My Iron Suit

Chapter 1104: The president on the road!

When President Ellis learned that Kirian threatened Tony Stark to break into the Air Force No. 1 and kidnapped him, his heart could not help but be shocked.

When Mandalin made a final threat to him on TV broadcasts, he didn't really worry too much. After all, with the defense level of the president, it is almost impossible to kill him!

But if it is Iron Man, the situation is different!

It was better on the ground and the defense was very strict. The White House where he lived had multiple air defense defense networks and underground refuge facilities. Even Iron Man could easily break into it.

However, although Air Force One has anti-nuclear and anti-missile systems, there is no problem in dealing with missile attacks, but there is no resistance to Iron Man!

If things really develop as planned by the Kilian plan, his American president is really likely to fall into the hands of Mandolin!

But soon, President Ellis calmed down.

In the face of a powerful commander and Iron Man, if the other party really wants to be against him, the secret service personnel on the plane will have no effect at all, and watching Chen Mo’s performance is not like kidnapping him. Look like that.

The most important thing is that, in the identity and information of Chen Mo’s identity and the great achievements he has made for mankind since World War II, President Ellis believes that he will never be threatened by terrorists. He really takes him. This American president is going to change people!

In this case, Chen Mo and Tony Stark appeared here, obviously not only to tell him this thing!

In order to understand the current situation, President Ellis quickly relaxed and looked at Chen Mo in front of him, and said with a serious face.

"Lord of Commander, please let me know if there is anything I need to help!"

Seeing that President Ellis was on the road, Chen Mo also saved his strength and immediately said his request.

"I need you to cut off all communications from Air Force One and keep the signal silent for at least an hour!"

President Ellis quickly understood the meaning of Chen Mo, this is to create the illusion that he was attacked, temporarily enchanted Kilian, and then took advantage of this time to save Pepper!

For Mandalin, a terrorist who threatened him many times on television and had a very bad influence on his reputation, President Ellis naturally hated it. When he learned that Mandalin was only the hand of Kilian, he even more It was the transfer of this anger to Kilian's body!

"No problem! I will try to delay for a longer time!"

President Ellis said with a serious look, as long as he can kill the **** terrorists, he will play with a missing one. As for the people on the ground command, he will not be so mad, he will not be able to control it!

As for the security issue of Air Force One after the signal was interrupted, President Ellis was not worried.

Even if all the external information including Air Force One including GPS positioning is completely interrupted, the ground command center can still track the position of Air Force One in real time through satellite.

When the Air Force No. 1 traveled, air traffic control was carried out near the flight route. No other aircraft appeared. In addition, satellite real-time monitoring, as long as it is not too far from the route, there is no need to worry about the collision of the aircraft. what is the problem.

President Ellis’s reaction, Chen Mo, is in his eyes. It seems that Kilian has offended the president. If he thinks about it, whoever is threatened by a terrorist on TV all day, clamoring to give him a “class”, he is not in the mood. It will be good, not to mention Ellis, the president who stands at the peak of American power!

Looking at President Ellis, who seems to be preparing to let the Air Force lose contact with him for a few hours, Chen Mo said slowly.

"One hour is enough!"

Chen said that the Air Force lost contact with the No. 1 and the ground command will definitely respond immediately. President Ellis has been able to delay an hour.

Aldridge Kilian naturally knows the impact of the abduction of the US president. The entire state machine will definitely work hard to find and rescue the president.

With Chen Mo’s understanding of him now, he has no nights and long dreams. He will definitely complete the public execution of the president in the name of Mandalin as soon as possible, and push the responsibility of killing the president to the super terrorist of Mandolin. .

And he can continue to stay out of the way, work with the vice president to complete his control plan, control the United States!

The longer the delay in the middle, the worse it is against Kilian, so an hour is enough!

Subsequently, President Ellis took the phone directly at his desk and personally ordered it to cut off all links between the Air Force One and the outside world.

Although the personnel on the Air Force No. 1 plane were puzzled, they were executed according to the president's order. The network, radio communication, GPS positioning, and all Air Force No. 1 contact with the outside world were all cut off.

Air Force One lost all contact with the outside world!

After Jarvis confirmed that all signals have been interrupted, no one can know the situation inside Air Force One, Chen Mo nodded to President Ellis, and even with Tony Stark flashed in front of the president .

President Ellis looked at the two people who disappeared in an instant, and soon became relieved after being surprised.

Even the Protoss and the aliens have appeared, and the special ability to move instantly is not a big deal!

Just after Chen Mo and Tony Stark disappeared, the door of the president’s office was suddenly pushed open, and the president’s chief of staff rushed in with a few Secret Service agents. Watching President Ellis safe and sound Sitting there, the look of a few people's face was a loose, and the chief of the staff quickly asked me.

"Mr. President, what happened? You just ordered the interruption of all signals from Air Force One!"

When President Ellis had ordered it, the staff members were still confused according to the regulations, but they also reflected the situation.

After the chief of staff, the first reaction was that Mr. President had an accident, even if he quickly rushed into the president’s office with a few Secret Service agents!

But now it seems that Mr. President has nothing to do, but his order to interrupt all communications is still incomprehensible.

President Ellis looked at his chief of staff and nodded lightly.

"Yes, the order was issued by me. The reason is not to be said for the time being. You will know later."

After President Ellis finished, he did not look at the incomprehensible chief of the curtain, but turned to look at the Secret Service agent standing at the door and asked.

"You have been in the outside room just now?"

An agent replied in a positive color.

"Yes, Mr. President!"


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