My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 767: Monkey King shot

Monkey King is ready to fight with the python spirit.

"Well, you Nagato, you still said that you are the deity of the world of Gods and Buddhas, the head of ten thousand Buddhas. Now you are looking for a helper. It seems that you did this by admitting that you are not my opponent? "The python spirit deliberately mocked.

Without waiting for Nagato to speak, Monkey King took the initiative to stand in front of the python spirit.

"Anaconda spirit, God Venerable Nagato doesn’t want to talk nonsense with you as a fairy. When God Venerable Nagato gallops across the Three Realms, you don’t know where you are. Since you have to fight against the gods, then go to my grandson first. One pass."

As soon as Monkey King's golden cudgel was about to be shot, Nagato directly grabbed Monkey's golden cudgel, making it impossible for him to swing.

"God, what are you doing? This python spirit is not so powerful. My grandson can defeat her without you having to act." Sun Wukong said.

"This is a matter between me and her. The deity still remembers what happened in the dream world. Only the deity can completely subdue her and change her back to the way she was before."

When Nagato talked about this, Monkey King could only put away his golden hoop.

Sun Wukong believed that he had enough ability to defeat the python spirit, so he didn't say much, and flew to the side.

"It looks like you do not intend to let Monkey King help you? If Monkey King helps you, your chance of victory will be half greater. Are you sure you will not let him help you?"

"Joke, the deity always helps others when doing things. I can help you restore you to the original state. I hope you can cooperate with me well, so that at least you don't have to suffer so much." Seriously.

But the python spirit felt that it was a very good thing that she had such a powerful mana now, she shook her head and smiled.

"I already have such a powerful mana, even though it is a demon power, this mana is stronger than before. I practice hard to become a god, but the result is completely different from what I thought."

The python spirit remembered that when he was a bird fairy, he had worked so hard, but his master did not praise him at all, but thought she was a burden, and this made her what she is today.

"In short, my pain is not as simple as you think, and you are not qualified to persuade me without experiencing the pain I experienced."

The python spirit roared, the surrounding ground exploded in an instant, and the python spirit spit out poison needles towards Nagato.

Nagato quickly dodges the venomous needle of the python essence. The place where the python essence venomous needle attacked was instantly melted, and even the stone beside Monkey King was melted.

The poisonous needles of the python spirit came from all directions, surrounded Nagato directly, and fired at Nagato with full force.

"Such an attack will have no effect on the deity. Now the deity will let you see what is the difference in power."

He condensed his mana, these poisonous needles were bounced away in an instant, and one of the poisonous needles directly pierced the python essence, and the python essence fell from the air to the ground, spitting out blood.

Originally, the mana of the python essence was severely injured by Nagato's dispersal, but this time he was stabbed by his own poisonous needle.

Nagato and the fast speed came directly to the eyes of the python spirit, directly hitting the internal organs of the python spirit with a palm, and the python spirit was completely unable to move.

"Why didn't you just kill me directly? By hurting me so badly and leaving me alive, are you telling you that you have won? Are you showing off to me?" After the snake spirit said this, another mouthful of blood came out.

"You'd better not speak anymore. You will be attacked by anger like this. This deity has his own reason for doing this. The Wordless Book of Heaven has helped me so much this time, and I believe it will definitely help. your."

Nagato took out a small bottle from his hand, directly sucked the python spirit into it, and at the same time sealed the demon energy in the bottle with his mana.

"Just stay here and be obedient. Since the deity promised to help you and restore you to the original state, he will definitely say that he can do it."

While Nagato said this, he retracted the surrounding mana, and the mana barrier he had set disappeared.

Sun Wukong knew that Nagato was about to leave and came to Nagato.

"Nagato god, my grandson has one thing I don't know if I should say it."

"You are fighting against the Buddha, and your temperament has always been straightforward. If you have anything you want to say to the deity, just speak directly, and you don't need to hesitate." Nagato strengthened the seal of the bottle again.

After thinking about it again, Sun Wukong said: "The python spirit is a ten thousand year snake spirit. It is a fact that she has become a ten thousand year snake spirit anyway. I am afraid it is a bit difficult to restore the python spirit to become a bird fairy?"..


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