My Iron Suit

Chapter 1016: Powerful violent zombies!

Alice had to lean down and bite her teeth and climb forward. She grabbed an iron railing on the floor with her hands. Alice could no longer control her body. The whole body was directly driven by strong air current. Leaving the ground, if the hands were firmly grasping the railings on the ground, the whole person had already been sucked into the fan and was twisted into meat!

Just as the fan turned faster and faster, Alice felt that she couldn’t support it. There was a huge explosion suddenly sounding behind her. It was still very fierce. As the hurricane’s suction disappeared instantly, Alice was sucked off the ground. The body slammed down towards the ground under the influence of gravity.

Fortunately, Alice reacted agilely, and her feet landed first, then she released her hand holding the railing and stood up from the ground.

When she turned and looked behind her, she saw that Chen Mo was sorting out his suit that was blown by the wind, and the giant turbo fan behind him had already stopped smoking, and the originally dense fan blades. At this time, most of them were blown up!

Seeing the power of the explosion, it is obviously not the grenade of the ordinary regiment. Alice’s gaze could not help but sweep over Chen Mo, and asked with amazement.

"Do you have a bomb on your body?"

Chen Mo walked toward Alice and said casually.

"High-explosive grenade."

Alice heard a glimpse of the turbofan that was completely blown up. She couldn't help but sigh the power of this "high-explosive grenades", but she didn't know that Chen Mo was throwing a high-explosive grenades, but it was not one, but a bundle. !

Chen Mo, who has a space cheater, has never lacked weapons and ammunition. If the high-explosive bomb of the steel suit is too powerful, it is possible to directly blow up the passage, and Chen Mo directly releases the high-explosive bomb!

In the control room, the middle-aged man looked at Chen Mo and Alice who had blown up the turbo fan and continued to move toward the hive, but his face could not help but be cold.

But then, his face once again showed a sneer, no hurry to continue to work, but picked up the glass and slowly drank.

After passing the turbo fan, Chen Mo and Alice quickly reached the end of the passage.

This passage is an air inlet for the hive, so there are dozens of ventilation ducts at the end of the passage that are less than one person high.

Under the guidance of the red, the two quickly entered a ventilation tube and leaned forward.

A few minutes later, the middle-aged man in the command room looked at the location of the two people on the screen, sneered and put down the wine glass, and opened the door.

"Turn on the trap!"

In the original dark ventilation duct, the lights suddenly turned on and the whole passage was illuminated. Alice and Chen Mo could not help but look at each other and be alert.

At this moment, the floor under the feet of the two men suddenly turned over to the sides, and things happened too suddenly. Alice had no time to react. The floor that was flipped in the exclamation was pushed to the dark channel hidden in the wall. In the middle, it slipped down.

However, Chen Mo’s face was not flustered, but he did not resist. He allowed the flipped floor to push him into another dark passage and slide down.

It didn't take long for Chen Mo to feel a change, but it has slipped out of the dark passage.

The next moment, Chen Mo's feet touched the ground, but he only slightly bent his legs, cushioned the impact of the fall, and then looked around.

At this time, he was trapped in a square bullet-proof glass cage connected to the dark passage. There are many neatly arranged glass cages, some empty, some are covered with blood and dead bodies!

Chen Mo raised his hand and knocked on the bullet-proof glass in front of him. He made a "bangbang" sound, which was obviously very strong. Chen Mo knew that his strength was not enough to directly break this bullet-proof glass.

Looking up and glanced at a surveillance camera not far from the corner, Chen Mo did not reveal the strength, but took out an Edelman alloy flying knife from the space!

The size of the flying knife is the same as that of the dagger. Chen Mo is in his hand and stabbed directly toward the bulletproof glass in front.


The bulletproof glass, which is enough to resist the bullet attack, is like a paper paste under the Edelman alloy flying knife. It is easily pierced by a flying knife. With the movement of Chen Mo's arm, in the sound of a "嗤!!", the bulletproof in front of it On the glass, Chen Mo directly drawn a spacious exit.

Put away the flying knife, Chen Mo lifted his leg and flew the bulletproof glass scorpion that had been cut out, then jumped out of the cage and looked at the surrounding environment, then walked toward the front exit.

Under the investigation of mind, the scenes within the range of 100 meters are in the hands of Chen Mo, and Alice does not exceed this range.

When Chen Mo walked through a few rooms with different traps and came to Alice's location, Alice was fighting a strong variant of a zombie that was two meters high.

The mutant corpse has no skin, and the strong muscles and some bones that are stained with blood are directly exposed. The position of the back spine also protrudes from many spurs, and the sharp teeth are sharp and violent.

The layers of teeth in its mouth, and the strong body are very similar to the "venom" of the transformation.

But at this time it is obviously not the time to watch the fun.

Although Alice's strength has been restored when it seems that it is still not the rival of this violent mutant zombie.

According to Chen Mo’s short observation, the strength of this mutant zombie is much stronger than that of the Werewolf in the Night Legends. It is almost three to four times the strength and speed of ordinary people. It is indeed difficult for Alice to deal with it.

Because the speed of this mutant zombie is very flexible, Alice has a hard time aiming at its brain, and the bullet hits it without much effect, so until Chen Mo arrived, she still could not change the zombie. Get rid of it.

Seeing that this mutant zombie is catching up with Alice who is avoiding it, Chen Mo directly took out the pistol and shot a bullet.


Along with the sound of the gunshots, the mutant zombie that was forced to escape from Alice’s wolf slammed a **** flower, and the head full of teeth was facing the side. The whole body knocked down under the original momentum. Several tables, and finally fell to the ground, no movement.

When Alice heard the gunshot, she knew that Chen Mo had arrived. The heart was unable to loosen. At this time, watching the chaotic zombies who had chased her for a long time, they fell to the ground, and Alice finally stopped and gasped. Turning his head and looking at Chen Mo.

If Chen Mo arrived in time, she would not be able to deal with this powerful mutant zombie!


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