"You **** - never forgive!"

The broken blue veins jumped violently, roaring and punching me.

"Idiot low-class bastard..."

In slow motion, I jumped up instead, stretched out my right hand in mid-air, and said coldly, "Dark thunder!"

The black grid blazes out, galloping around the enemy - this spell actually has no "damage value" but has a paralyzing effect and exhausts the stamina of living people who do not understand energy (Note 2), and it is difficult to Recover slowly on your own.

"How does it feel to lose power?"

Looking coldly at this large piece of garbage falling to the ground and twitching, I wanted to kick a few more kicks, but when I saw Moexiang rushing towards it from a distance, I gave up this happy but demeaning idea.

"Are you all right, Kim?"

Mengxiang approached and looked at me nervously: "What happened?"

"It's gone, it's gone." I added some mind manipulation magic to my eyes, causing the onlookers to leave, and then stated the facts to Moeka in an understated tone, "This idiot tried to attack me out of his own power, and then he was attacked by me. Let it go—reassure, don’t you see he’s still moving, I wouldn’t kill someone easily, so he’s fine, he’ll just lose his strength for a month or two.”

Without external assistance, it would actually be a year or two, I thought.

Knowing that I didn't kill anyone, the girl breathed a sigh of relief: "Well...but why did he attack you?"

Moexiang was deeply impressed by this bad student with a ferocious face and violent behavior, but naturally she didn't really think about Suizang's evil desires.

"This is..."

When the inspiration flashed, I thought, "It's not very good to say it!"---this is the dividing line---Note 1: It was originally a kind of magic, but this is because the two women have my "mark" in the body The innate two-way ability that hardly consumes energy, but requires a little concentration to display.

Note 2: It refers to the eruption of demon energy, manipulation of various elements, etc., and the low-level lost demon like Komiya Suizang will only change back to its original form.

Chapter 008 Dream Demon & Bai Mengxiang

"Hey? Tell me, aren't we friends?"

Mengxiang came closer: "And I'll take... uh!"

Knowing that she had made a blunder, the girl's pretty face blushed.

"Since you say so... well—"

I leaned close to Moeka's ear, sniffed the virgin fragrance and said, "Because Komiya Suizang mistook me for your boyfriend, and this guy's ambition is to 'beep-'then' Beep-' and then 'beep-', then 'beep-' and finally 'beep-'... So of course you have to run to get rid of my imaginary enemy!"

The face of the "Peng Chi" girl suddenly burned, like a bright red and cute little tomato.

"Disgusting, disgusting!"

Moexiang kicked her foot in shame—kicking Xiao Gong Suizang, who was still wriggling slightly, into the wall.

Well, although it is in the state of Mengxiang, but the power demon is not covered, not to mention the opponent is absolutely weak.

"You, you hate telling me that stuff too!"

The girl angrily blushed and turned her hands behind her back: "I'll ignore you!"

Please, it's really natural! Acting like a pair of lovers - uh, wait a minute, could it be that Omomoka in the original book actually fell in love with Aono Yueyin at first sight without knowing it? Well, at least it's "in a special favor" as it is with me now.

"Don't be angry, Mengxiang," I said with an "innocent" face, "This is what you asked me to say, and I was just stating the facts!"

"Hmph." The girl suddenly turned her head and stared into my eyes, "Then why are you blowing on my... ears...?"

Are you not natural? When did you have the black-bellied attribute! I screamed in my mind.

"Huh? When you talk, you always breathe in and out!"

I had to continue to play stupid and look at her with "sincere" eyes.

"Wow... sophistry!"

Moe Xiang was defeated by my "pure" eyes and lowered her head, but she still mumbled relentlessly.

He Qiu and Huang Quan have been together for a while, and I finally figured out some skills in interacting with the opposite **** (? So I surrendered: "Okay, okay, I'm wrong, how do you want me to compensate you?"


The girl raised her head, her eyes flashing with excitement.

"Uh...you say..."

I suddenly felt a choking in my throat, and had a bad premonition - bad, could it be...

However, Mengxiang twisted her fingers lightly, and quietly licked her pink lips with her lilac tongue: "Then... let me **** it once a day!"

This will create ambiguity! Immediately I felt something move between my legs.

Taking a deep breath and cheering myself up, I hurriedly bargained: "Even an elephant has been sucked dry by you! How about once every six days?"

"Wow...two days! Because it's really delicious!"

"Five days!"

"Three days! No more!"

"Four... Forget it, four is unlucky, three days is three days..."

I sighed, "But I have one more condition."


I adjusted my tone to be very gentle: "That is—you can't **** other people's blood!"

"Okay... Then make it up again today as your sincerity!"

Saying that, the girl jumped on me with a happy smile - "Kah po chi!"

Aono Yueyin, I will take over all your happiness and troubles, so go to **** with peace of mind! ——The dividing line of a forgotten demon——In the beginning of Hua Deng, there is an open space near the academy.

"So, Jin, how are you going to get a villa?"

Huang Quan stood against the tree holding the knife and asked with a smile, while Qiu also looked at me curiously.

"Well, I didn't have a good idea, but as long as I have this artifact..."

Saying that, I pulled out a model of a villa like a conjuration, "It's name is no longer testable, anyway, it is a toy made by some boring **** or demon, its function is to become a fully equipped, Fully functional, energy independent, luxury villa with automatic maintenance updates!”

Saying that, I injected magic power into the "artifact", and then threw it in the center of the open space—"Huuuu—"

The model is good at the wind, and you're done!

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