My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 609: Bullfight

The ground shook, and the monsters began to sway, falling backwards like dominoes.

The sound of "a bunch of waste" sounded again at this time, and the air was filled with smoke. When the smoke dissipated, the village disappeared out of thin air.

Nagato curiously "touched" "touched" his head and said, "Are you saying this is for us to pass, or is it just?"

Monkey King shook his head and said loudly: "Why don't the evildoers dedicate yourself!"

The village was as silent as no one had ever appeared before.

The voice sounded slowly: "Don't worry, I haven't played well yet! Go! Hercules!"

A sound of hooves came from not far away, and Nagato Goku didn't know when he was dressed in red clothes.

"Hahahaha, let my Hercules play with you for a while!"

"Hercules slipped on one heel and seemed to be well prepared to fight them.

Wukong is provocative.

The Hercules lowered his head and pointed the horns at Wukong, and at this moment, Nagato sighed, "This is the biggest horn I have ever seen."

"It doesn't matter how big his horns are, it's up to my grandson not to knock him off and hang him on his neck," Monkey King said, taking out the golden hoop.

Hercules gasped for his nose, pushed his head over, and Wukong hid.

I saw Wukong wanted to fly into the air, but didn't know that their place had already formed a bullring.

A burst of electric current stimulated Wukong, and Wukong was hit by the electric current.

The Niuzhuang sounded again, "I forgot to say, this bullfight has rules for bullfighting.

We must be fighting with it on both feet like a cow. "

After Nagato listened, he changed his hand and a piece of red cloth appeared in his hand.

The Hercules was excited when he saw it and moved towards Nagato. Nagato flashed to the left, which made the Hercules rush.

The Hercules not only didn't feel angry, but smiled evilly.

"No, Brother Monkey, did you just see it? This bull just smiled evilly at me!" Nagato "touched" and lay down.

Wukong, who was exhausted by the electric current, slowly said, "Then this cow is a bit interesting."

Hercules attacked again to the left. Nagato was about to flash to the right. Hercules made a sharp turn and Nagato was almost hit.

Nagato made a light leap from the back of the foot and jumped onto the head of the strongman bull.

The Hercules began to sway, and Nagato grabbed Hercules' horns and was tossed around.

At this time, the Eight Jie Drifters and Tang Monks looked anxious.

Zhu Bajie said: "Drifting, you are optimistic about the master, I will help the door."

After talking about Ba Jie, he took his nine-tooth rake and jumped in the bullring.

"Bajie, what are you doing here, didn't you let you protect the master?" Wukong said anxiously.

"Brother Monkey, my master and I are really anxious! Are you not here to help you?" Ba Jie said.

Ba Jie continued, "Don't worry, there is a monk protecting the master." After talking about the eight precepts, he held the nine-tooth rake and waved to the Hercules and said, "Youkai, see if I will beat you into your honey dried calf!"

Ba Jie raked down without hitting it. The Hercules used the horns to go to the ground.

When Ba Jie ran back, the Hercules chased him.

With a scream, "Ah!" The Hercules gave Bajie's butt.

"Grandpa Niu, please spare your life" Bajie said as he ran.

Nagato smiled, shook his head, and took out the rope to circle the head of the Hercules.

Unexpectedly, the Hercules was too powerful, and Nagato couldn't hold it firmly.

"Bajie, get bigger" Nagato called. "Bigger, I received it." Ba Jie finished. change!

Ba Jie really became so big. Two heads taller than this cow.

"Bajie, I will throw this rope towards you, and you will hold this rope firmly" Nagato shouted loudly.

Ba Jie said "Okay!" Nagato shook the rope in his hand and slammed it towards Ba Jie.

After Ba Jie caught it, Wukong stood up tremblingly, exhausted his strength, picked up the golden hoop, and slammed it at the Hercules.

The Hercules was knocked to the ground. Bajie said: "Nagato, what kind of rope are you? So strong?"

Nagato patted Bajie and said, "I am a treasure collected by a big monster!"

"That's it" Ba Jie said with a smile.

"Yes, idiot, why don't you stop being counseled this time." Wukong said to Ba Jie.

"Isn't this our brother falling down, don't those who are brothers have to go up and protect the brothers!" Ba Jie said.

"How are you, Brother Monkey" Nagato asked with concern.

Wukong said: "I'm fine. Let's go to the master!"

When Wukong and Nagato Bajie rushed to Tang Seng, Tang Sengsha monk Bai Longma was already gone.

Nagato said, "No wonder no other monsters appeared. It turned out that Tang Seng was taken away."

Wukong said, "He's here to tune the tiger away from the mountain!"

"Brother, where should we go to find the master?" Ba Jie patted "Ouch."

Nagato said, "Don't panic, we still have a cow **** by us."

When Nagato Goku and the others ran to the cow just now. Everything disappeared again.

This time is good, Tang Seng is no longer found. How to learn...

Just before the fight, the fairy turned into a grandfather.

Knowing that without Wukong, they couldn't distinguish monsters from people.

So he lied to Tang Seng and said, "This monster is very powerful and can change a lot.

When fighting with this monster, you follow me and shut up at my house.

After a while, you will meet your apprentice again. "

Tang Seng and Monk Sha believed the old man in front of him and left with him. ..

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