My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 615: Stone formation

Tang Seng and his group passed through the mountains. The mountains here are soaring into the clouds.

"Master, I will fly up to see and see" Monkey King said to Tang Seng.

"I'll go with you, we have been walking for so long and we haven't seen the end." Nagato said worriedly.

Monkey King nodded, and the two flew up together, but they didn't expect that the height of the mountain was unimaginable. The more you fly up the mountain, the thicker the fog on the top of the mountain.

Monkey King said to Nagato, "I don't know where it is, please be careful and be safe."

Nagato nodded and said, "Great Sage, let's go down. I don't know why the fog thickens as it goes up, and it feels heavy."

Wukong said, "Okay." After saying that Nagato and Wukong flew down.

"Eh, how is brother?" Ba Jie ran over and asked.

"This mountain rises into the sky and is unattainable. The higher it goes, the thicker and thicker the fog becomes." Monkey King said.

Nagato said, "Let's take a look first!"

The more Sun Wukong and the others went forward, the more they doubted whether they had gone the wrong way, but that was the way they were. Until I saw the stream.

"Master, I'm thirsty. Let's rest here for a while." said Zhu Bajie.

Tang Seng said, "Wukong, I'm a bit thirsty as a teacher. Let's rest here for a while before setting off."

Monkey King looked at Master and looked at Bajie and said, "Then let's take a short break here."

Monkey King and the others found a corner of the backing, Monk Sha leaned on the stone and squinted.

Ba Jie ran to the side of the stream with his calf thump and thump, then ran back and said, "Master drinks water."

Tang Seng took the water, and Ba Jie went to fetch water and drink it himself. At this moment it was suddenly dark.

This scared Ba Jie, and he rushed towards Monkey King.

At this time, Nagato's fingers rang, and firewood appeared on the ground, which immediately lit.

Nagato said, "Don't run around, gather together." Bajie woke up the Drifter.

The Drifter "rubbed" his eyes and said, "What happened, Brother 2?"

Zhu Bajie said: "I just went to fetch water, and it was suddenly dark this day, but I was taken aback by the old pig."

Monkey King said: "Look at your pig gall and mouse gall are almost the same hahaha."

At this moment, they heard a boom, Tang Seng Sun Wukong and the others began to shake.

The day lighted up again, and a huge and mighty stone monster looked to the left and then to the right.

Sun Wukong and the others faced the sudden stone monster and hurried to hide at the foot of another mountain.

Zhu Bajie wanted to look out, but saw the mountain where they were hiding. Opened his eyes, Ba Jie screamed in fright.

Sun Wukong quickly blocked Ba Jie's mouth with his hands, but it was too late. At this time, the mountains were transformed into huge and mighty stone monsters.

The mountains here surrounded Tang Seng and his party one after another, getting closer and closer.

Monkey King tried to smash the mountain with a golden hoop, but he didn't expect these mountains to remain unscathed.

I saw these mountains getting closer and closer, as if to sandwich them into meatloaf.

Nagato anxiously flew up. Nagato fired laser light with his eyes. Seeing that these mountains were being swept back by the laser, Nagato stepped up efforts.

The elders said: "Brother Monkey, take them to evacuate first, and leave it to me here."

Monkey King nodded and said, "Then you must be more careful." After speaking, Monkey King took Tang Seng and the others away.

Nagato also safely took out a huge bomb ball and smashed them at the stone giants. "It worked" Nagato thought.

Nagato put his hands on his chest, as if some power was running, and all around him was white.

Nagato "shots" a huge shock wave to "shot" these stone monsters.

The stone monsters were hit by Nagato, and these mountains disappeared.

Nagato flew down to find Wukong, and Wukong was relieved when he saw Nagato came back.

"Nagato is amazing!" Ba Jie clapped his hands and applauded. Monk Sha asked Nagato: "How did you solve these stone monsters, Nagato."

Nagato said, "I used lasers to "shoot" these stone monsters, but I didn't expect that large chunks of rocks on their bodies would be "shot" off by me."

"That's it, it's amazing" Monk Sha said, "touching" and "touching".

"Let's continue on the road!" Nagato said.

"This is the desert ahead, and I don't know what kind of dangers we will encounter. Everyone is careful," Sun Wukong said.

"Brother Monkey, don't worry if you have Nagato," Zhu Bajie said.

Monkey King shook his head and said, "Be careful!"

Tang Seng and his party were walking in the desert, and the people in the desert sun could not look directly.

After walking for a while, Ba Jie sat down on the ground and said, "I won't go anymore. I'm tired and thirsty."

Monkey King looked at Ba Jie, who was not upbeat, and said, "Okay, then you just sit here and wait for the sun to be dried into pigs!"

Zhu Bajie snorted, got up again and said, "I want to leave my old pig, no way."

Nagato smiled as he watched the Ba Jie being used by Wukong.

"What are you laughing at Nagato?" Ba Jie asked with a big head.

Nagato said, "It's nothing, I just want to laugh."

"Bajie people laugh at you, too," Monkey King said.

"Then there is always a reason for this laugh, and it makes us happy to say it," Ba Jie said.

Nagato didn't speak, and Bajie didn't ask any more. ..

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