The cake was so delicious that it was hard to find a way out.

Qin Jiang was about to walk downstairs of Qin Yan Group with a cake in his hand, but he saw a figure walking by not far away. The figure made Qin Jiang lose his mind for a moment.

He was most familiar with his adoptive mother. She was wearing a thin coat and carrying a beautifully woven basket. The sun shone on her back, which was warm and beautiful.

Qin Jiang walked forward quickly and crossed the road to follow the figure.

He didn't dare to call his mother's name easily, let alone call her mother again, for fear of scaring her away.

It had been too long, and the child without a home was abandoned again after being abandoned... When he saw his once warm family again, his first reaction was actually nervousness, cowardice and hesitation.

He had been looking for his adoptive parents and three sisters for a long time.

But when he really felt that they were about to appear in front of him, Qin Jiang found it difficult to cross that leg.

After all, when he left, his adoptive parents' cold eyes and bad words made him almost dare not come to them again:

"Qin Jiang, you are not our blood son. Since you already have a family, don't eat and drink in our house..."

"Qin Jiang, go back to the world you should be in. We are not from the same world as you, and we can't afford to support a young master like you!"

Qin Jiang recalled that the words of his adoptive parents that seemed to drive him away were actually the only harsh words the old couple said to him in their lives.

In fact, they didn't even scold him.

They just kept reminding him that he should return to the so-called upper class society - the Qin family!

But parents, do you know that your beloved son is actually living like a weed in the Qin family?

Do you know how desperate I was when I desperately escaped from the Qin family and returned home to find that the house was empty?

That was the second time he experienced the feeling of being abandoned.

Very bitter, very painful!

But he had already experienced the third time, being persecuted to death by the Qin family.

He was very afraid of being abandoned.

At this moment, facing that familiar back, he hesitated.

Just when Qin Jiang was hesitant, he didn't notice that he had followed that back to a sparsely populated corner.

"Sister, don't you see that's Qin Jiang?"

Since Qin Xianyun, the fifth sister, was thrown into the garbage dump by Qin Jiang's people, although her self-esteem was trampled on and her personality was insulted.

But she still felt that she needed to see Qin Jiang again.

She didn't want to leave regrets in her life.

She didn't want her relationship with Qin Jiang to be tied to a knot forever!

She wanted to make up for Qin Jiang, not asking for forgiveness... just asking that she could protect him within her ability.

"Yeah, the back looks similar."

"Why is he going to the alley alone? There are all kinds of people here..."

Just as Qin Xianyun was about to step forward, she saw several burly men suddenly appear in the dark alley. They blew something directly at Qin Jiang, and then put a sack over his head skillfully, and then lifted him up horizontally and sent him to a van nearby.

The movements were smooth and flowing, and it was obvious that he often did this.

The cake in Qin Jiang's hand fell to the ground and was trampled to pieces by the men in the chaos.

Qin Xianyun was very anxious, but she knew that it would be difficult for her and her elder sister to fight these criminals who were obviously well-organized.

So, Qin Xianyun directly jumped on an unmanned motorcycle on the roadside where people got off to buy water, and turned on the ignition:

"Sister, call the police!"

"I'll catch up with them first."

This time, she will never let Jiang get into trouble! !

"No, I'm the eldest sister, I have to go in person."

"Xiaowu, don't be willful."

Qin Xianyun was about to ride away after she finished speaking. Qin Moyun was also very worried. Just as she was about to get on the car, she was stopped by the car owner: "You two stole the car in broad daylight without avoiding people?"

"Has Beijing evolved to this point now?"

Qin Moyun missed the opportunity to get on the car, and Qin Xianyun took the opportunity to ride away directly.

Qin Moyun's face was ugly, and she directly transferred 100,000 yuan to the man.

Then, she felt that her feet were nailed to the spot. Holding the phone in her hand, the anxiety and hesitation in Qin Moyun's eyes swayed in the breeze, and her heart seemed to sway in the air in an instant, unable to find a clear landing point.

In her mind, Qin Jiang forced herself to "choose one of the two", making her completely lose her dignity.

That vulgar request trampled on her pride.

Although she had criticized Qin Jiang, and suspected him of being indifferent and "helping the evil", she had never thought of really hurting her brother.

She only saw indifference in his eyes.

It was as if he had never regarded her as a relative.

At this moment, Qin Moyun's face turned pale, and he clasped his hands tightly.

The hand holding the phone trembled unconsciously.

She pressed 1, 1, 0 on the dialing key, but could not press the dial button.

If she was later, later... Qin Jiang was already involved in gambling, maybe those people were causing trouble.

He actually did something wrong, so society should give him the punishment he deserves!

