My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 606: Lotus Pond

At this time, Tang Seng and his party came to a river, which is not wider than that of Jiaolong River, and its surface is not wider...

"Look, the scenery here is beautiful." Nagato said.

Then Ba Jie asked, "What kind of flower is this flower that looks like a bowl?"

"Fool, you probably don't know anything except eating and sleeping all day long!" Wukong knocked on Bajie's little head.

"Big brother, look at the lotus plant." The sand monk pointed to the lotus leaf.

"Then let's find a cool place to rest for a while" Tang Seng said, looking at the lotus.

Monkey King and the others found a big tree to take the cool off from the heat.

Ba Jie snorted and said, "Master, what is the name of the flower on the river?"

Tang Seng said, "This is a lotus." Looking at Bajie's curious appearance, Nagato gave him some common sense.

Nagato said: "This lotus is also known as water lotus. The lotus on the edge of the lotus is. This lotus is the fruit of the lotus.

And this fruit has the function of clearing away heat and detoxification. "

"Bajie, you already have a teacher. What are you going to give Nagato Doshu repair." Wukong said.

"Go to the big brother, Nagato doesn't lack anything, right Nagato" Ba Jie continued, "Or I will find you a daughter-in-law, "Wife"!"

Nagato waved his hand and said, "I don't need that. I want to know more."

Ba Jie ran to the river and picked a few lotus plants. At this moment Wukong and they both laughed.

Ba Jie spit out and said, "Nagato, you lied to me. Why does this lotus plant feel astringent in your mouth?"

Nagato walked over and helped Bajie peel off the lotus and said, "I really can't do anything with you."

Nagato peeled off the lotus, took out a small green "color" bead, then peeled off the green "color" skin, took out a white "color" fruit, and handed it to Bajie.

Bajie glanced at Nagato, Nagato blinked, and then Bajie began to eat.

"Yeah~ it's delicious, why is it so bitter inside?" Ba Jie clicked his mouth.

Nagato said: "This lotus seed core is the most important thing to clear away heat and detoxify!"

Ba Jie ate another one according to Nagato's method of peeling lotus seeds, and thought it was okay, and ate another one.

Tang Seng and the others also ate, and after a meal of lotus seeds, they fell asleep on the grass.

At this time, the frog spirit jumped out, and the frog spirit jumped on the lotus leaf, sticking out the old man's tongue, rolled up the Tang Seng, and brought it back to its cave.

Buzzing a fly came and the noisy Nagato couldn't sleep. Nagato opened his eyes to catch the fly, but found that Tang Seng was gone.

Nagato thought badly! So I pushed Wukong and pushed Bajie again.

Wukong opened his eyes and Nagato said, "It's not good, it's not good, Tang Seng is gone."

Drifting opened his eyes immediately, Wukong also lost his sleepiness and refreshed himself.

Seeing Wukong, who was still sleeping in Ba Jie, went to pat Ba Jie, Ba Jie's little hand waved "Don't make trouble!" Then he fell asleep again.

Nagato gave a thumbs up, "Cow!" Monkey King picked up Ba Jie's ear.

"Eh eh eh, who disturbed me to sleep" Ba Jie called out while squinting.

"Take a good look at who I am" Monkey King shouted. The Eight Precepts woke up immediately, and their body trembled.

"Idiot, you really slept soundly, the master is gone!" said Monkey King.

"Maybe the master, his old man, went to relieve him. As the saying goes, this person has three urgency, urgency, inner urgency, and urgency..."

Sun Wukong didn't wait for Ba Jie to finish, so he interrupted him: "At this time, you are talking in a different way."

"Hurry up and find a master," Monkey King said.

At this time, Nagato said, "Leave one person here to guard, and Bajie goes to the west to look for it.

Brother Monkey went to the east and I went to the north to take a look. Lao Sha was guarding here. "

The four of them nodded, and went to find their masters, but they didn't see them for a while.

Seeing that the Ba Jie came back first, the Drifter quickly stepped forward and asked "Brother, did you find the master?"

Ba Jie shook his head and sat down. Then Monkey King and Nagato returned.

The Drifter hurriedly went forward and asked, "Did you find a master, Brother Longmen?"

The two shook their heads, this time Wukong was anxious.

When Nagato saw this, he said, "Since we have been searching around here, and Tang Seng will not cross the river by himself, think about where else we haven't looked for besides this area?"

"This lotus pond!" Ba Jie stood up and said.

Monkey King slapped the back of Ba Jie with a palm, "Fool, the master is a human! You can't breathe in the water!"

"Senior brother, have you forgotten that we were grasped at the bottom of the Jiaolong River last time? The Jiaolongjing gave us the branchial sacculus so that we can breathe in the water."

"Let's look for it," Nagato said. "It's still the same, Lao Sha is guarding here, and the three of us dive into the water to search."

Come into the water

I saw a green palace in the water.

It's just that the palace looks deserted, and there are no soldiers guarding outside the palace gate.

Nagato and his party went on to this hall.

"Amitabha, the poor monks have told you that the outside world is so big that it's not just the sight in front of you!"

Wukong heard Tang Seng's voice, "It's Master, hurry up!" Wukong and the others speeded up and hurried to Tang Seng's side. ..

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