My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 676: Destroy the Sky Thunder Needle

"You want to use this sky thunder needle to create a sky thunder cell, trap me temporarily, and then you can leave."

Nagato pierced Nanhai Pluto's mind, Nanhai Pluto's whole body was stiff, and his whole body was trembling constantly.

Nagato stretched out his right hand, and the Sky Thunder Needle in the hands of Nanhai Hades reached Nagato's hand directly, and was then directly crushed by him.

"It's okay to deal with some small gods with things like the Thunder Needle, but there is absolutely no chance of winning against my Nagato. This thing has been ruined by me. What can you still fight against me now? "Nagato snorted coldly.

The Nanhai Pluto kept backing away in terror. At this moment, all his subordinates appeared and stood in front of the Nanhai Pluto.

The headed Nanhai elder clasped his fists and said: "Leader, we will help you and eliminate Nagato. The leader does not have to worry about this, we can definitely eradicate him from the Three Realms."

This elder is the most proud guard of the Pluto of the South China Sea. This elder also has some abilities, and only then said what he said just now.

The Pluto of the South China Sea froze, meaning not to let them take action.

The elders of Nanhai were eager to do their work. He thought that the Nanhai Pluto had agreed to them directly, so everyone came up.

Nagato looked at a group of Nanhai guards in front of him. He stretched out his hands, merged them, and the mighty power of God and Buddha directly suppressed them.

Nagato's mana was so powerful that the elders of Nanhai were shocked. He thought that his mana could compete with it, but the difference was so big.

"How is it? You, the elder of the South China Sea, seem to have no brains. The leader of the South China Sea is not my opponent. He has been frightened into that way. You dare to shoot directly with me. It is really whimsical."

These Nanhai guards did not dare to step forward, but Nagato moved closer to them.

Nagato looked at the South China Sea guards in front of him, shook his head, and said, "I know that there is a relic in your South China Sea, but who knows where this relic is? If you don’t say anything, I Will wipe out you all."

In Nagato's view, these people in the South China Sea are unscrupulous people for their own benefit. Their hearts are extremely evil, and they are not easy to change.

Nanhai Hades walked to Nagato's eyes and took out a relic from him.

"This relic has always been in my South China Sea. I also admit that this time I really intend to take your relic as my own, but the result was not within my expectations. Now I really gave up, I I also know that I was wrong, and I hope you can let me go."

The Nanhai Pluto begged for mercy so much, it shocked his guards in the South China Sea. They had never seen their leader look like this.

After thinking for a moment, Nagato nodded and agreed with what Nanhai Pluto said.

"You are the leader of the South China Sea. All affairs of the South China Sea are managed by you. I will not say anything to you this time. I believe you understand my consciousness. As a Buddhist, I will not kill you. Yes, but if you are still the same as before, don't blame me."

After Nagato dropped these words, he took the relic and left.

For Nagato, he came to the South China Sea this time for the relics. As for other things, he didn't care so much.

After Nagato left, Nanhai Hades breathed a sigh of relief. He looked viciously at the Elder Nanhai beside him, and hit the Elder Nanhai with a punch.

The elder Nanhai was directly beaten out and fell heavily to the ground.

There were blood stains on the corner of the elder Nanhai's mouth, and his eyes were full of grievances, "Boss, you want to do this to me, all the things I did before are for you."

"Don't you say that you have no selfishness? You said you are for me, but I think it is for yourself. If you defeat Nagato this time, can you become the leader of the South China Sea?"

In order to show his majesty, Nanhai Pluto directly used magic power to crush the Nanhai elders in front of him.

Nagato sensed the powerful flow of mana in the South China Sea not far behind him. He turned his head and took a look, and he knew what had happened.

"The Pluto of the South China Sea is really anxious, but he does this, I believe he has his own ideas. Forget it, I still don't have so many useless things, I will leave here first. ."

Nagato continued to fly towards the east beyond the South China Sea. He decided to take this relic and return to Zhenyuanzi's Taoist temple first.

During his flight, the relic he just collected exudes a filthy breath from time to time, something like this has never been seen before in Nagato.

After Nagato decided to ask Zhen Yuanzi what was going on with this relic, he went to the prefecture to find another relic. ..

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