking directly, and his neck touched the sword of the long door, and the blood was spattered on the spot, and Fluttershy was extinguished.

Fluttershy as the smoke disappeared. The stars gleamed in the sky, and the stars fell slowly, just like the first time I saw them, and the piranhas felt the stars fall and changed back to their original, original appearance. It is a small flower.

Due to the little starlight that the Tang monk had fallen, several of them have completely recovered and slowly sat up, looking at everything around them, and this is that the Tang monk is still sensitive, and the Tang monk is talking to everyone at this moment:

"Hurry, we will run away."

"Yeah, yeah, let's run, Nagato, that Fluttershy is too powerful."

Although Sun Wukong has just made a move, and he looked around, reached out and hit Zhu Bajie's head again.

"You stupid pig look around, and now it has returned to normal, and the long door saved us again, otherwise you can just wake up like this, the poison mist is so deep just now."

Pig Bajie thought about it when he heard it, and then smiled happily, and the monk Sha at this time was fortunate that he hadn't spoken, otherwise he might also get this end.

The real long door is toward them.

"Okay, this time finally ended the departure between us. After all, I was so obsessed with it, and I won't be able to."

Monkey Monkey was very pleased when he heard it. He said to go straight to the horse. Some of them went on.

The long door, sitting on the horse, the horse was moving, but this did not affect the long door at all. The long door slowly took out the bottle again. Almost the long door was really a stroke. Now the long door even has some concerns. What is happening to the little black cat now, will it take the little butterfly king little black cat's bottle added? If the little black cat can't really sew the soul by then, won't he be happy in time?

Thinking of the long door here being more tense, I don't know how to be good, do I have to call Ping Yi again? But he had been delayed for a long time before, but the little black cat is now...

The little black cat had accompanied the long door before, so now they can perceive it mentally, but now, the long door can't perceive the little black cat in the bottle and often feels more flustered.

He walked a few more steps, stopping his mount between the long doors.

Everyone's former governor's door suddenly stopped, everyone was very surprised, and then turned around.

"What happened to the long door?"

Nagato shook his head.

"I can't worry about something, so, you go ahead first, and I will go back when I go."

Hearing what Nagato said, everyone was silent for a while, and Nagato was leaving again. However, according to Nagato’s past practice, everyone was already used to it, but if Nagato left, if something happened, they could not solve it, then again How to be good.

After thinking for a long time, Nagato said to everyone.

"This way. If you are away from me, you will go to Guanyin Bodhisattva. If you encounter something that you can't solve Sun Wukong, you will quickly go to Guanyin Bodhisattva. He will be able to help you solve it, and I will go back and I will ASAP."

In this case, Sun Wukong nodded, and the long door at this time directly drove the mount and slowly flew to the sky, and soon disappeared.

Several Tang monks moved slowly, but the Tang monk sighed involuntarily.

Sand monk, a little curious.

"Master, what are you sighing for?"

Pig Bajie snorted at the moment.

"There is nothing strange about this. The long door is gone, and we are the only ones left. Of course he is a little uneasy."


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