My Iron Suit

Chapter 1085: The ultimate biological plan!

When he was in the company, Happi had doubts about Aldridge Kilian, and he investigated his background, including his company name.


Tony Stark flashed a cold mans in his eyes and said in a loud voice.

He can now be sure that this thing was created by Aldridge Kilian, who may be the dog of the terrorist Mandalin!

At this moment, Pepper, who had been standing aside, suddenly spoke.

“The pharmacy should be the ‘ultimate creature’ pharmacy they are developing. Today, Kilian comes to the company and wants us to join their ‘ultimate creature’ program to improve the pharmacy together!”

Tony Stark couldn't help but look at Pepper, but listened to her while continuing to say.

"According to his description, this drug can develop human brain and nerve potential, strengthen the brain repair center, and even rewrite DNA!"

"Yes! The guy who fought with me will be able to fix it soon after being injured, much faster than our self-healing ability!"

Tony Stark listened to the words of the two people and suddenly felt that what they said was a bit familiar, but for a while they couldn’t remember where they had heard.

However, with a clear goal, Tony Stark could no longer sit still, holding the information in his hand, Tony Stark directly called Jarvis and began to invade AIM's host system.

Although Jarvis of Tony Stark is much worse than the "Javier" that Chen Mo has strengthened through the fire source, it is a lot worse in terms of intelligence and other aspects, but it is already counted in the current world. It is the top artificial intelligence.

Even if it is the FBI and the Homeland Security Network, Jarvis can invade as long as there is enough time. Although the AIM host is also highly defensive, it still can't stop Jarvis' invasion. Soon, Tony Stark successfully entered the inside of AIM's mainframe and found the information he wanted!

In the company's internal secret information, Tony Stark found some videos, some of which were marked by interviews with experimental candidates. After a few clicks, Tony found that the test candidates were all disabled soldiers. Also included in the information in his hand, Chad Davis and Jack Taggate!

Some of them have broken their legs, and some have only one arm left. No one's body is sound!

In these videos, he also found Aldridge Kilian's figure. To see him, Tony Stark suddenly remembered who he really was!

That night in Bern, Switzerland, I couldn’t help but see it in Tony Stark’s mind. A beautiful and **** figure flashed in front of his eyes, but sneaked a sneak peek at Pepper, Tony, who was watching the video carefully. Stark quickly shook his head and smashed all the pictures in his mind and looked back at the man in the video.

Although the facial features are very similar to the wretched man in his memory, the temperament of the whole person has almost changed dramatically, compared with the changes before and after the captain of the US captain Steve Rogers injecting super soldiers. Tony knows that this should be the role of the unknown agent!

He couldn't help but think of what Chen Mo said before, and found something that can improve his ability. It should be referring to this potion!

Tony Stark couldn't help but wonder about the condition of the drug.

Turned off these interview videos and opened another video.

Aldridge Kilian once again appeared in the picture, and said to the opposite group of disabled soldiers who participated in the experiment.

"You used to be abandoned and crippled, but after today, you will become a pioneer and promote the evolution of mankind!..."

Listening to this inspiring speech, Tony Stark and Pepper on the side couldn't help but frown.

"Looking for the ultimate biological plan!"

Pepper suddenly said, she still remembers the self-satisfaction and excitement on the face of Aldridge Kilian when he mentioned "the ultimate creature" with Stark Industries!

Tony Stark glanced at Pepper and didn't ask much. Turn off the video and type it directly on the virtual screen in front of him.

After a new search, some new folders and videos were displayed on the screen. Tony glanced at the file name and opened a new video.

At the beginning of the video, a title is displayed on the screen.

The ultimate biological plan!

The first phase of the injection experiment!

Looking at this title, the eyes of several people on the scene did not look at the screen more seriously, and finally can see the true face of this medicine!

The picture flashed and several monitor images appeared. It seemed to be in an underground building of some years. Several young men and women wearing only shorts and underwear walked in under the guidance of several medical staff wearing white coats. It is the disabled soldiers who passed the interview before!

They were taken to a row of vertical fixtures and fixed firmly, and the enchanting sound of Aldridge Kilian in the picture also sounded.

"Well, Before I start, I can guarantee that when you look back, nothing can be more memorable than being the first person to participate in this difficult task! Today is your glory! Let us let's start!"

With Aldridge Kilian's order issued, medical staff injected an orange dose into their bodies, and amazing changes occurred.

The parts of their bodies first flowed like lava inside, giving off a dazzling orange-red glow, and Happi quickly shouted at the screen.

"That's it! The two guys were just like them at the time, and they made this kind of light!"

But the scene that happened in the next picture was the eyes that made them all shocked!

I saw the one-armed woman who had just been injected with the medicine and started to shine. Suddenly, the one-armed woman who had begun to shine suddenly screamed. At the same time, her broken left arm was melted like a whole, and it became a hot orange-red. The magma, and it quickly rushed toward the bottom!

With the rapid spread of magma, in just a few seconds, a brand new arm re-grows out, and the lava cools rapidly. The orange-red light gradually disappears, and the exposed arms and normal arms have almost no difference!

Tony Stark saw this scene, and his expression could not help but become dignified.


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