My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 646: Repair the Haotian Tower (Part 2)

Sun Wukong thought about Nagato's help to his four masters and apprentices many times before. This time, he would help Nagato to repair the Haotian Tower and find all the remaining relics.

Nagato's heaven and earth treasures kept shining, reminding him that the Haotian Tower and the relic are inseparable.

"Wukong, the four of you master and apprentice still have a lot of things to do, and your nine-nine-nine-eighty-one difficulties are quite different. You can do your own thing now, and you don't have to come to me to help me deliberately." The door rejected the kindness of Monkey King just now.

Nagato knew that Tang Seng and others needed Sun Wukong's help more than him. All he had to do was to quickly take the Haotian Tower and find Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi had discovered the location of the Haotian Tower. He used his mana to chant the spell, which made the mana of Tiandi Baojian increased again.

Nagato was very surprised. He knew that within the Three Realms, only Zhen Yuanzi had the ability to let Tiandi Baojian release his mana, so he turned to say goodbye to Monkey King.

"Wukong, your master, they need you even more. The magic power of Tiandi Baojian keeps running. At this time, Zhenyuanzi also knows about this. He is calling me. I need to meet him immediately. You can go back to your own place. it is good."

Nagato didn't say anything else, turned around and disappeared into the sky.

Monkey King returned to Tang Seng's side again, and told Tang Seng and the others what he had just seen.

With a frightened expression on his face, Zhu Bajie hurriedly walked to Sun Wukong and said, "Brother, this matter is not something we can manage. Besides, how troublesome this matter is, you know better than anyone how dangerous it is."

Zhu Bajie knew that the four of their masters and apprentices experienced the same things, and if they were really in serious trouble, the consequences would be very serious.

Monkey King looked at Zhu Bajie with disgust and shook his head, "Fool, when can you become active and smart, then you will not be far from becoming a Buddha."


Nagato speeded up his flight, and soon came to Jin Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi watched Nagato approaching and hurried over.

"Nagato, I just activated the mana of Tiandi Baojian, did you feel it?"" I can naturally feel that the power of Tiandi Baojian is constantly increasing. I know you must want me to come here quickly. Let’s say, do you feel the Haotian Tower The existence, thinking that this relic might be in the Haotian Tower?" Nagato asked.

Zhen Yuanzi did not avoid any taboos, nodded and said, "What you said is not wrong. In fact, you should know what I mean by what I want to say. I believe you have felt this too, so you said this to me. ."

Nagato nodded likewise and told Jin Yuanzi what he thought.

"Zhen Yuanzi, I borrowed the Haotian Pagoda from the Jade Emperor. I know that the Haotian Pagoda's power is not generally strong. It is only because its mana is restricted."

After Nagato finished speaking, he summoned the Haotian Tower directly and placed it in front of Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi had seen Haotian Tower in his dream before, and when he saw Haotian Tower with his own eyes, he was unavoidably a little excited.

"Ancient artifact, the Haotian Tower, according to legend, its power can destroy the sky and the earth. My intuition tells me that there is the last relic in the Haotian Tower. Let me activate the treasure of heaven and earth, open the Haotian Tower, and take out the relic. Son." Zhen Yuanzi said.

Zhen Yuanzi has activated his mana, and he has continuously increased his mana.

Tiandi Baojian flew out from Nagato's body, and the powerful mana made Tiandi Baojian "shoot" a golden light, and the relics in the Haotian Tower flew out one by one.

At the same time, the relics on Nagato also flew out.

"One, two... ten, the ten relics are all in place, and the last few relics are indeed in the Haotian Tower." Nagato said,

From Nagato's point of view, the relics have been collected, and he has completed the task given by the Buddha. Now he only needs to bring the ten relics to the Buddha's side.

After thinking about it for a while, Nagato sucked the treasure of heaven and earth into his hands again, and said: "Zhen Yuanzi, the treasure of heaven and earth is your magic weapon, I will use it again. Since the relics are all collected, I will bring Use these relics to find Tathagata Buddha."

Zhenyuanzi seemed to have thought of something, he immediately stood in front of Nagato and stopped Nagato.

"No Nagato, although the relics have been collected, their power has not diminished. The relics can greatly increase the power of the relics. The part of the relics has not been purified. If you take the relics directly to the West Heaven Buddha Realm, you will It has a huge impact on the entire world."

Nagato had never heard of what Zhen Yuanzi said.

"The relics were left behind by the ancient gods and Buddhas when they passed away. This is equivalent to their primordial spirit. Where is there any saying for purification?" Nagato said. ..

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