My Infinite Monster Clone

Chapter 163 1 Sword Comes from the West

'Human civilization will last forever. ’

This sentence soon spread to the capital.

Large conference room.

"A human civilization will last forever, Lin Shan is a young man with a high level of consciousness." The person sitting in the first place was full of admiration.

"Yeah, I was also shocked by his words. It can be seen that Lin Shan is not interested in worldly power at all. He is a martial idiot, a martial idiot with a strong sense of responsibility." A man wearing a Samsung military uniform The person said in a deep voice.

"Although Lin Shan's words mean that he can join the country, but he has to go his own way, which is difficult. There are so many dangers in the beast star. If he is not careful, he may perish. If such a genius is lost , that is a huge loss for our entire country." Another person worried.

"I think the main reason is that he has nothing to do on earth, his parents are dead, and none of his relatives are alive, so he turns to pursuing martial arts, and he can have a heart that is not moved by power and interests."

"It's not unconcerned, doesn't he still have two apprentices?"

"If his apprentice is for training, after his accident, he can inherit his will, or in other words, when he trains the apprentice, he is arranging the funeral."


As soon as these words came out, the conference room was silent, and it was not impossible.

After a moment.

"Anyway, let Lin Shan join the country first, and give him a formal position first, even if he has a name." The leader said.

"I agree."

"I agree."


"I agree too, but what position is better for him. He doesn't like to be disturbed by mundane affairs, and he is even more unwilling to be a firefighter in the rear, and he is not willing to manage training matters. This is a bit difficult."

"Let's make a good summation."

"I think..."


For a time, the big bosses in the capital were troubled by Lin Shan's position.

. . .

beast star.

Qinling base valley.

Lin Shan is still hunting with more than 100 people outside the valley. Since the beast star is still at night, there are not many prey wandering outside. Fortunately, it is not impossible, otherwise, he will have to go further.

More than two kilometers west of the valley.

There are more than 100 people wearing army green clothes standing in a dense line.

Opposite is a huge monster more than 20 meters long that keeps rushing forward, screaming.


Dozens of guns were constantly blazing. Under the action of the silencer, the sound could not be heard at a distance of tens of meters. The more than 100 people behind did not relax, their bullets were loaded, and they were ready to support at any time.

All the firepower of the Canglong Squadron was concentrated on the head of that alien beast.

After two days of adaptation, the members of Canglong Squadron have completely adjusted their mentality, and they are no longer nervous when dealing with alien beasts, but they do not dare to take it lightly.

Because the scales on the head of this beast are too thick.

Even the armor-piercing weapon in his hand did not penetrate.

The severe pain stimulated the alien beast to rush straight to the team, and soon the distance was only about fifty meters, and the alien beast seemed to be uninjured. The Canglong team members began to get nervous, but with Lin Shan around, they were not afraid.

Seeing the alien beast is about to rush over.

into the crowd.

Lin Shan moved.

The Heavenly Rank Soul Soldier in his hand waved lightly.

A blue-blue sword energy flashed past, with a slight sound of slashing the air, and rushed towards the alien beast. In an instant, the alien beast's limbs were cut off, and it fell to the ground without the support of its legs.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

The alien beast screamed, trying to escape.

Unfortunately, without legs, it can't stand up at all, and can only roll on the ground.


Canglong and the members of the special team behind them all swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Seeing the boundless figure of Lin Shanshan, I was very excited.

They knew that one day they would be so powerful. This is what Lin Shan said. After two days of stimulation, they suddenly discovered that their love for cold weapons was gradually higher than the firearms in their hands.

Because Lin Shan's movements are so handsome.

between fingers.

A beast that can't be killed by armor-piercing bullets with several magazines per person.

In the hands of Lin Shan.

Still can't make a move.

The strong are no longer human.

Lin Shan stepped forward with the knife and stopped five meters in front of the beast, and the others quickly followed.

"You have also seen the skin defense of this alien beast. Its head has a very strong defense. The armor-piercing weapons in your hands are basically useless. You must use large-caliber armor-piercing weapons. Weapons are also not necessarily able to penetrate the scales of the head of this strange beast.

However, you must understand one point. When dealing with alien beasts, the core of large-caliber armor-piercing weapons does not necessarily have to penetrate. Its powerful kinetic energy is the real means of attack.

Even if its scalp is hard, the huge kinetic energy needs to be endured by the skull in the end. Therefore, in the future, when you encounter such a beast in the wild, it is best not to waste your ammunition. Instead, use other weapons, such as irritating gas smoke, speed reduction nets, etc., and then as it is now. "

After speaking, Lin Shan walked to the side of the alien beast.

To the ears of the beast.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

Three shots.

The bullet passed through the ear of the alien beast and went directly into its head.

Why not hit the eyes, because the eyes of this alien beast are very special, and the armor-piercing weapon in his hand is the same as the head of the whip beast, and only cutting weapons can easily pierce it.

Lin Shan did not use a knife.

Because Canglong and they still can't learn.

Lin Shan continued to teach: "In this way, this alien beast can be killed. When you attack it in the future, you can actually use a long-range large-caliber weapon to aim at its ear, which will kill you with one blow. Now your equipment is not yet available. Complete, but it should be ready soon."

"Mr. Lin, what rank is this beast?" Zhou Xin asked curiously.

"Tier 14, it's not as good as the exotic beast meat you ate last time, but it's almost the same, as long as you insist on eating exotic beasts of this level, within a week, some of you should soon be able to break through to the first-level martial artist. "

A small part of the exotic animal meat brought back before was used for experiments, and most of them were used for Canglong. With Lin Shan around, they were already preparing to use Canglong as a key training object, and then gradually spread it.

