My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 726: Mana Suppress Wutian

Wu Tian knew that he was injured, and if he played against Nagato directly, he would definitely not be Nagato's opponent.

"I won't just let this opportunity pass. Your two souls have always been scattered in two places, and their mana is very powerful. Now you are injured and you are not my opponent anyway."

Nagato waved his right hand, a golden light hit Wu Tian.

Wutian used his own hands to block the golden light of Nagato, followed by several golden lights, Wutian was directly hit and vomited blood on the spot.

"I don't believe these."

He roared and continuously attacked the enchantment of gods and Buddhas released around him by Nagato, but naturally it had no effect.

What Wutian didn't expect was that Nagato could easily use his mana to completely surround him, making his body unable to move. "

In Wutian's impression, he had always thought that the mana that Nagato had previously released to him was the entire power of Nagato. What he didn't expect was that he thought of all this too simply.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you at this time, I just want to keep you, let you see how powerful my mana is. I will take you back to Luojia Mountain, and there, God Buddha breath can help you to purify the evil spirit in your body."

After Nagato finished speaking, he took Wutian and flew in the direction of Luojia Mountain.

Wu Tian tried to break free of Nagato's **** and Buddha barrier many times, but all ended in failure.

"If it wasn't for the black heart to take the initiative, I wouldn't be caught alive by you. If it wasn't for my injury, how could I be easily caught by you."

"Everything is God's will. This is the fate. We are about to reach Luojia Mountain. Let's wait until Luojia Mountain has anything to say."

Nagato increased his speed and continued flying.

In Luojia Mountain, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Zhenyuanzi, Eighteen Arhats, Tota Heavenly King Li Jing, Erlangshen and others all recovered their magic power.

A golden light appeared in Luojia Mountain, and Guanyin followed many heavenly generals and gods and Buddhas to the place where the golden light showed.

"Nagato? What are you?"

Everyone was shocked when they saw Wutian behind Nagato.

"Yes, the person you saw is Wutian. Wutian has been injured and has been firmly suppressed by my gods and Buddha's mana. You don't need to worry about this."

From Nagato's point of view, Wutian's mana is temporarily unable to recover, and coupled with the mana of the 15 relics of Luojia Mountain and the aura of gods and Buddhas, the demon energy in Wutian's body will quickly dissipate.

But these are just Nagato's expectations, things are not as good as he thought.

Monkey King has also returned, along with Tang Monk, Zhu Bajie, Drifting Monk, and Xiao Bailong.

They completed all the tasks assigned to them by Nagato and returned to report to Nagato.

Just as Tang Seng was about to speak, Nagato stopped.

"Needless to say, I can see everything you have experienced with my heavenly eyes. Now these things have passed. Now the most important thing is the last relic so that the Tathagata can return to the Three Realms. The other is the evil spirit in Wutian. , I have a way to purify it."

Nagato said that he would help Wutian purify evil spirits, which caused a lot of discussions among the gods and buddhas of the Three Realms.

Gods, Buddhas and Gods of the Three Realms do not have any favorable impressions of Wutian. They know that if Wutian lives for one day, it may bring a crisis to the Three Realms again.

Zhu Bajie said with some dissatisfaction: "Nagato God and Buddha, your mana is very powerful, even if Wu Tian really strikes you, it is not your opponent, what about us? If Wu Tian attacks us, wouldn't we be worse than before? "

Tang Seng followed, "Yes, Nagato, I think what Bajie said is not wrong. Although God has the virtue of good living, Wutian is the source of evil in the Three Realms. If such evil continues to spread, the Three Realms will fall into crisis again. of."

Nagato had already guessed that they would say that, and after taking a deep breath, he flew into the air.

He looked at all the gods and Buddhas now, and said: "I know that everyone must have big objections to Wutian's disposal. I have my reason for doing this. I will definitely not let the Three Realms be in danger, nor will everyone There is something."

Nagato said that this was a chance for Wutian and also a chance for himself.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Monkey King stood up at the same time. After the two looked at each other, Guanyin Bodhisattva spoke.

"I think what Nagato said is reasonable. The immortal energy of Luojia Mountain is very sufficient. If Wutian can really change evil and return to righteousness here, then it is not only the honor of the Three Realms, but also the accumulation of good deeds for yourself. ."

When Guanyin said such words, everyone was silent.

"I very much agree with the words of the Bodhisattva. My grandson and Nagato thought the same. If everyone really believes in Nagato, don't talk about other nonsense." Sun Wukong repeated again.

After Nagato received the support of Guanyin Bodhisattva and Monkey King, all the gods, Buddhas and generals also had no objections. ..


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