If she dialed the number later, Qin Jiang could have learned a lesson and learned a lesson! !

Never dare to do it again.

Besides, it is a society ruled by law now. Those people should just want to scare Qin Jiang. Do they dare to really kill Qin Jiang?

This is absolutely impossible.

With this hesitation, Qin Moyun looked up at the Yan Group towering in the sky not far away, and finally pressed the delete button one by one on the phone.

At worst, Qin Jiang still has Miss Yan Liang.

Miss Yan will protect him, and he will not die.

But he can't avoid a lesson.

Just teach Qin Jiang a lesson.

On the other side.

Qin Xianyun rode on a motorcycle and chased the van in front of her, but she didn't dare to chase too closely for fear of being discovered.

Until the car left the city and came to an abandoned steel plant.

Qin Xianyun didn't dare to follow it any further, the target was too obvious.

She could only hide the car in the bushes first and watch the van drive into one of the largest abandoned factories from a distance.

She saw that Qin Jiang was actually dragged directly from the car to the factory by the group of people, and he was cursing and saying something during the period.

Too far away.

Qin Xianyun couldn't hear clearly, and didn't dare to alert the enemy.

I drove too fast just now, and I don't know when I lost my phone. Qin Xianyun thought silently: At least my elder sister has called the police. With the speed of the police's investigation, they can come quickly as long as they find this car, right?

In the factory.

Qin Jiang was woken up by a cup of tea. It seems that he was careless because he lost his mind when he saw the back of his adoptive mother. He didn't realize that he was being watched.

"Who are you?"

"Do you want money or people?"

Qin Jiang sat up calmly, not panicking as the kidnappers expected.

On the contrary... How come he was so calm?

"Ah! Qin Jiang, you plagiarist, you dare to touch the cake of our idol Qin Shuyun, the queen of the film. We kidnapped you not for money! But for... justice!!"

"Qin Jiang, if you know what's good for you, quickly remove the short play you plagiarized from the Internet, personally record a video to apologize to the whole network, and return our queen of the film a pure land of literature and art, otherwise..."

Qin Jiang raised his eyebrows, looking at the so-called burly men in front of him, and the corners of his lips curled up jokingly: "Who didn't pull up his pants and let you out."

"Although the brain is similar to the intestines, you can't put the things in the intestines into the brain."

"Qin Shuyun is your mother? The hybrid breed is so good, it's just like your mother's disfigured face.

She is disfigured, and you are uglier than disfigured... You didn't inherit the wrong genes!"

Qin Jiang opened his mouth and knew it!

There were ten kidnappers in total, six of whom were Qin Shuyun's die-hard fans, and the other four, judging from their behavior and professionalism, it can be seen that this is not the first time they have kidnapped people.

So, this is the lesson Qin Shuyun wants to teach herself?

She wants him to be ruined on the Internet.

In reality... Qin Jiang knows what she wants.

She wants to be disfigured, and then be kicked out of the Yan family by Miss Yan Liang after her face is damaged, so that he can never jump up again.

After all, in her opinion, all of Qin Jiang's behavior against the Qin family comes from his being too favored in the Yan family!!

He serves Miss Yan Liang very well.

But, what if he is also disfigured?

Is he still qualified to laugh at himself?

Does he still have the capital to make Miss Yan Liang bow down and pamper him?

Of course, Qin Shuyun doesn't know.

Qin Jiang is also very good in bed... He can make Miss Yan Liang be fascinated.

This is what he did with the lights off.

Even if you are disfigured, you can still be harmonious...


"Qin Jiang, you are looking for death!"

"Hey, what the hell is this, tut tut... a ring, a pink diamond ring must be very valuable, right? Give it to your sponsor? You are a pretty boy, you are very good at coaxing old women."

"Smash the ring!!"

"Leave the pink diamond to me."

The kidnapper leader knew limited information, only knowing that Qin Jiang hooked up with a rich woman, and dared to go against the movie queen Qin.

How could a rich woman have a stunning appearance and a good figure?

Of course, she must be old, ugly and fat...

And pink diamonds, precious jewelry, are all coded, and it is not easy to sell them.

Smash it, take out the pink diamond, and it will be easier to circulate it.

As the man said, he asked someone to take the hammer and hit it with a hammer! !



I can give you any amount of money, put the ring down! One hundred million, don't touch it! ! "

Qin Jiang's hands and feet were tied, and he could only kneel half-way and be held down, and his physical weakness had not yet recovered.

He tried to solve it with "money power".

But the kidnappers didn't think that a pretty boy could afford that kind of money.

He didn't even pause.

Not only did he slap Qin Jiang, he also smashed him with a hammer, twisting the ring and causing the pink diamond to fall off...


"You...are looking for death..."

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