My Iron Suit

Chapter 1087: The power hidden behind you!

Thomas Richard on the ground heard the words of Mandolin and mourned the collapse of the scene, and the hearts of everyone in front of the TV could not help but smash.

Mandalin raised another finger to an old phone that was placed next to him and said slowly.

"The number of this phone is on your phone, it's amazing, how can it be saved?"

"Americans, if your president calls me within 30 seconds, Thomas will survive! Call it!"

When I heard Mandalin’s words, President Ellis couldn’t help picking up his mobile phone. After unlocking, he was surprised to find that a dialing interface was already displayed on the screen. It was showing a bunch of phone numbers. His mobile phone didn’t know anything. Time has been controlled by people!

"How did he invade my cell phone?"

President Ellis asked, screaming at the consultants around him.

The consultant’s look has also become very dignified, but it is still very sensible.

"Can't be controlled by terrorists!"

However, President Ellis did not listen to it, and took off his glasses and said quietly.

"I must make this call!"

The consultant once again persuaded him with a serious look.

"I express strong opposition!"

President Ellis stood up from his chair and said firmly.

"You can only do this now! The American people are watching in front of the TV, I can't let them down!"

As President Ellis pressed the dial button, on the other hand, the old phone next to Mandalin rang.

"Bell! Bell! Bell! Bell!..."

The bell of the old-fashioned phone rang, and Thomas Richard, who was lying on the ground, panicked his face and could not help but feel a little excitement. The people in front of the TV also felt relieved.

At this moment, Mandalin sitting in the chair did not answer the phone, but suddenly raised his hand to point the pistol to Thomas Richard on the ground, and quickly pulled the trigger!


Suddenly the gunshots made everyone in front of the TV in a hurry, and President Ellis was even more shocked.

And Mandalin, who had just shot and killed, was sitting in a chair with a calm face, looking at the camera coldly and slowly.

"The last lesson is left! Mr. President, run away and kiss your children!"

"No one, no matter the army or Iron Man, can't save you!"

"We will meet soon!"

The TV screen quickly returned to normal, but all the people who saw the live broadcast could not be calm for a long time!

Mandalin’s hot, direct confrontation with everyone in front of everyone, killed Thomas Richard, not only a direct provocation against President Ellis, but also a warning to all Americans!

Thomas Richard, who was killed in the live broadcast, is an accountant of the American Rolls-Royce Company, an American!

His murder directly stimulated the most sensitive nerve in the American mind. Today is Thomas. Will the next one be them?

Will 9·11 happen again?

Mandalin has created many explosions, although the number of people who die each time is not particularly large, but the deaths are all Americans, and the way of attack is very secret, so they can't prevent them.

They don't know if the next time, Mandalin will directly work on the rebuilt World Trade Center or the bustling business district with many other people!

After the ultimatum of Mandalin, the people of the whole United States became popular. For the last class in Mandah’s mouth, they were filled with worries!

In Tony Stark’s villa, Tony and Pepper, who had just watched Mandalin’s live broadcast, were also dignified, and Tony Stark’s eyes flashed with anger. The flame!

"Javis, find out the source of the TV signal!"

Tony Stark gave a command, and the other party did not seem to hide the signal source. Jarvis quickly found the source of the TV signal.

"Mr., the signal comes from Pakistan, the specific coordinates have been positioned!"

"Well, prepare the battle suit, I will pass now!"

Tony Stark’s frosty face is full of killings.

"Tonight, it is the death of Mandalin!"

"and many more!"

Just as Tony Stark was ready to turn to the lab coat, Chen Mo, who had been sitting on the sofa, suddenly stopped calling him.

Looking at the angry Tony Stark, Chen Mo slowly said.

"Mandarin is not the first time to invade the radio and television network. Why did the US government not find their signal source before, but this time, Jarvis can find them so smoothly?"

Under the gaze of Chen Mo's burning eyes, the angry Tony Stark gradually calmed down, Chen Mo said yes!

After seeing Mandolin’s terror warning last time, he also let Jarvis check their signal source, but there was nothing to discover, but this time it was so smooth, it seems that the other party has no meaning at all, Tony S. Tucker calmed down, naturally it was easy to think of a possibility, this is a trap!

And it is very likely to be directed at him!

"Then let us continue to be so rampant and continue to make bigger explosions?"

Almost in the trap of the other side, Tony Stark was angry and shouted loudly.

Chen Mo hated the iron and broke the steel. Tony looked at Tony Stark, who was in the excitement of the past, couldn’t help but shrink his neck, but he listened to Chen Mo’s anger.

"You stupid! A video that makes you angry and lost your senses? How can a mandarin terrorist have a technology to invade the US radio and television network and deposit the phone number into the president's cell phone!"

Chen Mo’s words made Tony Stark calm down instantly, right!

These terrorists are mostly extremists. Although they are crazy, they do not have too high technical strength. Their weapons and equipment are very backward. Most of them are armed civilians who are holding AK47 and rocket launchers and hiding in the deserted areas such as the deep forests and old forests. The combat power itself is not much high, let alone invading the US radio and television network, or even depositing the phone number into the president's mobile phone!

"There is definitely an organization behind the cutting edge of technology to support it in the dark. Who do you think will be?"

Chen Mo looked at Tony Stark with a look of sorrow and asked slowly.

Tony Stark heard the words and turned his head to look at the virtual screen that was floating in front of him. At the corner of the picture, the eye-catching "AIM" logo made his eyes suddenly bright and excited.

"AIM! That's right! It must be that they support Mandalin in the back! They not only provide him with a humanoid bomb, but also help him invade the radio and television network and carry out terrorist threats!"


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