My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 844: Entrance to the Nether Abyss

Originally, Nagato thought it was a good thing for the relic to appear in the Three Realms again, but when he was absorbing the spiritual energy, he suddenly sensed that there was another evil spirit in the Three Realms, which made his face a little ugly.

"It's weird. Why do these qi appear again? Could it be that Wutian has broken through the seal of the Nether Abyss? The enchantment of the Nether Abyss should not disappear, and the entrance of the Nether Enchantment is completely destructive. How did it appear?"

Nagato knew that the evil spirit of the source of all evil was continuously spreading within the Three Realms, but he didn't want these evil spirits to continue to spread in the Three Realms, he wanted to completely eliminate these evil spirits.

The gods and Buddhas in Leiyin Temple all sensed this evil spirit, and they felt that Wutian had been completely suppressed by the **** of Nagato, and this should not happen.

Tang Seng asked Tathagata, and said, "Buddha, what is going on? I found that many things are capricious. Could it be that the innocence is so powerful?"

Tang Seng had begun to doubt Wutian's mana. He now felt that Wutian's mana had become so powerful that they hadn't thought of it. If Wutian and that evil spirit demon joined forces, the result would be terrifying.

"Wukong has already gone to find seventeen relics. This seat believes that he and Nagato gods can find all the relics and organize the catastrophe of the Three Realms again. Everything is fixed, and Wutian will not come out of the Nether Abyss. Perhaps this time I will die in the abyss."

Tathagata pinched a finger and said, in his opinion, if Wutian really had the ability to emerge from the Nether Abyss, he would not wait until now. The gods and Buddhas in the Three Realms felt that Wutian would not appear this time.

Nagato had promised Sun Wukong to cultivate in this fairy gas cave. Knowing that he had no time now, he flew directly towards Zhenyuanzi's Taoist temple.

Zhen Yuanzi already felt that something big would happen in the Three Realms, his face was extremely ugly, and when he was at a loss, Nagato appeared in front of him.

"God, how come you are here? You are here at the right time. I am afraid that something big will happen in the Three Realms."

"I came here, actually I came to you to ask about this. I have used my heavenly eyes to see things in front of me in the Three Realms, but I didn't observe very carefully. I just don't know if I can borrow your heaven and earth treasures for use?"

After Nagato finished speaking these words, Jin Motoko who was in front of him immediately agreed.

"What's there to borrow from this? The existence of Tiandi Baojian is for the sake of the Three Realms. It can play a destiny for the sake of the Three Realms. It is an honor for it." Zhen Yuanzi did not hesitate to take out the treasure of heaven and earth, and put the treasure of heaven and earth in front of Nagato.

Zhen Yuanzi continued to speak, "God, the power of the treasure of heaven and earth is still gathering together, everything is not as simple as expected. The power of the treasure of heaven and earth is naturally much stronger than before, and at the same time, heaven and earth Baojian needs care."

From Zhen Yuanzi's point of view, the power of Tiandi Baojian is constantly becoming stronger. At least in Nagato's view, the affairs of the Three Realms that Tiandi Baojian can detect are very clear. He opened the Tiandi Baojian directly, and in this world Inside Baojian, a dash of black appeared directly.

The black energy continued to spread and began to flow everywhere within the Three Realms, which made Nagato understand that things were not that simple.

"This time it seems that I alone can't easily alleviate this evil spirit. I think there are still many things I can do. It is to completely eliminate the evil spirit. I will never let the Three Realms become nothingness again. It was like when God first came here."

Nagato placed Tiandi Baojian directly on his body, and he decided to let Tathagata look at the contents of Tiandi Baojian.

The heaven and earth treasure mirror began to glow continuously, and he put away the heaven and earth treasure mirror. In fact, Zhen Yuanzi already knew the meaning of Nagato.

"Zhangmen, you can take this treasure of heaven and earth directly, although it doesn't matter if you use it. In addition, I want to go with Nagato to see the Buddha. I don't know if Nagato is willing to go with me? "

"This is natural and things are the same as I thought. Since I said I would take away the treasure of heaven and earth, if you go to Leiyin Temple with me, this is of course the best thing."

Nagato and Jin Yuanzi were very fast, and they both flew to Leiyin Temple, which had already set up a net.

Zhen Yuanzi knelt directly after seeing the Tathagata.

"The disciples pay homage to the Buddha."

"Be flat, this seat knows what you have done. You can assist God Nagato with all your strength, which makes this seat very pleased." The things Tathagata said are about the treasures of heaven and earth.

Nagato directly took out the treasure of heaven and earth and placed it in front of the Tathagata. ..


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