My Iron Suit

Chapter 1108: Transformed!

When Pepper was flying in super-high-speed armor, Aldridge Kilian and Tony Stark, who were fighting fiercely, also noticed.

The two men slammed into each other and immediately retired. This time, the two did not rush to continue the attack, but looked at Pepper's original location.

Soon the two found that Pepper was gone!

Looking at the ultra-high-speed armor that disappeared quickly in the night sky, it is clear that the disappearing Pepper should be in the set of armor that left!

Realizing that Pepper had escaped, Aldridge Kilian’s face could not help but be angry. Pepper was not only a threat to Tony Stark’s handle, but also a woman in his heart who never forgets!

Angry Kilian couldn’t help but look at Alan Bright, who was responsible for guarding Pepper. A group of desperate creatures couldn’t see a piece of Pepper, let her escape in a war suit, and what use would be for her!

Soon he found Alan Bright in front of President Ellis, but what she said next was to puzzle Kilian.

After discovering that Pepper was rescued by President Ellis, Alan Bright quickly surrounded him with a group of desperate creatures around him.

"What the **** are you?!"

Looking at President Ellis, who was standing there, Alan Bright said evilly.

A group of desperate creatures all looked at him fiercely, and seemed to be rushing to tear him into pieces at any time.

Surrounded by dozens of desperate creatures, the face of President Ellis was not flustered. He looked at Allen Brett with a cold-eyed look, but his body suddenly changed!

The height was slightly higher, and the slightly obese body quickly became more healthy. The appearance of the middle-aged man was also rapidly changing. Soon, a sharp and angular face appeared in front of everyone!

When Alan Bright saw this face, his heart could not help but shake!

This face is very strange to many people, but she has seen it!

A few days ago in Los Angeles, when she used a telescope to look at Tony Stark Villa in the distance, she saw this person in front of the villa.

Tony Stark's villa is not for anyone to go!

Combined with the information at the time, she easily inferred the identity of this person!

He disappeared for half a year, and just recently appeared to destroy their bomb attack, and killed Erik Savin's strongest superhero, commander!

Recognizing Chen Mo, Alan Brett couldn’t help but hesitate. After all, the commander’s name is too big. Even under the intensification of the desperate virus, he has a powerful power far beyond ordinary people. Facing the legend of Chen Mo Xeon is still there, she still can't help but feel a little worried!

Not far from Tony Stark, watching President Ellis become Chen Mo, his face is awesome, it turns out!

No wonder he always felt that something was wrong. It turned out that the former president was actually disguised by the old man!

This makes sense!

Let the president cooperate with them to act, create the illusion that the president was taken away by them, and then pretend to appear as the president. Sure enough, let Kilian relax their vigilance, and when he fights with Kilian, he unexpectedly rescued Pepper!

Or the plan of the old man is perfect, he chooses to believe that he is right!

As for the deformation ability exhibited by Chen Mo, Tony Stark had some accidents, but he accepted it very quickly.

In the eyes of Tony, Chen Mo has always been omnipotent. Just as he knows, Chen Mo has mastered the super soldier's serum, self-healing ability, power and teleportation, and the suspected space ability to change the object out of thin air. There is nothing unacceptable for a transformational ability!

In fact, Chen Mo's ability to transform is rarely used because it is very cumbersome to use.

This is not a change of mind that can be changed when you think about it. It is done with the fine control of every muscle, tissue and cell in the body. Under the subtle control of consciousness, you need Chen Mo himself to control a little, very complicated. .

If you are not worried that direct hands-on may cause Pepper to be injured, Chen Mo will not spend this effort!

"Daddy! I know you can do it!"

Looking at Chen Mo, who completely changed back to his original appearance, Tony Stark shouted excitedly, completely forgetting that he had once suspected that Chen Mo had deceived everyone and seized President Ellis into the battle suit!

Kirian, who stood opposite Tony, also witnessed the whole process of the transformation of President Ellis. When he understood it, he was played!

From the words of Tony Stark, he also heard the identity of Chen Mo, who was called the old man by Tony Stark, the commander of the Avengers Alliance!

Kilian looked at Chen Mo, who was surrounded by a group of ultimate creatures, and his face was extremely hateful!

Seeing his ultimate plan to be successful, the result is now a loss!

If Tony and Chen Mo can't be left today, waiting for them will be a full-scale encirclement of the US government and the military!

However, he has not completely failed, he also has the vice president's card!

Just kill them all, kill them, and then find a way to solve the president as soon as possible, let the vice president hurry up, everything is still too late!

Immediately, Kilian looked at Chen Mo’s eyes and became full of killing!

"Give me all together! Kill him!"

With Aldridge Kilian slamming the ultimate creatures surrounded by Chen Mo immediately screamed toward Chen Mo.

They didn't know Chen Mo's identity. Naturally, there was no fear. Only Alan Bright was slower than others and stayed behind.

Kirian’s order she did not dare to defy, but she was equally fearful in the face of the commander.

She clearly remembers that Eric Severn died in the hands of the commander, and she did not want to follow his footsteps!

Chen Mo looked at the hot red glow of the rushing ultimate creatures, but did not directly greet them, but released their own Edelman alloy battle suits and quickly dressed up.

With his skill, although this high temperature can not pose a threat to him, but it is inevitably burned by the temperature, he has no masochistic hobbies, or is comfortable wearing a war suit.

Chen Mo and a group of desperate creatures soon fought together. Chen Mo did not use weapons, but he fought with them so hard!

Although the number of desperate creatures is large and powerful, Chen Mo is not too embarrassed to deal with it.

After all, whether it is speed or strength, his strength is much stronger than these desperate creatures!


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