My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 817: Tathagata assigns tasks

"Master, I know that you have suffered these days. Since I have promised Nagato God, I must treat all the gods kindly, so I won't be as harsh to you as before, and I won't blame you."

When the Jade Emperor said these words, he really said his own psychological words.

Taishang Laojun just felt more guilty at this time.

"Don't worry, your majesty, the minister has now fully recovered his mana, and he can definitely help the Three Realms in the future and eliminate hidden dangers."

Inside Leiyin Temple, Nagato quickly came inside. He saw that all the eighteen arhats, Guanyin, and Tang monks were all in there. He was a little surprised, but he didn't say much, and then sat in a lotus seat next to Tathagata. on.

"Today, all the gods and Buddhas have arrived. This seat has decided to let you all go to the mortal world to experience and practice. When everyone is less than a last resort, they have to use spells without authorization. And this time is a test for everyone, one person goes to one place. "

Tathagata waved his right hand, everyone almost came out wherever they went.

Nagato saw that the place he was going was the treasure elephant country he had visited before, which made him stunned.

"Tathagata Buddha, the monsters in this treasure elephant kingdom have been calmed down, and the people inside have also undergone great changes. They are not as greedy and selfish as before. What am I going to do when I go to treasure elephant kingdom? What is his experience?"

Nagato didn't have any worries, and directly expressed his inner thoughts.

"The deity said very well, but the matter is not as simple as the deity thought. The secret of heaven cannot be revealed. It is hard to say about this. The deity may go to Baoxiang country to see and know how this happened. It's up."

Tathagata didn't say the reason, but just wanted to let Nagato try it by himself.

"Since the Buddha said so, then I have to go and see what's going on."

In a blink of an eye, Nagato once again came to the treasure elephant kingdom where he had helped Tang Seng and his apprentice through the troubles.

Everything in Baoxiang Country is the same as when he saw it before.

"It's weird. The Buddha told me to come here, but I saw that everything is normal here, and there is no big difference from what I thought. No, I should still look around here to see if it is true. What's wrong with it."

As soon as Nagato finished speaking, he felt the evil spirit around him. "It's weird, how can there be monsters here? Could there be any monsters in this treasure elephant kingdom? If this is the case, the deity must be removed harm."

Nagato soon came to the place where the treasure elephant has a demon-like atmosphere. The demon-like atmosphere entangled all around. Nagato concealed the immortal energy from her body to attract him, and disguised himself as an ordinary person.

After a little demon disguised as a man appeared in the crowd, he casually grabbed a passerby and directly motioned to the men behind him to take him away.

"Why do you want to catch me? I never knew you. What are you doing to catch me?" The man's face was shocked.

"I caught you, naturally to save you too much. Looking at your appearance, although the meat is not very tasty, I believe that your soul is still clean. Bring you back, the king will definitely be happy."

The little demon threw the man aside, and turned around and left with the innocent man just now.

"Does this treasure elephant country really have demons? Since this is the case, I want to see what kind of demons can be so powerful."

Nagato increased his speed and quickly left from the place in front of him.

Nagato followed the little demon all the way to the cave. In this cave, there were hundreds of young men, but most of these men had lost their souls.

"This place is really abnormal. I just looked at it this way and I felt very surprised. If it is really possible, I will see how great this monster is."

So Nagato also turned into an ordinary man, lying on the ground deliberately, pretending to be injured, and then brought back by a group of little demons.

Their king never showed up, and Nagato was very curious about this. He wanted to see what kind of monsters wanted to absorb the souls of these people.

Nagato had been waiting in this cave for two days. Just when Nagato was about to give up waiting, the Demon King appeared.

After the Demon King appeared in his cave, he nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the macho man captured by his little demon.

"Yes, you are doing very well. I only need the souls of the last ten people to become a real demon. By then, no **** and Buddha in the Three Realms will be my opponent, and none of them can hurt me. of."

After the Demon King said this, Nagato stood directly behind the Demon King.

"I said you guy wants to occupy the souls of these innocent mortals from the eyes of the deity. Do you think you can do it yourself?"..


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