My Iron Suit

Chapter 1099: Pepper is gone!

Before Happi, he played with Eric Severn and saw the power of the desperate creatures. He had personally felt the power of Alan Bright, and knew that he could never compete, even if he added Pepper. It can't be the opponent of the three people!

But until now, he will not sit still.

"Call Tony, I will drag them!"

Happi whispered towards Pepper behind him, and then pushed straight out of the door and went out alone to meet the three people coming in front!


In the back seat of the car, Pepper heard that Happi wanted to stop, but it was already late.

Looking at Happi from the car, striding forward toward the enemy in front, Pepper could not help but anxious, when he even wanted to help, but remembered that Happi had just whispered her, and immediately paused.

Just a series of performances by Alan Brett, she is also in the eyes. These three people are obviously the "ultimate creatures" of Aldrich? Kilian, and the strength of any one of them must be Above her, she can't help any more now, but it's better to call for support!

In the end, rationality took the upper hand. Pepper bite his teeth and stopped looking at the outer Happi. Instead, he quickly picked up the dropped mobile phone from the ground by the cover of the seat and gave Tony a fight!

But soon, Pepper's face changed, and the number just dialed out and hangs up automatically!

Pepper quickly looked over the top of the screen.

no signal!

Pepper's heart couldn't help sinking. The other party was obviously prepared, using equipment to shield the cell phone signal in this area in advance, so that they could not ask for help!

The other party seems to have made a careful plan, and each step of their reaction is in the expectation of the other party!

Thinking of this, Pepper's heart could not help but burst into a cold, the feeling of being calculated is not good!

But soon, Pepper calmed down.

Since you can't ask for help, you can only rely on yourself!

Pepper immediately stopped hiding in the car and dropped the phone that was no longer used. Pepper pushed the door directly and went out!

Even if she is at an absolute disadvantage, she has to fight with Happi!

But standing outside the car, Pepper found that she had imagined that Happi’s fierce battle with an enemy three did not happen.

The red-haired woman Alan Bright, who had just been taken out from the roof, was standing quietly in front of the car, looking at her with a look of affection, and at the foot of Alan Bright, she got off the bus first. The skin has now fallen to the ground, people do not know!

Tony Stark's personal bodyguard, Happi, who has been reinforced by the improved super soldier's serum, was solved with a face-up!

At this time, Happi lay on his back on the ground. On his majestic belly, there was a big hole with a thick arm. The edge was black and white, and the white smoke inside, the white inside. The shirt is red with a large piece!


Pepper couldn’t help but exclaim, and Happi on the ground lay there with his eyes closed and nothing to do with Pepper’s voice!

Alan Bright looked at the anxious Pepper, sneer.

"Miss Pepper, Mr. Kilian wants to see you, please let us go!"

Pepper looked at Allen Brett with a look of anger and anger.

"Hugh think!"

Allen Brett heard a cold face and said coldly.

"This is not for you! Grab her!"

When Alan Bright’s voice just fell, Pepper felt that his arms were being caught from behind at the same time. She tried hard to struggle, but found that the two hands were like pliers and firmly fixed her arm. Get up, let her make the effort to eat milk, and can not earn points!

But the other two people wandered around the car early, surrounded the car with Alan Bright and cut off her back road to prevent her from running away.

Seeing that Pepper was struggling after they were caught by them, Alan Bright immediately stepped forward, and in the gaze of Pepper's anger, a hand knife fell on her neck. Pepper only felt black. Then I was unconscious.

Stunned Pepper, Alan Bright showed a smug smile on his face, then glanced at the other two, Shen Sheng said.

"Take her, let's go!"

After Allen Brett finished, he turned and walked toward the guardrail on the side of the road. The other two, one of them, put Pepper on his shoulder, and followed Alan Brett’s guardrail near the beach. Going over.

Nearly one meter high of the guardrail, the three people easily turned over with a light leap, and then climbed down the steep cliffs with steep slopes, and then they went down to the seaside at the bottom of the cliff.

Jumping between the reefs, the three finally stopped on a reef a few tens of meters from the sea.

Standing on the edge of the reef, Alan Brightt pulled out a remote control from his body and operated it. Soon, a few meters away from the reef, a long black shadow gradually emerged under the blue water!

As the shadow became more and more obvious, in the end, the sea water surged and split from the middle. A black submarine more than ten meters long broke through the sea and floated up!

When the submarine was fully up, Alan Brett jumped up and crossed the distance of a few meters and landed on the submarine. The rest of the two followed, with the unconscious Pepper. Boarded the submarine.

Alan Bright also operated on the remote control, and the door above the submarine automatically opened The three men sneaked in.

Soon, the submarine's hatch was closed again, and the submarine re-sneaked into the sea. The shadow of the submarine in the sea disappeared completely, and no trace of them could be found on the sea!

Just as the submarine disappeared with Pepper, the road, the Happi lying on the ground is changing!

The blood hole on the belly of Happi, which was shot by Alan Bright, with a punch of three thousand degrees of high temperature, has stopped bleeding. The **** flesh around the blood hole is slowly creeping and falling down. The fresh tender meat below was revealed, and the intestines that were pierced in the stomach were slowly healed.

Ten minutes later, the big hole of the original arm thickness became smaller and smaller, and finally finally healed completely. The black-blooded shirt was shattered under the hole, revealing the white skiing belly!

As the injury recovered, Happi, who was in a coma, quickly woke up and opened his eyes. Happi stood up and stood up from the ground, looking at him with a vigilant look, but soon he discovered that they were attacking them. The three "ultimate creatures" have disappeared.

Happi did not relax because of this, but quickly turned to look at the car behind him.

Looking at the open car door, there is no one in the back seat of the car, Happi's face is suddenly changed!

Pepper is gone!


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