My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 648: The master behind the black lotus

No matter how hard Hei Lian tried, his mana could not be released. The golden light around his body made him extremely painful. Now that Hei Lian's mission failed, he knew that his master would not let him go.

Nagato knew a little bit about this, he looked at Heilian's lack of faith in survival, shook his head, and said.

"Hei Lian, you should know that you can be what you are now, with such a large mana, this is hard-won. You have no idea of ​​survival, this will make your previous cultivation and mana disappear."

Nagato's persuasion came from the heart. He could see a trace of his conscience from the depths of Heilian's heart, so he said this to Heimian.

After Sun Wukong and his party left from Cha Chiguo, they saw the sky abnormal again. This time Tang Seng asked again: "Wukong, what happened recently? Is there really something big happening in Tianting? If that is the case, You quickly help the heavenly gods."

Tang Seng knew that the gods and Buddhas of the Three Realms were already in danger, and it would take some time for them to reach the Western Heaven to obtain the truth. He felt that the disaster between heaven and earth was their disaster, so he said these words to Monkey King.

Zhu Bajie also felt the power not far away, he knew it was the power of the relic he had seen before.

Zhu Bajie came to Monkey King and Tang Seng's eyes and said, "Master, brother, I can actually feel that the power just now is the power of the relic. It seems that this time things are not that simple. Let's start with the place in front of us. Let's leave."

Zhu Bajie, who had finished speaking these words, quickly took Tang Seng and others to leave.

Monkey King felt that what Tang Seng said had some truth. After saying goodbye to Tang Seng, he went to the place where he had just sensed the relic.

Monkey King saw the light of the relic and at the same time saw the black lotus trapped by Nagato.

"Nagato, it really is you. Just now there was an abnormal black light in the sky and the mana of the relic. I guess you are here." Sun Wukong said.

"This black lotus came for the relic. My instinct tells me that he must have obeyed the demon leader's words. There is a kind of truth, goodness and beauty deep in the black lotus heart. I believe that I can His inner kindness awakened." Nagato explained.

The sky's "color" gradually darkened, and the power of Hei Lian became more powerful, and the huge power continued to flow. Such a special force was wrapped around Hei Lian, which caused Hei Lian to faint.

"Wukong, I originally wanted to use the relic to help Hei Lian restore his power. What I didn't expect was that Hei Lian's power was more corrupt than I thought. Now the person behind him is ordering him to do something. , You need to stay here."

Nagato said, he took out the treasure of heaven and earth and threw it to Monkey King.

Monkey King caught the treasure of heaven and earth. He knew that he had not cultivated the true fruit yet. Although he had seventy-two changes of mana, he still could not suppress the mana of ten relics and the black lotus at the same time. He could only rely on the treasure of heaven and earth. Do these.

Monkey King's mana continued to improve. He gathered his mana on the Heaven and Earth Baojian, which made the Tiandi Baojian exude golden light again.

Nagato determined that Monkey King can control the treasure of heaven and earth, and that he can suppress the black lotus and ten relics with the treasure of heaven and earth. He was relieved,

"Goku, I'm going to look for Zhen Yuanzi first. I believe the Buddha knows where he is. Just stay in front of your eyes for a while, and I will be back soon. During my absence, who will talk to you? Don't agree to it, and don't stop the magic power." Nagato urged again.

"Don't worry, this time the matter is very important, I know what I should do." Monkey King said positively.

"I will be back soon, remember what I just said." After Nagato dropped such a sentence, he turned away.

Hei Lian's heart demon was activated again, and the flow of magic power in Hei Lian's body gradually accelerated, which made Hei Lian look very painful.

"Sun Wukong, you and I are natural enemies. This time it was originally a duel between you and me. If it weren't for Nagato's trouble, now you have been caught by me."

Hei Lian deliberately said such words to instigate Monkey King.

"Really? How great is your little black lotus? My old grandson waited until Nagato came back and competed with you to see how capable you are." Sun Wukong's mouth raised.


Nagato soon flew to Leiyin Temple in Xitian.

Nagato who arrived at Leiyin Temple felt that there was no immortal energy around him, and there was no **** or Buddha in Leiyin Temple, which made him very puzzled.

"It's strange, Leiyin Temple has never been like this. The last time I came here, it was fine. Could this be the disaster in the legendary Three Realms?" Nagato said. ..

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