My Iron Suit

Chapter 1129: Old lover!

Pepper and Happi, who had come back one step earlier, had been waiting here for a long time, and saw Chen Mo and Tony finally return, and they hurried forward.

Pepper quickly found the suit Tony usually wore in many steel suits. When she found that Mark 42's external armor was severely damaged, her face couldn't help but rushed up anxiously, lightly Caressing the broken armor, he asked worriedly.

"Tony, are you okay?"

However, on the 42nd, Mark just looked down at her strangely and did not speak.

Pepper couldn't help worrying about it. Should he have suffered a severe impact on his brain? Amnesia?

Just as Pepper was worried, Tony Stark's familiar voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Hey! Dear, I'm here!"

Pepper turned around and looked around, but saw that a large armour that was two meters and five feet high was opening quickly. Tony Stark jumped out of the battle jacket with some effort, rubbing the area between the legs. , While walking towards her somewhat awkwardly.

Pepper had a happy look at Tony, but he frowned when he saw Tony's vulgar and indecent movements. When Tony walked up to her, opened his arms and hugged her, he fled and hid. Drive away.

Tony Stark held an empty space, stood there with some awkward arms raised, then turned to look at Pepper with a look of disgust, and said dissatisfied.

"Hey, Pepper, is that how you deal with heroes who risked your life?"

Pepper crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Tony angrily.

"If I remember correctly, it was my dad who rescued me. You seemed to be entangled by Killian!"

Tony said quickly.

"I was acting, to help you distract! As soon as you leave, I quickly gain the upper hand!"

Pepper, unsure, turned to point at Mark 42 and asked.

"Oh? Really? So can you tell me how the wound on this suit came from?"

Tony Stark looked at the broken armor on Mark Forty-two, and even he found it hard to believe.

However, the cowhide has been blown out, which involves his dignity as an Iron Man, and he can't recognize it anyway!

"Uh, those injuries, that was caused by the siege when I was hunting down dozens of ultimate creatures by myself, but in the end I killed them all! The ultimate creatures that died in my hands were killed by my father. many!"

Seeing Pepper's disbelief, Tony Stark yelled into the air immediately.

"Jarvis, show her the record just now!"

"Okay sir!"

With the sound of Jarvis's voice, a flash of blue light flashed, and a holographic virtual projection appeared in front of the two in a vacuum.

Commander, kill the ultimate creature * 24! Killian * 1!

Iron Man, kill the ultimate creature * 11! Ordinary person * 6!

Jarvis, kill the ultimate creature * 21!

Looking at the record displayed on the holographic screen, Pepper looked at Tony with a strange look.

Tony Stark looked at the record of "Jarvis" in the last row, and almost spit out old blood!

He couldn't help but think, it seems that Jarvis's intelligence level needs to be improved, and he needs time to upgrade it again!

"Javies, you and the Iron Legion were both made by myself. Shouldn't your record be counted on me?"

Tony Stark said angrily.

"As you wish, sir!"

As Jarvis's voice fell, the forms on the holographic screen flickered, and the content changed a bit.

Commander, kill the ultimate creature * 24! Killian * 1!

Iron Man, kill the ultimate creature * 33! Ordinary person * 6!

Tony Stark nodded with satisfaction, and turned his head proudly at Pepper.

Pepper looked at Tony's shameless look in shock and couldn't help talking.

"Do you think I was blind or deaf?"

Just as Tony Stark wanted to continue to defend himself, another woman's voice suddenly sounded.

"Tony Stark, I didn't expect you to be so brazen!"

Pepper turned to look, but saw a beautiful woman with a slender, **** body full of intellectual breath, looking at Tony with a grimace.

It was Maya Hanson who had just come down from Igor's armor with the help of Chen Monianli!

Maya Hanson was already angry at the previous bad behavior of Tony Stark who wanted to give her to Phil Coulson, and at this moment saw him so shameless and couldn't help but slam.

Pepper saw such a big, unfamiliar beauty following Tony and they returned to the villa, and he couldn't help turning to look at Tony Stark and asked in confusion.

"Who is this?"

Seeing Pepper asking, Tony Stark had no choice but to bite his head and replied easily.

"This is Maya Hanson, a botanist.

Pepper didn't care about Tony's bragging immediately, turned to look at Maya Hanson, and said politely with a smile.

"Sorry, I didn't expect a guest to come."

Tony Stark gave Maya Hanson a white look and said politely.

"She's not a guest!"

Pepper heard it, showing a meaningful smile, watching Tony say.

"That's the old lover? Not bad!"

Tony was embarrassed by Pepper and quickly shook his head to deny it.

"Not even!"

Seeing Pepper's misunderstanding, Maya Hanson quickly explained.

"No, I have no feelings for him, at best, um, a clear night!"

Tony Stark couldn't hide it at ~ and gave Maya Hansen a stern glance, breaking the jar and breaking, pretending to be generous.

"Yes! One night clear!"

Pepper was not angry when she heard the words. In fact, when she was Tony's personal assistant, she had never seen Tony and various beautiful women.

What happened in the hotel was not counted, all the women who spent the night in the villa were sent away by her help. She couldn't understand the glorious history of Tony Stark's Playboy. Naturally, she wouldn't be angry because of that, but turned her head He looked at Tony and said with a smile.

"One of the feats, right?"

Everything is clear, Tony Stark has no guilty conscience, and said that the dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"Yes, that night was really great!"

Pepper gave Tony a white look, and turned to look at Maya Hanson, but said helplessly.

"Fortunately, you didn't jump into the fire pit."

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