My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 629: Wonderful Weasel

The little monster said, "Isn't the king afraid that the pig will come to rescue Tang Seng?"

The weasel said: "I have seen the strength of that pig's head, it is useless, don't worry!"

The weasel went on and said: "Even if he is going to rescue his master, he will not find his way, nor can he beat us."

Monkey King listened to the conversation between the weasel and his men, and Monkey King went out of his body to find the Eight Precepts.

Monkey King looked left and right on the road, but he didn't catch sight of Ba Jie.

Just around the corner, I saw a smooth meat ball shining brightly by the sun.

Out of curiosity, Monkey King flew over. It turned out that it was Bajie who had been robbed of his clothes.

Monkey King patted Ba Jie's face, but he couldn't wake up.

Monkey King knocked the ground with a golden hoop, and the old man turned out.

The old man said: "Great Sage, if you knock on my head like this, you will knock out the bag."

"Lao Di Er, come and take a look at him, I can't wake up no matter how I shoot!" Monkey King said, pulling the father-in-law of the land.

Grandpa Land came forward and looked closer and said, "Great Sage, who... who are you?"

Sun Wukong said: "This is my brother." "Dasheng, do you have a lover?" said the father-in-law.

"What do you say, old man?" Monkey King said.

The father-in-law of the land said: "You junior ate the faint fruit, and this faint fruit solution is the tears of a lover."

Monkey King said: "Is there no other way?"

The father-in-law of the land said: "This is a good saying, there is true love in the world! It only needs people's sincere tears."

Monkey King said, "Do you have this?"

The father-in-law of the land hesitated for a while, and said, "No, Great Sage!"

Sun Wukong knew that Father Earth was lying to him, so he said, "If you don't give it to me, I will smash your hole!"

Father Earth waved his hand and said, "Great Sage, I really don't have one."

Sun Wukong was desperate and picked up the golden hoop, just to kill this harmful tree.

When the father-in-law saw this, he quickly stopped Monkey King.

Monkey King said: "Why are you?"

The father of the earth said: "Great Sage, this fruit is really sweet and delicious. It is incomparable to other fruits."

Monkey King said: "Oh? How do I think this fruit is so ordinary." "Great Sage, have you tasted it?" asked the father of the earth.

"This fruit, the weasel from Huangdaxian Cave has become my junior to trick us into eating this fruit. If it weren't for my body that is invincible, I am afraid that my master and I will become this weasel. It's lunch on the plate."

The father-in-law took out a white jade bottle and handed it to Sun Wukong and said, "I have this bottle, the great sage. You only need a little drop to give it to your junior."

Monkey King took the white jade bottle, first killed the tree that was harmful to others, and then rescued Bajie.

The father-in-law of the land was very distressed when he saw the tree knocked down by Monkey King.

Seeing his appearance, Monkey King said, "This fruit is delicious, but harmful things are harmful after all, so give up early!"

The father-in-law of the earth got back into the soil. Zhu Bajie woke up and asked, "Brother Monkey, where are we?"

Brother Hou patted Bajie's head and said, "Don't you remember anything, idiot?"

Zhu Bajie suddenly said loudly, "Oh, I remembered that a young man saved me and took me to find fruit to eat."

"Save you?" Monkey King asked suspiciously.

As Ba Jie said, he looked around and said, "You don't know Brother Monkey, I was just about to fetch water. As a result, I fell into the swamp by accident. It was the young man who saved me."

"Fool, don't look anymore, the one who saved you is a weasel." Monkey King said.

Ba Jie said in shock: "Huh?" Sun Wukong said, "Don't, let's go save the master!"

Zhu Bajie nodded and followed Monkey King to Huangxian Cave.

Monkey King said: "Bajie, you are here to shout that weasel spirit, I will go into the cave to rescue the master, do you understand?"

Zhu Bajie vaguely said, "I understand, but..."

Looking at Ba Jie, Monkey King asked: "What's the matter?"

Zhu Bajie said: "I am afraid..."

"Fool, Guanyin Bodhisattva let you experience, not for you to play, do you understand?" Monkey King said.

"Brother Monkey, I know, I am not afraid," said Zhu Bajie.

"Fear is nothing, you know? The more afraid you are, the more you can't do anything." Monkey King said, holding on to Ba Jie.

"But brother, you saw it last time. I was chased by the monster on the mountain." Zhu Bajie said.

"Fool, I didn't think about it last time." Sun Wukong continued: "In this way, I will dig a hole in your place, and you will lead the snake out of the hole and then fall into it."

"Brother Monkey, you are digging a hole here. It won't take a few days. There will be no more bones left after the master is eaten." Zhu Bajie whispered.

"The idiot would say you are stupid, look!" Monkey King said.

Monkey King drew a big circle on the ground with his hand, and Ba Jie asked "confusedly": "Brother Monkey, this is not just a circle."

Monkey King threw the stone into the circle, and the stone was gone immediately. Zhu Bajie beats...

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