My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 636: Baoxiang Country Experience

"But the treasure of heaven and earth is not an ordinary item, Zhen Yuanzi will not come here personally, so this should be the ghost of the guy in Nagato." Bai Xiangjing analyzed it.

Dapeng Niaojing nodded, "I agree with the eldest brother and the second brother. I have heard that Nagato is very tricky. He is just as difficult to deal with as the grandson monkey. If they come here together, they will definitely not be easy to stun them ."

Dapeng Bird Spirit had already figured out what to do next, and he thought that he had to solve these problems as soon as possible, no matter what, he didn't know what to do.

Nagato and Monkey King had already arrived in the territory of Treasure Elephant. They quickly came to the home of the lion spirit. After confirming that the lion spirit was not present, they immediately took out the treasure of heaven and earth.

"Wukong, you help me keep the wind outside and I will look for the relic."

According to what Nagato said, Monkey King stood outside the lion spirit's door. After a while, Nagato came out of the lion spirit's room.

"We have been discovered by these three monsters. What I didn't expect is that these three monsters are so powerful. This really didn't happen to me. No matter what, we can't be refreshed."

As soon as Nagato's voice fell, the voice of Dapeng Bird Spirit spread throughout the sky.

"Really? Since you know how powerful our skills are, why bother to appear in the treasure country to die?"

Later, Dapeng bird spirit, lion spirit and white elephant spirit appeared in front of Monkey King and Nagato together.

"Sure enough, the things that Tiandi Baojian had expected seem to be true. These three monsters are not small. Wukong, the white elephant spirit and the lion spirit will be given to you, and the rest will be given to me ."

After saying this, Nagato's speed was extremely fast, and he directly used his mana to fix the Dapeng Bird Spirit.

There is a relic in the body of the Dapeng bird spirit, and the golden light emitted by the relic will directly eliminate the mana that binds him.

"Unexpectedly, the relic is so powerful. The three of us will appear here because of you. You still don't want to win in front of our eyes. You can't defeat us."

Monkey King fought with the white elephant spirit and the lion spirit. Because of their relics, the two of them were equal in strength to Monkey King.

"Dapeng Bird Jing, these people in Baoxiang Country are innocent. We fight here, it will hurt countless people, I will take you to a place." Nagato waved his hands, and he and Dapeng Niaojing disappeared in the kingdom of Baoxiang.

Nagagoal brought the Dapeng Bird Spirit to the top of Promise, and the surrounding area was dark.

"Dapeng Bird Spirit, this is the Promise Summit, I believe you also know something about this place."

"Yes, no matter how the mana is released here, it will not have any impact on the outside world. Unexpectedly, you guy can open the channel of the Promise Summit and teleport me to this place. But it is hard to say which of us wins and who loses." Dapeng Bird Spirit is very confident.

In the demon refining pot, Zhu Bajie and the others could hear the conversation between Nagato and Dapeng Bird Spirit.

The Drifter was a little worried, and said, "Second Brother, you said that both Senior Brother and Nagato have come to the Promise Summit. Is there anything going on? This Promise Summit is very powerful. From the abyss."

"I said, brother, you don’t have to worry so much. Only Nagato has entered the Promise Summit this time. Are you still not sure about the mana of Nagato? Even the Buddha may not be his opponent, let alone a small one. Where is the little Dapeng bird spirit?" Zhu Bajie said confidently.

"The second senior brother is right, but the senior brother did not come here, it means that he is still in the treasure elephant country, and the senior brother must be safe." The Drifter was a little worried about Monkey King.

Tang Seng looked at Zhu Bajie and Drifting, and said, "Bajie, Wujing, you don't have to worry, all things grow and restrain each other. This is our calamity. We should accept it cheerfully. Maybe the result is not as bad as we thought."

Tang Seng is very calm, it seems that all the results do not matter.

The Dapeng bird spirit in front of Nagato waved its wings, and a huge black wind rushed towards him.

"I want to see if your mana will be limited in this Promise Summit. As long as you are caught in my black wind, it will surely be wiped out in an instant."

Dapeng Bird Spirit said, increasing his mana, and the black wind turned faster.

Nagato quickly evaded the magical attack of the Dapeng Bird Spirit. He looked at the Dapeng Bird Spirit carefully, wanting to know where the Dapeng Bird's relic was.

The relic is the sacred object of the ancient gods and Buddhas passing away. Nagato doesn't know whether his power can destroy the relic, so he didn't make a full shot.

Dapeng Bird Jing saw that his attack could not hit Nagato at all, and Nagato wouldn't attack him, which made him a little impatient.

Dapeng Bird Spirit roared, "Hey, I said Nagato, you will either attack me or surrender and be bound, I can't stand you anymore."..

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