My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 595: Darkness

Tang Seng breathed a sigh of relief. Nagato's side is like an ant on a hot pot—turning around.

Nagato said, "Don't worry," Nagato walked out of the inn.

Nagato's eyeballs changed "color" and turned into a golden "color".

It turned out that this was the skill of Nagato's clairvoyance, and Nagato used clairvoyance to turn around in circles.

He found that there was a place he couldn't find out how to find it was by the Chengdong River.

Nagato closed his eyes and retracted the clairvoyance function, and then opened his eyes again and went to the inn, "Great Sage, I just used my clairvoyance to look around.

There is one thing I can't find, I can't find it no matter what. "

"Hurry up and listen." Wukong jumped up. "This is the east of the city," Nagato said.

At this time Wukong remembered and said, "I listen to the people in this city, there is a stone statue in the east of the city.

The people in the city call him a mountain god, and he changes into a human shape every month, and the people in this city offer a boy every month. "

"Then brother, how are you exploring," Ba Jie said.

"There is only Land Lao Er and nothing unusual. The only strange thing is that there will be a strong wind at the beginning of each month.

"Then let's go and find out." "Wait, we have to discuss a countermeasure." Wukong said, "What are you waiting for, wait for the master to be eaten."

Zhu Bajie stomped anxiously, "I said you idiot, this monster will not eat the master for the time being.

He is so playful, let's play with him." Wukong leaked a smile, and Nagato said, "Brother Monkey has any idea. "

"Doesn't this monster offer a boy to the city every month?

Then we will become children, pretending to run by the river to play, we will give him a secret store.

Nagato ambush the fairy on the side. "

After Wukong finished speaking, he became a child with braids, and Ba Jie became a fat boy with a fat bald head.

The sand monk turned into a thin boy.

Nagato used the portal to send them to the east of the city, and Nagato was lying in ambush on the edge of the grass.

Drifting here. Sniff—the white bear spirit smelled the "milk" smell on the child.

"Who's playful baby," the white bear sniffed again, drooling, "there is more than one."

The white bear was very happy now, and Tang Seng saw the white bear so greedy.

"Amitabha Buddha, benefactor, you'd better turn your head back sooner, these children are all innocent, they haven't gone through the world to see the beauty outside."

"Shut up, if I didn't think it was funny, I would have eaten you little Tang monk in my belly."

After talking, the white bear came out of the cave. The white bear is at the door, change!

The white bear turned into an adult, like a young man, walking out of the forest.

Wukong saw a figure come down from the mountain, and immediately looked at the young man with the eyes of fire gold, and finally appeared. Wukong motioned to Nagato with his eyes.

The white bear came over and said, "Where did the Guwazi come from, dare to play in my place".

Wukong said, "It's not stated that this is your home, why can't we come to play?"

Bai Xiong Jing bent down, "My child, did your mother not tell you that children can't stand up to others."

When the white bear was about to open his mouth, Bajie and Drifting were shocked. Are they still human?

The boss of this mouth, Nagato saw the white bear preparing to eat the great saint.

Immediately rushed out and gave him a shock wave, which shocked the white bear. The white bear became angry and immediately became a prototype.

Unexpectedly, Nagato "shot" a screen shot, trapping the white bear, no matter how much the white bear hits it with his head, he can't break it.

At this time, Wukong's Eight Commandments Drifting all became prototypes, and the white bear was so angry.

"Well, you monkey counts me."

"Oh, I'll just say where gods come from and eat children."

Wukong leaned against the screen and akimbo, and said triumphantly.

The white bear said, "Don't be proud."

With only a bang, the white bear got into the hole. At this moment everyone thought that the white bear was going to run away. The Great Sage was the first to guard the mountain link, but what was unexpected was that the white bear not only did not appear, but disappeared. The door retracts the screen.

At first glance, it turned out to be taken by the old man from the land.

Wukong flew over, "Old man, what are you doing?"

"The Great Sage doesn't know anything. This is a pet I raised. Under my guidance, it turned into a sacred beast. With such a big movement just above, the old man came out to see that this sacred beast has become an evil beast."

"Well, you old man, don't take good care of your beast, you know how many children he eats and how many innocent lives he has hurt."

"The old man knows that this sacred beast is sinful now, and I will bring it to the heavens, and ask the Jade Emperor for punishment."

Wukong nodded.

"Old man, I see him not dying on the face of Jade Emperor."

Grandpa Land knelt down, "Xie Dasheng spared him not to die, and I also have feelings." Nagato said, "The love is deep, and the responsibility is deep."

Let's go save your master! "

At the moment Tang Seng was trapped in the cave and fainted from hunger.

Nagato Goku and the others saw the fallen Tang Seng and immediately went over and probed with their hands, "still alive."

Nagato said while drawing his hand in the air, and the portal opened.

They went back to the inn, "Nagato, what's wrong with the master," said the Drifter.

"Brother Sha, don't panic, Tang Seng fainted because of hunger. I'll go get some food."

When the words were over, Nagato went out to get food, and then Tang Seng opened his eyes weakly.

At this moment, Tang Seng saw his apprentice as if he had seen his relatives. ..

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