It's just that there is a little bit of exotic animal meat. In order not to waste time, no one in their hands now has a little bit of exotic animal meat.

"After you are all first-order, you can start training cold weapons, but your main combat method is still hot weapons in the martial artist stage, and the training content is mainly marksmanship. After the next stage, you will have the self-protection of squad actions. ability."



Wu Long and the team members pulled the alien beast on the flatbed with difficulty and walked towards the door of space.

Although they are doing transportation work, they haven't fired a single shot yet, but they still enjoy it, because they also have a share of exotic animal meat to help them strengthen their bodies. Although they don't have the treatment of the Canglong Squadron that they have cultivated with all their strength, they are already very good.

. . .

Valley entrance.

The dense number of engineers quickly assembled the steel skeleton of the entire wall.

Mainly by rickshaw, the steel cages with a radius of one meter are transported to the entrance of the valley, then installed and placed according to the standard, and finally tied with steel bars to form a stable structure.

Finally, the two sides of the wall are connected vertically with special threaded steel bars up to 5 cm thick and 15 meters long to ensure the shear strength of the wall and ensure that the wall will not be broken due to the collision of foreign animals. Erect high-strength steel bars in the direction.


From the gate of space, a nearly two-kilometer-long concrete pumping pipeline extends to the outlet of the valley. Since the manual transportation of concrete is also too slow, the on-site mixing is even slower. This is the easiest way to pump.

"Bang dang... bang dang..."

The pumping pressure of the giant concrete pump press has caused the entire pipeline to vibrate and make noises. If it weren't for Lin Shan, they would not dare to do this, otherwise they would have to use flatbed trucks or human conveyor belts.

"Hey yo..."

The engineers were panting heavily, holding a long hard plastic tube and stirring it up and down in the concrete, acting as a vibrating tube to reduce the porosity of the concrete. Otherwise, if it was poured directly, there would be many voids inside.

Self-leveling concrete with high moisture content cannot be used due to the desire to harden quickly.

Twice the gravity.

Every time they stir, they will consume a lot of physical strength, and they will be tired in ten minutes. Therefore, the work here is all in shifts, doing ten minutes, resting for ten minutes, and then returning to Earth two hours later to rest for two hours, and then pick up again. replaced person.

"Wow wow..."

Concrete is continuously pumped from the pipes into the reinforced iron cage.

There are no other sounds.

On Earth, you can still chat, but here, chatting is very tiring, and it is special here, chatting is controlled by the superior, and everyone silently does the work in their hands.

"Crack clap... cluck..."

Many people followed the voice.

They saw a flatbed truck pulling a huge monster forward with difficulty. At this time, they also knew what was covered with black cloth before, these huge monsters.

due to being too heavy.

The springs of the human-powered flatbeds are pressed and rubbed hard, making loud noises. More powerful springs and shock absorbers are being produced and developed, and power vehicles without electronic components are also being manufactured.

Microphysical parameters are abnormal.

There is not much difference in macro-physics. Steam can still generate pressure, and fuel engines can still generate mechanical kinetic energy.

More than 30 people pushed the human-powered flatbed forward with difficulty. Fortunately, each wheel has a force-reducing device, similar to a jack. No matter how heavy the protection is, as long as it is not too abnormal, the wheels can be pushed forward by a simple hand crank.

For easy transportation.

A three-meter-wide road is being constructed from the space to the entrance.

Since the gate of space is only a little over two meters, the entire alien beast has been cut by Lin Shan, otherwise it will not be able to pass through.



A harsh voice came from the sky.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they all looked up.

I saw more than a dozen huge flying beasts flying from a distance, making continuous harsh sounds from their mouths.


The person in charge roared.

The soldiers turned towards the work in their hands and climbed down the stairs. This thing is obviously not good. It is so far away that the sound is so harsh. If it is close, it is estimated that the ears can't stand it.

"Quick, go under the tunnel."

Needless to say, everyone knows to run down, such a large plain, if you run to the gate of space, you are simply courting death, but fortunately, you dug a tunnel to avoid danger.

"Captain, quickly send a rescue signal."

Looking at Lin Shan's group of people who vaguely saw figures in the distance, they knew that only they could deal with this kind of thing, and the meaning above was difficult, so they sent a signal.

"it is good."

The captain quickly took out the signal gun, and saw that the flying beast in front of him suddenly accelerated, and it quickly broke the speed of sound.

"call out..."

A signal sounded, creating a slowly descending red dot above the valley.


What surprised the captain was that the flying beast at the head seemed to lose its balance, like a falling paper kite, spinning around and falling down freely, and the body of the beast passed through the wall.


No sound.


The other four beasts were startled, and their companions died inexplicably. What happened, they immediately flew up again, ready to attack for the second time, regardless of the prey below.


Just as they passed over the fence, ready to lift off.


Two cracking sounds that seemed to make the air tremble came, accompanied by a flash of light, flying over from the west.

And before that.

Two more flying beasts fell down as if they were drunk.


The corpse of the beast smashed to the ground heavily.

Because it was not far away, the captain who sent the signal saw two hilts leaking from the head of the fallen alien beast. Obviously, the flashes just now were two cold weapons.

The captain swallowed.

A sword comes from the west.

Is this the country's strongest individual force?


The cry was full of panic.

The remaining two flying beasts were directly frightened, fluttered their wings and fled quickly, and disappeared into the sky. In their big heads, they knew that this thing was definitely not good for people. If they didn't run, they would become dead souls. To read the latest chapter, please pay attention to WeChat: rdww444

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