My Iron Suit

Chapter 1102: Kidnapping the president!

"Daddy, have you found the trace of Pepper?"

Just standing on the ground, Tony Stark asked anxiously toward Chen Mo.

"They left from the sea. I have let Jarvis use satellites to search for the surrounding ships."

"I am also looking for it!"

Although Tony Stark knew that the search speed of the satellite was definitely much faster than him, he couldn’t help but vacate and searched at sea!

But in the end, neither the satellite nor Tony Stark could have found anything!

Even the fastest speedboat, the speed will not exceed 200 kilometers per hour, and at this time the attack occurred only ten minutes, the attacker escaped only a few dozen kilometers, and Jarvis was around two hundred. The range of kilometers was all investigated, even if they were riding supersonic aircraft, they could not escape this range, but in the end they did not find any traces!

For this result, Chen Mo is not surprised!

Judging from the overall performance of the attack before the other party, their plans are very thorough, the whole attack process is rapid and secret, and the evacuation method after the success will certainly be prepared.

In fact, Chen Mo can probably guess the way they use it. The sea is hard to hide. They are most likely to use submarines.

Due to the special environment in the sea, the radar cannot be used and can only be detected using sonar.

The steel warrior is not equipped with sonar. The only sonar detection range on the Mark 37 for submarine operations is very small. When they find high-power sonar from other places, the submarine has already ran out. The detection range.

Moreover, sonar detection also has great weaknesses. If the submarine used by the other party is less noisy than the ocean background noise and is attracted, then it is difficult to find their tracks whether it is passive sonar or active sonar!

Looking at Tony Stark's figure flying in the distance, Chen Mo said to him through the communicator.

"Tony, come back!"

Tony Stark did not stop.

"No, Dad, I must find Pepper!"

Chen Mo can fully understand Tony's mood, but it is obviously useless to worry in front of him. Tony can use emotions, but he must be calm.

"They grabbed Pepper to threaten us, so Pepper will not be in danger in a short time. What we have to do now is to wait patiently. They will naturally come out. When we get there, we can find a way to save Pepper! ”

Chen Mo’s words still played a role. In the end, Tony flew back, but his mood was very low.

Tony Stark used to be a playboy. But since he was with Pepper, he completely changed his temper. The relationship between the two is very deep. At this time, Pepper is kidnapped, and he naturally won't feel good.

But he also knows that Chen Mo is right. Kilian grabbed Pepper to threaten them. Before he reached the goal, Pepper was safe!

The search failed, and everyone immediately returned to the villa until the afternoon of the same day, Tony received a call from Aldridge Kilian!

"Hey, Tony, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that your favorite Pepper is gone. Don't worry, she is here."

Kilian’s tone was filled with smugness and ridicule, and Tony Stark couldn’t help but frown, and his eyes flashed a bit of coldness. At the same time, his hand was constantly operating on the virtual projection in front of him, trying Track the signal orientation of the phone.

"Are you checking the signal source, don't be busy, I can tell you directly, the call is from Pakistan. Of course, I am not there! Well, this is actually a recording! Want to see me, you need to help me. Only one thing is done."

Tony Stark stopped his movements and looked at the positioning on the virtual screen in Pakistan. The brow wrinkled deeper.

This guy is so embarrassing!

At this moment, Kilian's cold voice rang in the phone.

"Three days later, the President will fly from Washington to San Francisco on Air Force One. If you want to save Pepper, you will exchange it with the President! You only have one chance. If you don't see the President, I will let you see her." Being blown into pieces!"


The phone was hung up, Tony Stark was angry and his eyes shot a murderous light, but there was no way to take Aldridge? Kilian, at least for now, he didn’t even know where Kilian was hiding. !

After a long time, Tony calmed down, but the cold light in his eyes was even worse.

"It seems that I can only use the US president to exchange for Pepper!"

Next to Happi, he looked at Tony with a shocked look. He didn't think it was a good idea. Let's not say if he can save Pepper. What should he do in the future?

Taking the US President from the Air Force No. 1 is no different from the terrorists. The US government and the military will never let him go. Even Chen Mo estimates that he can't keep him!

Happi quickly advised.

"Tony, don't be impulsive! There are definitely other ways!"

As he said, Happi quickly looked at Chen Mo, hoping that he would also persuade Tony.

Chen Mo immediately looked at Tony, who was decisive, and said slowly.

"Happi is right, can't be impulsive!"

Happi heard Chen Mo’s words and nodded again and again.

Tony usually listens to Chen Mo’s words, and he stops. Tony should not make impulsive things.

However, Happi was just happy for a while, but Chen Mo continued to say But the Air Force No. 1 still has to go, I will accompany you! ”

Happi heard the words suddenly stiffened there, and turned his face to Chen Mo with an incredulous look. He wondered if he had just got it wrong. How did Chen Mo, who has always been wise, be as impulsive as Tony?

Even Tony Stark looked at Chen Mo with a strange look. He thought that Chen Mo would stop him and even prepare for the sneaking. He did not expect Chen Mo to support his decision and go with him!

Tony naturally knows the great influence of kidnapping the president. Not only will he become a terrorist himself, but even the Avengers Alliance may be implicated, but in order to save Pepper, he has not taken care of it!

In the face of the bizarre look of the two, Chen Mo said with a calm face.

"It is not important that we do not grasp the president. What is important is that let Kilian think that we have seized the president!"

When he heard Chen Mo's words, Happi looked stunned, but Tony Stark quickly reacted. First, he was bright, but then he looked at Chen Mo and asked with uncertainty.

“Is it okay? Will it be seen?”

"Reassured, I am sure!"

When he heard Chen Mo say this, Tony Stark couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


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