My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 670: Suppressing the Black Bear Spirit (Part 2)

The Black Bear Spirit didn't hurt much after being attacked by Monkey King, so he mocked Monkey King.

"I'm really **** off my grandson, you, a little black bear spirit, relying on your own magic power, to mock the Monkey King so much? Look at my bad lesson today to teach you."

Under the furious Monkey King, he put on the uniform of Monkey King and fought with the black bear spirit.

Nagato came to the entrance of Batu Caves. At this time, Monkey King was fighting with the black bear spirit. The place where they were fighting was in a mess, and there were potholes everywhere.

"Unexpectedly, the black bear spirit is really so powerful. It is much more powerful than I thought. Monkey King is not necessarily the opponent of the black bear spirit. I can't let Monkey King have something. He will be the most powerful boneless relic in the future. , We must protect him."

Nagato was talking to himself, then appeared in front of the black bear spirit and Monkey King, and spoke to Monkey King.

"Wukong, this black bear spirit has mana for thousands of years. It has lived in this black wind cave for hundreds of years, and he is more comfortable than you in terms of mana and terrain. The black bear spirit will be dealt with by me. Go and rest. "

When the black bear spirit saw Nagato, he felt a kind of mana that suppressed him, which made him extremely unhappy.

"Sun Wukong, so you only have such a small degree of mana? You are not my opponent, so you called a helper to deal with me, right?"

The taunt of the black bear spirit successfully made Monkey King angry again.

Sun Wukong turned his head to look at Nagato, and refused: "No, this black bear spirit is for my grandson. This time, let my grandson deal with him. Nagato, your kindness, my grandson has taken care of him, you Just watch it from the sidelines."

Nagato hadn't spoken again, and Monkey King and the black bear spirit fought again.

"Forget it, since Monkey King said so, I just watched it. However, looking at Monkey King's appearance at best tied with the black bear spirit, this black bear spirit is indeed very powerful. If the development sequence of normal things is followed, it is estimated that Guanyin will Come forward," Nagato said to himself.

In Luojia Mountain, the golden boy and jade girl are beside Guanyin, and Guanyin has decided to go to subdue the black bear spirit.

The golden boy spoke beside Guanyin, "Master Guanyin, didn't Nagato say that, we just wait here, will he bring the black bear spirit?"

"Nagato did say such things, but I still think it's better to subdue the black bear spirit personally. The black bear spirit's understanding is extremely high. If the Nagato kills or kills the black bear spirit by mistake, it will be bad. "

Guanyin didn't want the black bear spirit to make any mistakes, so he decided to go and personally suppress the black bear spirit.

In this way, Guanyin took the golden boy and jade girl beside him to fly to the Batu Caves.

Nagato outside the Batu Caves sensed a fairy aura flying towards here, and his instinct told him that it was Guanyin Pusa who came here.

Nagato remembered that when he left Luojia Mountain, he once told Guanyin that he could defeat the black bear spirit and bring it to her side. Nagato thought that if he hadn't defeated the black bear spirit before the arrival of Guanyin, it would be equivalent to the words he had said earlier without belief.

Thinking of this, Nagato gathered his mana together and directly bound the black bear spirit with the immortal rope.

Just as Monkey King was about to hit the black bear spirit with all his strength, he saw the immortal rope tied to him and stopped his attack on the black bear spirit.

"Nagato, I didn't say it well. This black bear spirit was given to me to deal with. Why did you suddenly attack him?" Monkey King didn't understand why Nagato did this. He didn't feel that he would be defeated. .

"I don't need to explain more to you. You are the one chosen by the destiny to learn from the scriptures. Even if I don't do it, someone will do it. You don't understand what I mean now, but you will know it in a moment. ."

But just after Nagato finished speaking, Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared in front of everyone.

When Monkey King saw Guanyin, he knelt down and spoke.

"Bodhisattva, why did you suddenly come here today? Could it be..."

Monkey King thought that Guanyin would come to Black Wind Mountain, and she was invited by Nagato General, and he felt a little uncomfortable inside.

"Wukong, didn't you realize that you are very strange today? In normal times, you won't be easily irritated by monsters, and you don't even want to hate monsters. Did you forget your mission?"

Avalokitesvara raised such a point, which made Monkey King instantly sober.

"The lesson of Guanyin Bodhisattva is that my grandson hasn't encountered such a powerful monster for a long time. This time it is also a momentary upper hand. If it were not for the Bodhisattva's point of lifting, I am afraid that he is still in anger." Sun Wukong lowered his head and said.

Nagato didn't expect that the appearance of Guanyin made Monkey King instantly sober, and the violent aura on Monkey King disappeared. ..

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